Good news

Good news from MARJON!

Renowned directors and producers of enormously successful animated films such as Chicken Run and Curse of the Were Rabbit will be presented with honorary degrees from the University of Exeter at the graduation ceremony of University College Plymouth St Mark & St John. The ceremony takes place on Friday 16 November at the Plymouth Pavilions when over 500 graduates will be presented with their degrees. Read more.

Congraduation for Abang Amir and Kak Fiza.

Kak Fiza, selamat walimah ^_^

Why geeks shall inherit the earth?

  1. Simply because, geeks are rich. Namely Bill gates, and now, young Max Levchin. Anyone rajin (hardworking) enough to analyse Forbes’ list? Let’s share them here. 
  2. Although some geeks are dropouts (obviously the system bores them to death), but they are successful. (If the term ‘geek’ is created in 1847, then Thomas Alva Edison is one). More stories of successful dropouts, here.
  3. Geeks contribute a lot to the society. Inventing gadgets contributing ideas each day. In plain English, geeks improve other’s life.

You have more points? I believe you do. Caruk (write/ point out/ state) them in the comment box.


Of cake and drive

What is the reason you wake up everyday? Drives lets you sail the life. Sometimes you don’t even realise that it gets you going naturally. So the famous quotation “That’s why I let the fate takes me wherever it wants to go”.

Yesterday, unbelievably, I baked a cake. Devil’s food cake it is called. Laugh hard if you want to but it’s tempting once you saw it. Oh, it drives me good, after loose 22 years of baking instant mixtures. I can be jealous of Farah’s talent, bragging her delicious juicy chocolate strawberry cake (or is it strawberry chocolate cake? idk). I can be jealous of Nisa for entering cake competition and knowing the right weigh and right method of baking. I can be jealous of Alin who memorise the whole cake bible. But I don’t. After 22 years, I baked a cake from scratch although I failed miserably, but I’m proud.

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Salam, peace. I jumped into the bandwagon. Like Nadiah (Newcastle) said, it’s addictive. At first, I said “hurm, not another friendster thingy. it’s artificial and boring”. However, Facebook is different. It’s much organised, promise me much privacy and keeps me connected with my university college (FYI: finally MARJON is a university college).

Firstly, I read Kriskhaira’s entry on “Another reason why Facebook rocks“. Finally an internet company recognizes Palestine.

Then I signed up with Facebook.

On my first day, I am stumbling here and there and feel like a baby practicing how to walk. But it was great. I am hooked with the Grafitti.

Then few days later, I read Jeff Ooi’s writing on C|Net about Facebook. If you wish to read it, please do so here.

Today, Joseph Scott says that Facebooker can link their WordPress with Facebook.

Is there any reason why I shouldn’t join Facebook? Have you? Allow me to add you 😀

Book review: Ayat-ayat cinta, verses of love.

Bismillah. In the name of Allah. Peace to be upon you. I hope you are blessed with the barakah of health and iman (faith). For a week, I was away and did not manage to access the internet. Alhamdulillah. I am at my hometown and managed to write an entry.

For those who are seeking to read good books this summer, I would suggest you to read this entry because I just finished read an Indonesian novel entitled “Ayat-ayat cinta” or literally means “verses of love”. The cover itself already interests me. I am not familiar with the author actually (Habiburrahman El Shirazy). So, somehow, I have judged the book by its’ cover. Ops! I wonder who is the owner of the beautiful eyes. Subhanallah! (All praises to Allah). Many have written reviews for this great novel looks like I’m the latecomer!, but still, I insist to write it so that I can find calm in my heart. Heheh. I have finished read other books but this is the one that makes me feel uneasy if I don’t write a book review about it. Continue reading

Cerpen: Naskhah untuk Nadia

Sebuah panggilan jarak jauh antara bandar New York dan London. Perbezaan waktu sebanyak 8 jam, tidak membataskan perbualan dan hubungan.

“You sayang I lagi tak?” tanya Ari.

“Sorry. But things are not same like before” tegas Nadia.

“Tapi you cakap you nak tunggu I! I dah beli pun cincin untuk you,” Ari mengingatkan Nadia.

“Sape suruh you tanya soalan macam tu. Tapi bagus juga you tanya. Takkan I nak tipu you macam you tipu I” Nadia membalas tempelak Ari dengan tegas.

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