Pulang, panas dan pelan.

Alhamdulillah. Dah beberapa bernafas di bumi Malaysia nan panas ni (Masih belum tukar sim card lg. Sabar2. Will do insha Allah).  Baru Malaysia, belum Arab Saudi atau neraka lagi. Arab Saudi’s temperature 43 celcius seyh. Masha Allah. Nak dekat kiamat. Tapi, berapa ramai antara kita yang ambil iktibar dengan apa yang terjadi di sekeliling kita. Masih kita lakukan dosa dan tidak mempercayai kata-kata Nya (sila rujuk Quran tentang kisah Bani Israel yang degil).

Pagi ini, penulis tersohor Malaysia yang masih muda, Faisal Tehrani, muncul di rancangan SPM (selamat pagi Malaysia) untuk mengulas mengenai karya terbarunya “Bila tuhan berbicara”. Ditanya oleh pengacara (maaf ya pak, don’t know your name lah), kenapa diberi nama sedemikian, jawabnya, (this is my own words, and been paraphrased) “tuhan berbicara bukan bermaksud literally, namun melalui malapetaka sebagai amaran dan peringatan”. Aduh, mahukah kita berfikir hingga ke situ? Perlukan minda yang ligat berfikir ya bila membaca karya Faisal Tehrani. Insha Allah saya memburu buku dalam masa cuti ini. Oh, mahu memburu air dan lemak juga. Bercadang untuk berenang sepuasnya semasa di Malaysia. Sesuai ya, di musim panas ini.

Untuk ulasan buku, saya cadangkan anda membaca entry dari blog Jiwarasa.

plus c’est la même chose

Abe Id created a new fashion for charity. Kak Khairyn and Azwan tagged me when I was in the peak time of finishing my assignment. Couldn’t do it at first, alhamdulillah I have time now. (yer, lapang sebelum sibuk. huu~). So, I’ve answered your challenge!

1. A person is only as good as he can be.

2. Friendship is ukhwah fillah, not just in this dunya, but friends are for helping each other to improve, in order to gain sweet ending ending in the akhira–thereafter.
Continue reading

Upcoming event in Plymouth

Assalamualaikum. Peace to be upon you. This Sunday, there will be a talk by Brother Abdul Raheem Green. He is a renowned speaker from London who gives talk at international level and based in Islamic Cultural Centre, London. He will give talks on community building in Islam. Free food guys. Snacks, lunch and refreshments will be provided insha allah. Well, what are you waiting for? For those who are looking for different way to spend their weekend, come to College of Further Education (CFE) at Devonport.


Kenapa menulis blog?

Bismillah. Sila rujuk kepada entry MR cry4freedom. Walaupun literature review untuk dissertation saya masih belum selesai, namun, hati ini degil untuk menulis. Tak boleh tidur kalau tidak meluahkan isi minda saya di atas papan kekunci. Dulu, pernah menulis entry yang lebih kurang sama, namun itu semasa zaman jahiliyyah, zaman tak kenal diri sendiri. Kali ini, ingin menjawab dalam bahasa ibunda pula. Jadi, kenapa menulis blog? Continue reading

Peluang menulis dan masa

Peace to be upon you. Lately, I received invitations to write, either on blog or for paper publication. Three invitations in one week. That sounds awesome innit? But hey, do I manage to do all that in one go? One asked me to explain about my religion, another is on my college, and the last is of racism in the UK. Whew. Does 3K words assignment is not enough?

Quite weird because before this, my writing in IPBA is not that brilliant. Well, people don’t notice me. My writing is invisible. I am the one who needs language support tutorial class with Dr. Asiah. In IPBA, there are plenty who write better than I do. Plus, their English is better than English people’s English (repetition is unintended). Well you tell me, is my writing that brilliant? So I’ll have confidence to be the next Shirley Geok Lim (?).

Oh iya, kawan-kawan saya juga telah menge’tag’ saya. Setakat ini 3 orang. Tahniah! Hutang mereka pun masih belum dilunas. Oh, saya mahu MacBook!

My assignment progress: headache. I don’t think they want to do reformation on Malaysian Education System after reading my piece. I bet!

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Best of PMS 2006

There are so many things that make me ponder while attending PMS 2006. I think it really opens my mind. Questions that always linger, answered during the talks. Subhanallah. What a miracle. Yet I am glad to be chosen to be chosen to go to his garden of heaven (in a hadith, knowledge event is considered as garden of heaven because Allah loves people who seek knowledge. Isn’t that wonderful?). Alhamdulillah.

I feel glad that I could spend some time blogging today. Today is one of the most significant celebration for muslim (people who embrace islam and totally submit himself to Allah). Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) sacrificed his love for his son, as his love to Allah is much greater and Ishmael (Ismail) also sacrifices his life for the sake of Allah’s command. This story shows that Allah wants to test His messengers. More stories of it from quranic view, read here. Subhanallah (all the praises to Allah), imagine the sacrifice that we do today, compared to what we do today. I bet if someone asks us to sacrifise our house, to be given to other people, I bet we will protect it by hook or by crook, fighting over it with teeth and nails. Hmm, this reminds me of Palestinians, who lost their houses and lands to Israelis. Verily, those people who died to protect their faith, sacrifice because of Allah, will be granted heaven, insya Allah. May the souls of those people who died in the war will be blessed and granted rewards. I envy them. I really wish I could do something for my religion and go to heaven. Doing good deeds is not enough. I want to contribute to Islam, and want people to know the truth about Islam. As mentioned in alqasas; “It is true thou wilt not be able to guide every one whom thou lovest; but Allah guides those whom He will and He knows best those who receive guidance.”.Because there are people who have misconception about Islam and it is our (muslim) responsible to clarify about the Islam. In these days, people think Islam relates with terrorism, however, it is absolutely not true, as Islam means peace. Professor Dr. Kamal Helbawy mentioned in his talk on 25th December 2006, “Muhammad (p.b.u.h) says that Islam is not extremist, yet terrorist, and he wants us to take the moderate path”. Absolutely prophet Muhammad (pbuh) does not teach us to be terrorist as he himself is a loving, caring man, patience with all the obstacles given to him. Even though he encountered insults, threats, and many more tests, he still remains patience. In the end, his fight for Allah’s deen (religion), Islam has been spread to 2 over 3 part of world map and Islam had experience the most glory time of civilisation. That time, he was no longer alive, but because of Islam teachings, Muslims glorified with numbers of academicians and discovery of knowledge.

With Islam, every single human get benefit, including non-Muslims, as Islam is a religion which means to bring peace to all over the world [rahmatan lilalamin]. In present time, he is still be remembered and loved. According to orientalist view, he is in the first place of the most influential people in the century, as listed by Michael Hart in his book.

I haven’t blog for quite a long time. Insya Allah (with Alla’s will) I will write about my itinerary soon. According to plan, we want to go to Portsmouth tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow, to Stansted London then to Ireland. Insya Allah. Pray for our safety.