Kisah Sim Kad Altel: bagus ke tidak?

*AMARAN: Ditulis secara santai menggunakan bahasa slanga.

Bermulanya kisah dapat tahu pasal sim kad Altel ni adalah seorang kawan share blog entry pasal sim kad Altel. Benda ni jadi viral di Whatsapp dan Facebook. Caranya sangat convincing. Menceritakan pengalaman beliau dan promosi sim kad Altel atas dasar bangsa dan nama Tan Sri Bukhary. I decided to try it, atas dasar curiosity. Not because I’m a Malay. Nak tengok how far a Malay product can go.

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No shopping day

Seorang guru menyebarkan risalah dari fomca dan cuepacs, kempen tidak berbelanja pada 16 julai. Shall we make a difference? Yes, of course. By doing that, we can show consumer’s power and indirectly affect nation’s economy.

“Inilah masanya pengguna memikirkan semula pola perbelanjaan mereka, termasuk mengenal pasti sama ada terlalu banyak wang dibelanjakan bagi menikmati keperluan atau memenuhi kemahuan mereka,” (Presiden FOMCA, Dato’ N Marimuthu)

Baru je lepas tengok anwar punya debat dengan ahmad shabery, pasal harga minyak. Jadi, semangat berkobar untuk membangunkan ekonomi malaysia (bole ke bertahan semangat nie?). tapi ye, seluruh dunia sedang berjaga-jaga dengan ekonomi. takkan aku tak nak? walaupun tak layak naik atas pentas berucap dan menjadi politikus, tapi sebagai rakyat yang memegang power in the so-called democratic country, that is the least that i can do. oh ye, before i forget, tahniah kpd DSAI kerana berjaya menyampaikan hujah dengan baik dan berada dalam keadaan tenang (selalunya DSAI berucap dengan berapi). quotation yang paling menyentap sekali:

harga minyak iran murah, inflasi naik. harga minyak venezuela murah, inflasi naik. kita ni harga minyak naik, inflasi LAGI NAIK!!

amek kau. kalau tak letak jawatan, tak tau la. bagus juga event macam ni. debat ini berfungsi untuk menyangkal kritikan terhadap kerajaan PL yang tidak mengamalkan keterbukaan media. Komen anwar boleh dibaca di blog peribadi beliau.

oh ye, back to the title. sahutlah cabaran fomca dan cuepacs. kita boleh membaiki keadaan ekonomi negara. sehari je. tak lama. bawa la bekal. henbeg ke baju, beli kemudian. kita cuba. kita tolong ekonomi negara. kita tolong diri kita sendiri agar jangan tergolong sebagai ‘mubazzirin’ (hadis: innal mubazzirina kanu ikhwanus shayatin).

Proton-Muslim car

WARNING: I am not writing this to bash Proton, Muslims and their family. I am writing this because a reason, sensibility. No asked me to write and no one pay me to write, and I belong to no political organisation.

I discovered in BBC news of Proton’s ‘Muslim car’ on BBC, not in local Malaysian newspapers, last week. Then Azwan and I made fun of it. Imagining transformers and stuffs. No offence. We were just entertaining ourselves.



You can buy it from ebay for less than 20 pounds as well [click on pic].

I am not proud of Proton. Rarely I see Malaysian senior officers parade themselves in Proton. The Protons I saw here in Plymouth are nothing but a wreck running on wheels. Don’t get me started on the paintjob–it looked like it has been submerged in Clorox for days.

And then I discovered a car enthusiast’s forum website. What little pride I had for our Proton evaporated right there and then. The best comment I found is:

BY GREENVANMAN AT 11/11/07 07:46 PM

does it blow up occasionally?

Read the rest here.

Ainee: Thank you Proton. Now they have new idea for terrorist joke.

So tell me, this is not another white elephant project which will be self-destructed after some time, just like the RM4.5 millions Perak State Park Corporation administrative building.

Read: Dr. Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas “kereta islamik membawa keaiban

Why geeks shall inherit the earth?

  1. Simply because, geeks are rich. Namely Bill gates, and now, young Max Levchin. Anyone rajin (hardworking) enough to analyse Forbes’ list? Let’s share them here. 
  2. Although some geeks are dropouts (obviously the system bores them to death), but they are successful. (If the term ‘geek’ is created in 1847, then Thomas Alva Edison is one). More stories of successful dropouts, here.
  3. Geeks contribute a lot to the society. Inventing gadgets contributing ideas each day. In plain English, geeks improve other’s life.

You have more points? I believe you do. Caruk (write/ point out/ state) them in the comment box.
