Nuffnang Digi year end sale 2013 contest

Thank you for a good husband.
I am grateful for my husband.
He took my hands into marriage and parenting.
He sometimes drives me crazy.
He makes me laugh and love him more.
He brings the best in me.
The only person who makes me sane during an emergency or accident.
The father of my children who brought food to the table. 
I am thankful for him being him.

And I would like to win a Samsung Galaxy s4 for him because a businessman like him should carry around good phone. Although he had just rooted his samsung W and the phone is becoming so cool, now it starts to lag. Maybe it’s the time he gives away his samsung W to our addicted-to-gadget toddler.


“What is this wak? Don’t embarass me in your blog please? “

Gerai air paling best

Agak hairan nape org bawak beg plastik beso2 dari bazar ramadan Perling. Rupanya bawak air sedap. Beratur panjang ye. Setengah jam baru akak dapat air katira. Dah laa cuaca panas ya Allah. Huii nikmat sangat bila berbuka. Happy tak terkata.


Inilah satu satunya gerai yang pakai khemah besar.  Org lain semua kongsi. Derang nye tong air satu jenis je dah 30 liter. Tong nye beso ya amat. Tak pernah jumpa rope ni. Cara dia bubuh air mmg terbaik. Memula bubuh ais sepenuhnya.  Kemudian taruh laa kordial dan pati air tu. Tak pakai air masak. Dia bagi customer beg plastik besor punya. Tak muat tumbler Tuppaware 2 liter tu k. Baru rm2. Memang murah. Memang beli dengan deme hari hari. Pernah sekali beli pukul 5 dan waktu tu panas sangat. Tapi masa berbuka masih ada ais dan manisssss sekali. Alhamdulillah. Nikmatnya puasa.


Cerita cikgu

Hari ni Allah buka mata saya seluas luasnya. Seorang anak murid mengadu yg budak lelaki bernama F ni ketuk kepala dia.

Cikgu: awak buat/cakap apa sampai dia ketuk awak?
Murid perempuan: takde apa cikgu. Tiba2 dia ketuk

Saya bertanya lebih lanjut kepada F sebab musabab dia buat begitu.

Cikgu: kenapa awak buat nadia macam tu? Dia buat apa? Dia ada pukul awak? Mengata awak?
F: takde cikgu.
C: dahtu? Kenapa nak pukul dia tak masal? Awak kena pukul dengan siapa? (Saya pegang lengan)

Tiba2 dia menarik lengannya dengan cepat. Mengaduh kesakitan. Walhal saya baru pegang. Pelik. Saya bawa ke perpustakaan di corner yg ada sofa.
C: awak kena pukul dengan siapa?

Terus air mata mengalir keluar. 

F: ayah saya.
C: dia pukul kat mana? Sini ye? (Sambil memeriksa lengannya yang berbirat kemerahan)
C: dia pukul dengan apa?
F: pancing
C: awak buat apa sampai dia pukul awak mcm ni? Awak nakal ye?
F: taktau cikgu.  Tiba2 dia pukul (air mata laju keluar)
C: bila ni?
F: semalam. 
C: waktu bila? Pagi? Petang? Siang? Malam?
F: waktu maghrib. 

Lepas tu nasihat selanjutnya diberikan agar beliau tidak memukul anak orang lain.

Kesimpulannya,  keganasan yang berlaku dalam domestik akan berlanjutan hingga ke komuniti.  Banyak sebab berlaku keganasan. Namun sewajarnya sebagai seorang guru, jangan sesekali kita turut terjebak dengan berlaku ganas kepada anak murid kita. Janganlah lempang, cubit,  pukul anak murid kita. Percayalah pada hikmah sebagaimana Rasulullah tunjuk dalam akhlaknya. Anak murid yang masih berada di sekolah rendah adalah mudah disentuh berbanding dengan sekolah menengah.  Tolong lah. Berhenti hukum fizikal anak murid. Kita nak lahir kan rakyat Malaysia yang baik. Bukan ganas.

Fall in love again

To:the girl who sits behind me


Love makes your tummy churn and turn

Love makes you smile aimlessly

Love may drive one crazy

Love is funny.


you know he loves you sincerely

if he doesn’t mind your morning breath

if he roll his eyes after he heard you fart

even if you look silly

or if you sound crazy

he always want you to be better

he loves you for whatever

Selamat Balik Kampung peeps! Selamat berjumpa orang tersayang.

Harassing call

About 2 months ago, I was being disturbed by a 4am-call. At first I thought it was an emergency call.

“Hello? Hello?” said me with croaky voice.

“Haii…mengganggu ke…Watpe tu….”a low-tone of a person who is desperate for, you know what.

“Siapa ni? Kenapa telefon?”

“Ala…mengganggu ke….”, trying to be manja with me.


I immediately hung up. Then I tried to go back to sleep with a fast heart beat. My husband told me to ignore it but I was traumatised. So I can’t go back to sleep after that. I just wake up and do my work.

The next night, at 4am, he called me again. I just ignored. He stopped.

Last week, he called me during office hour. I didn’t save his number and thought he was one of my pupils’ parents who wanted to inform me about his child absence. I was wronged.

Him: Hi ainee. Tengah buat ape tu.

Me: Tengah kerja. Siapa ni.

Him: Ni ikram la.

Me: Ikram mana nie? Ada banyak ikram la.

Him: Alah. Sampai hati dah lupe kita.

Me: Ok lah. I ada kelas ni. GTG. Bye!

Hisy. Sape la prank call cenggini. Buat gigil je. Kalau lg sekali dia call memang nk kne sue la jawabnya.

Way to boost shoe sale

I am impressed and proud of Americans. The incident of throwing shoe to Bush have increased that particular shoe’s sale.

News: Baydan has recruited an extra 100 staff to meet orders for 300,000 pairs of Model 271 – more than four times the shoe’s normal annual sale – following an outpouring of support for Zaidi’s act, which was intended as a protest, but led to his arrest by Iraqi security forces. (Guardian, UK)

That was a brave act and admired by many. Perhaps Bush should know that he’s going to receive loads of shoes in his Christmas presents.

Tagged: My first time

First Time to Cook My Own Rice

When I was 13 years old. It was my opah who taught me, not my mum because she is a career woman, superbly busy with her work and need to rush to house, preparing lunch for us during her lunch break. Since my mom is not that patience in teaching her brat daughter, luckily opah came to my house one day, and taught me how to cook rice. Since then, the rice that I cook tastes better than my mom’s. Now, I said this based on people’s testimonial and how laku my nasi compared to my mom’s. Seriously.

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Facebook faces

I found a good article that describes people’s psychology needs according to their Facebook profile pictures. People post pictures because they want to tell others, who they are, or what they want, or what they need. So, which one is your description?

What does your Facebook profile say about you?

By Hannah Wood, 6/10/2008

How often do you change your Facebook profile picture? And just how much do you agonise over it?

Have you ever used a holiday bikini shot or a cheek-to-cheek one with your new squeeze (just to let the exes know how happy you are)?

Do your friends shout out: ‘That’s your new profile picture!’ When they catch you at your glamorous best on a night out? And do you actually look anything like that well-edited shot posted up on your Facebook page?

According to a survey done by we care more about our appearance on social networks than in real life.

Cosmo put a sample of profile pics to social psychologist Dr Asi Sharabi and asked him to interpret what they tell you about the person behind it.

Match yourself against his verdicts:

POUTING: Presenting such a provocative, sensual symbol indicates someone who wishes to be acknowledged in a sexual way – seeking intimacy or a partner. It could also indicate being a very tactile person

WITH AN ANIMAL: A person who displays themselves as capable of caring and nurturing, indicating need of an outlet for these tendencies and a broody nature.


DANCING: To display yourself on display, so to speak, is the ultimate invitation to be watched. Those who show themselves dancing are likely to be strongly extrovert. Additionally, in Western Culture, dancing has strong connotations toward leisure and freedom, denoting a hedonistic, pleasure-seeking streak.

WITH A BOYFRIEND: A popular picture type with serial monogamists, and signifies searching for a deeper or more committed relationship.

WITH A GUY (NOT BOYFRIEND): As well as a simple flirtatious contact, a picture with a potentially ambiguous meaning shows a love of creating stories, and playing games with the social fabric. In short, one who thrives on gossip.

DOING AN ACTIVITY: This is someone who identifies with their abilities and experiences rather than emotions or relationships. It may also indicate an unwillingness to commit or settle down.


ON HOLIDAY: Those who identify themselves with a carefree holiday may have a tendency to over-stress in their everyday lives. This could also indicate escapist fantasies or a dreamer disposition.

LOOKING AWAY FROM CAMERA: An unwillingness to be caught and posed in the conventional way is indicative of someone headstrong and confident in their approach to life.

NIGHT OUT/FANCY (RAYA) DRESS: This image represents the social, extroverted aspects of a personality; denoting that they value confidence and attention highly.

Dr Sharabi said: “Our social network profiles have become so ubiquitous with our lives that our online and offline appearances are now fully intertwined. On social networks, just like in the physical world, we are constantly working on our self-image, putting forward facets of ourselves that we want seen, and, as in life, we unwittingly uncover aspects of ourselves that we might have preferred to have kept hidden.

Yang takde gamba: Takde kamera, pemalu, stalker (ex girlfriend) atau tak yakin diri.

Italian model is on sale

Full news: She is an Italian. She does modeling. Her family said she’s a devoted Christian.  But she decided to give away her virginity for a million Euro. Mamma mia!

“I don’t know what it’s like to have sex,” Raffela told the magazine, Chi, adding that if the man who bought her virginity was ugly then she would quickly get over it.
