Collective dynamic of the small world network

Although the theory sounds very complex but actually the idea is very simple, collective dynamic of the small world network theory or six-degree-separation, is where you bounce to the people that you know, either when you’re travelling or as soon as you step out of your house.It’s not just a chance but scientifically proven. Further reading: Watts, D. J. (1999). Small Worlds: The Dynamics of Networks Between Order and Randomness.


Last Thursday I went to PPUM to get my backbone x-rayed and I met with the person that I met once. I forgot her name but I sure do remember her face.

Me: Puan pernah pergi IPBA ke?

Puan: Last year ada juga sekali sekala. Tapi tahun ni tak pernah. Tapi memang saya kerja dengan kementerian.

Me: Oh ye ke. Muka puan sangat familiar. Ingatkan jumpa di IPBA, tapi tahun lepas saya takde kat IPBA. Saya ada kat UK.
Puan: Oh, you kat mana? Portsmouth?

Me: Oh now I remembered! You went to MARJON right?

Puan: It’s a small world after all. 🙂

then we continue our conversation in English. haha. Poyo lak rasa. lol.

You see. Out of nowhere, a single meeting, and I met her again in Malaysia. She does not do her check up regularly. Three months once. And she’s residing in Putrajaya. What a serendipity. Seriously I’m glad to meet her as she is a very nice lady. gave me loads of advice. She’s retired yet still wanted by MOE (on contract basis).

Then I met IPBA’s Germany lecturer who wanted to x-ray her backbone as well. Then I met Mr. Ng while waiting at the pharmacy (the queue was extended till the tunnel) and he offered me a ride to IPBA, but I chose to wait for my medicines (which in the end I found out that they only gave me paracetamol and minyak angin. I’ve wasted my precious one hour).

So, that’s how they can find Obama is related to Pitt while Hillary is related to Jolie. Hence, everytime you go somewhere, be mentally prepared that you’re going to meet with someone you know, or someone you really don’t want to meet (like your boyfriends’ ex for example).

Say “Hi!”


[X is my schoolmate. Last night, someone used X’s yahoo messenger’s id. I suspect it was her boyfriend.]

X: maaf ye..X da takde..dier da lame ilang2..dier da mulekan hidup baru..kami keje gaduh2 je..abg k hensem paling penting dlm hidup dier..biarlah kami cmni sampai bile2..maaf la ganggu2 awk..maaf..maaf..maaf..maaf..maaf..maaf..maaf..
ainee: ??
ainee: silap windows la
X: ye latu..awk kim salam kt X je da mrh2 dier bnyk2 kali..sume untuk kebakan dier..dier da wat e-mail&friendster baru..u try search friendster baru dier..X ..nati jumpe la wajah baru dier yg lebih ceria..w’slm..
ainee: ??
ainee: tibe2 je
X: X perlukan mase unk tenangkn fikiran faham dier seorg yg baik dier a terlepas ckp..sume sbb abgK hensem dier..tkkn kamink hidup terseksa same2??family dier tahu hina2sy je..dh berkali2 maruah sy ilang sbb X..biarlah memory 13Jan07 jd kenangan yg tk dpt dilupekan..maaf la ganggu2 awk ye.inilah takdir..
ainee: awk ni sape?
X: aggap je sy bukan ni spongebob..
ainee: baiklah.


I lost my phone

Right. I lost my phone on my way from Kg Baru to IPBA. The story is, I probably didn’t realise it fell out from my jeans’ pocket, when I was in a cab, at night. Yeah. So I don’t have much life right now (because I depended on it for stress relief–calling and SMSing some people, camwhoring, wake up call, MMS, study business, contacting lecturers’ and many more). I kinda miss it really. Had been with it for quite a long time *sob* Probably it sulks with me, when I went to a phone shop and took a leaflet, and intended to buy a new one (fine, merajuklah!!). So, not much life without a phone. Just wait till I have a new one. But I won’t change my beautiful phone number. Just needed your help to gain your contact numbers back. Leave me ur phone number k!


My last moment with k700i–see how much I cling to it.

Oh BTW, I’ve lost everything. Yeay!! And nisa’s entry made me cry even more.

Promosi: Sirah Junjungan


Venue / Lokasi ::


Panggung Sari, Istana Budaya

Date / Tarikh ::


19 – 23 March 2008, 8:30 pm

Ticket / Tiket ::


RM 50, 100, 150 ++ (20 – 23 Mar)

RM 50, 200, 300, 500 ++ (Gala – 19 Mar)

Language / Bahasa ::


Bahasa Malaysia

Jamal suntik jiwa Sirah Junjungan

BERMULA pada 19 Mac ini dan selama lima malam berturut-turut, Istana Budaya bakal mencipta sejarah apabila menampilkan pementasan teater muzikal Islam buat julung kalinya.

Teater yang memiliki judul yang sungguh indah, Sirah Junjungan arahan aktivis seni tersohor Erma Fatimah itu dipentaskan bersempena Hari Maulidur Rasul yang jatuh pada 20 Mac ini.

Mengangkat kisah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w ke pentas teater yang gah seumpama di IB sebenarnya memberi cabaran yang maha berat buat Erma.

Menurutnya, banyak cabaran dan halangan yang dialaminya dalam usaha menjadikan Sirah Junjungan suatu realiti. Namun Erma menegaskan, cabaran terbesar teater tersebut adalah dalam meraih perhatian penonton.

“Memang saya bimbang dengan sambutan penonton nanti. Namun, kalau kita boleh beri sambutan yang hangat terhadap hidangan hiburan yang bukan berbentuk Islam, kenapa tidak kita sendiri sebagai umat Islam memberi sambutan yang hangat kepada teater bercorak Islam ini,” ujarnya.

Menurut Erma lagi, dia bagaimanapun berharap dan yakin Sirah Junjungan bakal meraih sambutan memberangsangkan berdasarkan tenaga kreatif di sebalik teater itu.

Menampilkan Ahmad Yatim memegang peranan sebagai Abu Talib, tenaga lakonan Sirah Junjungan diperkuatkan oleh Norish Karman (Khadijah), Ellie Suriaty (Hendon), Aman Graseka (Saidina Abu Bakar) dan Azri Iskandar (Saidina Ali).

Namun tegas Erma lagi, daya tarikan utama Sirah Junjungan sudah tentu dari segi elemen muzikalnya.

Dan bagi memastikan sisi tersebut kuat, individu yang diberi tanggungjawab utama bagi merealisasikannya diberikan kepada pemilik vokal ‘berhantu’, siapa lagi kalau bukan Jamal Abdillah.

“Jiwa muzikal Sirah Junjungan disuntik oleh vokal malar segar penyanyi yang tiada tolok bandingnya, Jamal Abdillah.

“Vokal Jamal akan bergema di sepanjang Sirah Junjungan dipentaskan menerusi enam buah lagu yang bakal dialunkannya,” jelas Erma.

Selain enam lagu yang dialunkan Jamal, sebanyak tiga lagi lagu mengisi period Sirah junjungan dendangan Al-Fahmy, Tuty dan Salleh dari kumpulan Brothers.

Sirah Junjungan boleh ditonton menerusi tiket-tiket berharga RM50, RM100 dan RM150 yang boleh didapati menerusi Box-Office, Istana Budaya di talian 03-40265558 atau layari laman web

Sumber: KOSMO (15 Mac 2008)


Too many good things happened in this month.

Firstly, I would like to send my deepest gratitude to Malaysians for proving the “people’s power (Makkal sakthi)” in Malaysian 12th general election (GE). Clearly, the government is the people, and the people is the government.

I would like to congratulate all the GE’s nominees who won this season’s election.

Congratulations to the newly elected Perak MB, Ir Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin. 

Alhamdulillah, I am glad Malaysian’s currency is still firm and there’s no racial riot due to 12th GE (yet).

Finally, congratulations to Halwani on her wedding. May Allah bless you marriage.

Adventure of P41

Salam all. FYI, I am on the pearl island. In P41 area. To be exact, N2, Bertam.

Had a very adventerous night last night. I managed to capture some pictures and videos of mat rempits in Penang. Wooo~ Was quite cuak actually, as we, four ladies, were in a very timid kancil car, merely wanting to go out to buy toothbrush. The road was congested. The car honked, and the motorcycle convoy honked continuously. Their motorcycle’s horn is like mamak jual roti you see. Continously. “tak penat ke?”. Wow. Seriously hot and it only happen in four years. It’s Pak Lah’s area you see. Hot seat and hot-bloded youths.

After that, we saw loads of police’s motorcycle and a lonf queue of Merce and other posh cars. We assume it’s Pak Lah or some other important guy. Very² cuak as the police’s hand was giving “ke tepi!” signal. Whew. Adrenaline rush.

Will update with some pictures later Insya Allah. Let’s see who’ll win the game.

When you walk

When the rain is pouring heavily.

The sky touches the earth.

The coldness bites.

The wetness dampens.

The earthy smell refresh your senses.

and there is no happiness can be compared with.

number baru

salam. dah tukar number mobile. asik perabis duit message number ke celcom dan maxis. yg guna DiGi sikit aja. Yeah.


012-700XXXX. tinggalkan di ruang komen: id ym atau email anda utk mendapatkannya.

Thank you Omark!! (^_^)