Awesome surau in Johor Bahru

I was amazed to see the surau. From the moment I saw it, entering the toilet, and prayed inside it, the whole place is amazingly beautiful. Subhanallah.

They have an islamic kindergarten with english medium teachers.



They have state-of-the-art ablution area


They have beautiful and comfortable prayer hall


They have informative information board with neat handwriting.  Including an open invitation to a kenduri of a bookshop owner. What a generous invitation! Subhanallah.


They have an herb garden, a small library, air conditioned classroom, canteen, kitchen,  office and a caring community.

This is not an individual act but the whole community. This surau is situated in Jalan Tebrau and managed by professional retirees.

I am very proud with the small surau that has a big role on the community. May Allah protect the surau and bless the people who had contributed for it.


Kedamaian Hati

Bukan ringgit yang di cari untuk hati
Bukan pengiktirafan dunia yang tak kekal lama
Bukan materialisme
Bukan itu semua

Makanan jiwa ada pada sang pencipta
Makanan hati adalah mengenang mati
Apakah akhiran nanti husnul khotimah? (Pengakhiran baik)
Atau dilaknat Allah, nauzubillah

Orang yang bijak bersedia utk mati
Di akhirat nanti syurga menanti
Jika dunia yang sementara cuma
Dikejar, digendong dan dijulang
Apakah persediaan sewaktu ajal di hujung rambut?

Musuh menanti di tepi telinga
Bisikannya alpa
Pujukannya lewa
Iman di hati berlatih lama
Masa makin dekat
Ajal makin tiba

Damai nya hati mereka yang mencari
Kebahagiaan akhirat yang abadi
Cantiknya syurga buat yang istimewa
Damainya hati pencinta Ilahi.

Mengubati anak batuk berkahak

Hari ni dah masuk hari ke 3 ulang alik ke Hospital Columbia Asia Nusajaya utk treat Irfan. He was diagnosed with bronchitis. Huhu. Sian Irfan kena suction sampai merah2 kepala dia. Peluh lenjun satu kepala. Bersilat dia nak lepaskan diri drpd kena suction.

Memula ingat nak cucuk utk 12 bulan sbb dh lambat sebulan. Sekali doktor bising apesal biarkan anak lama batuk. Doktor check kahak penuh dlm lungs. Terus kena suction kat physio. Dia bg ubat rhenotoid syrup, prednisilone dan singulair. No antibiotics sbb bronchitis bkn disebabkan oleh bakteria tp viruses. 

Singulair tu utk 2 minggu. Prednisolone utk seminggu. Lepas ni jumpa balik doktor dlm masa 2 minggu. Tadi check doktor kata lungs dh clear compared to 2 days ago. And alhamdulillah dia tidur pun much much better sbb airways dia xde obstruction. Huhu.

Bila anak sihat, syukur sgt2. Kalau anak sakit, nak kerja pun susah hati. Buat masa ni doktor suruh tepuk belakang bagi batuk and keluar kahak. Maintain makan ubat. And I’m trying ubat yg Allah bagi iaitu madu kelulut, pagi2 sblm menyusu. Mudahan sihat lepas ni.

My 5 parenting shortcuts

1-Subscribe to baby centre emails: once you have, you will be automatically updated according to your children’s milestones. Questions like: What to expect?  what to do with a particular problem? What can I do to help my children’s growth?  –may be found from the website as the articles are written by paediatrics and child experts. Plus, I get good neutral advices. So, it’s entirely up to me to pick and choose.

2-good day care: I was surprised to find my child started to take ablution,  bathe himself, being independent around the house. There is no place where he can be educated as such but a good day care I’ve sent him to. Alhamdulillah for that. May Allah rewards his ummi and staff for this.
3-good books with good price: parents have to read beforehand. I have to admit I exposed my firstborn to the TV at an early age. And now he’s addicted to it. I tried my best to divert his attention to books. I involved him during purchase. The first book that he chose was “My first 50 animals” illustrated by Garry Fleming. Found it on sale at Borders Pavillion. He still flips it whenever he sees it.

4-Upin & Ipin: it was a mistake.  Hypp TV was having a promo for Upin &Ipin and Fahmi saw it and liked it instantly. He can sit for an hour. i should not let the tv babysit my child.  I know. Am totally guilty. On the bright side, it’s gives him good listening comprehension and entertainment. Now he’s hooked up with Bola Kampung. Haih…
5-wake early,  sleep early: with irfan he is trained to sleep before 8. It’s good for the brain. In developed countries shopping malls are closed before 9. Late night Christmas shopping is only extended until 10. I was surprised to see families brought small children at Danga Bay at 1 am. Seriously?!

Now Fahmi follows our sleep routine too since he has no one to play with. Last time he went to sleep at 12am. Young children needs early  sleep as it is good for their immune system and brain focus. Lack of it may lead to autism. Read more about Melatonin focusing on human and young children.

Lastly, if you disagree with my list of parenting shortcuts, I think you won’t disagree with this one. Mother needs to do a lot of prayers and good deeds. It may help you to be a better parent. Better children? Leave it to Allah. Do your best as a parent first. Do not expect much. Give more.

Kursus dan lesson seumur hidup

Ini semua kerana penangan akh hazwan. Bila bicara soal masyarakat dan tanggungjawab sosial dan akhirat aku akan mudah menitis air mata melihat betapa muflis nya masyarakat kita.

Bangsa aku masih lagi sedap diulit mimpi dan tak mahu bangun dari tidur yang panjang. 

Kadang acapkali fikiran ini meneliti dan muhasabah setiap perkara yang keluar dan masuk dalam hidup.

Ya. Hidup ini terlalu singkat. Sangat singkat. Duit yang kebanyakan kita kejar sebenarnya tak perlu dikejar. Kematian yang pasti iti sewajarnya diberi perhatian kerana aku belajar ada 2 sahaja perkara dalam dunia ni. Kekal dan sementara. Kunjungan ke shopping mall atau panggung wayang, nikmatnya boleh diingat akan tetapi sedap nya hanya sebentar. Tak boleh dilajak ke tahun depan. Nikmat memberi ilmu kpd anak muda yg mungkin boleh memanfaatkan dirinya dan masyarakat, keseronokan itu bertahan utk jangka panjang. Nikmat hati yg bersyukur, segala “emas” dan “batu” yg dicampak ke dalam hidup akan memberikan bahagia.

20 minutes life conversation dgn Hazwan sgt berat utk di hadam.

Terima kasih Allah kerana menemukan aku sahabat untuk akhirat.

e-Prestasi: Apakah?

It’s a rare thing that I complain about MOE’s project and work burden. Whenever I read Jarod’s complaint , I quietly think “So far, I’m good and can do my work without ranting”. But today, I have to let it out my chest. So that I can die peacefully. I feel a bit better like someone take off a stone on my shoulder when I share my stress with others.

My FB friends what to know so much about e-Prestasi. Oi, why other states do not know about this? not fair. If this is a KPM’s programme, it should be applied nationally.

Here’s the screenshot of e-Prestasi

ePrestasiI need to key in the TOV, ETR and 3 examinations results. Luckily I’m an IT savvy person, I just copy everything from SAPS except for class 5 Bijak because there’s so many students coming in and out.

The reason of using e-Prestasi is to assess a teacher’s performance. Woot! What?

What are the disadvantages?

  1. Teachers can key in lowest TOV and ETR as possible and get a good mark.
  2. It is redundant work. First, you key in marks in SAPS. Then e-Prestasi. Then SPS. Then what?
  3. Cheating: Yeah, to save our arses in the government organisation we all cheat, lie and steal. How low our integrity is.
  4. Teachers who are placed at the most bottom class, with the reluctant learners, are the unluckiest teacher on earth.
  5. Pupils are being pressured by the teachers to perform because it affects markah prestasi guru too.
  6. You can dump the holy intention of school based assessment and KSSR and KSSM.
  7. I took a long hour to key n the data because of the excel format. Thanks to the officer who thought of this and make me a miserable mother. Thanks! (This is a cynicism if you don’t get it)

Gheesh! I do my work for Allah and I’m so upset with all these administrative work and the pressure to key in the data because I need to send it within 48 hours.

Who knows Haji Sufaat bin Tumin’s address? I want to forward this rant to him..