Saya tahu badan saya sangat penat. Otak saya lagi la penat. Tapi semangat kena kuat. Walaupun ada je orang nak pull me down.
Badan sudah sakit-sakit. Memang saya sangat amazing. Dua orang teman serumah sudah dapat flu. Selalunya saya yang kena dulu. Tapi kali ni alhamdulillah. Berjaya tidak mendapat flu itu hingga ke huruf terakhir dissertation. Sakit badan itu pasti. Sengal belakang tu sampai tahap buat-buat tak tahu. mata tiba-tiba bloodshot, berjaya dikurangkan semasa girls day out. Right. It proves that shopping is theraphy and heals one’s sickness.
So, the battle goes on. How to save a life? I just move along and few people who cares and keep on asking about me, makes me go on. Unbelievably, miracle happened. Even I myself was quite proud, because I did not make any sense previously. I was doing mixing and matching. I was so blur and disorganised. I was a wreck. But thanks. He showed me guidance and send helpers. If I deserve it, I do.
So I went to Roborugh surgery. Went to see nurse Margo again. Doctor Brodribb is quite busy I reckon. Or he just does not want to see me? His hand was full? So yeah. The rain was pouring heavily from dark sky above. I was cold and alone.
I told Margo, I thought I got myself tonsil. I barely can speak. Swallowing my own saliva is like eating rocks. Oke. Rocks are exaggerated. Pebbles. Kalau menguap, rasa macam ada tumor je kat dalam tekak. And then my hand, is like Doraemon’s this morning. Don’t tell me how to clasp. Luckily I don’t handle knife or blades. Basically, my hand is chubby. Happened before but ignored and allow self-healing. Whatever.
Diagnosis: My throat was a bit pink. My body temperature was slightly high but not worrying. My ears are OK. My gland is OK. My lips are fuller (Imagine Angelina Jolie people). My hand is chubby, but cute. I can’t believe this as well but Margo said, my hand is swollen because I type too much. Huh. Geek la sangat. Yes. I got response like “Astaghfirullah “. Huu~~ my broken back needs to get laid (check the dictionary. there are 66 definitions for ‘lay/laid’) Thankyouverymuch. Aite. time to get rest.
Tampo nak?
I wonder why you read this entry to the end. This is a rant. Hahah.
Esok-esok lah jawab tag cik Tinker. Penat beno.