Do you have these symptoms?

  • chesty cough
  • chest pain
  • intolerance to cold weather
  • phlegm with varieties of colours
  • sore throat
  • sometimes husky voice, sometimes tiny-helium voice
  • one month long symptoms

I have all these and my husband asked me to do self-healing. But it’s already a month and it is kind of irritating as I’m a teacher. My voice is my asset. I use my voice to do classroom control. I use my voice to deliver knowledge. I don’t know la whether it’s my eating habit, I yell too much or the weather. Dah la I don’t have umbrella in my car. Gosh. Is it just me?

Salah itulah guruku


Pelupa, tergesa-gesa.

Kadangkala pemarah, bergaduh sesama saudara.


Siapa muallimnya?

Para nabi dan kitab-kitab mereka.

Kenapa kita diberi al-kitab?

Kerana kita semua buat silap.

Kita belajar dari kesalahan.

Kita bangkit dari kekalahan.

Kita yang sering melakukan kesilapan.

Review: Robin Hood

Between Iron Man 2 and Robin Hood, I choose Robin Hood because it is historical (some say it’s mythical) but I believe it is partly true because Robin had lived in disguise.Robin Hood provokes issues and some thinking.

During my childhood, I watched Robin Hood and his merry men on TV. The story of a witty bandit robbing the rich to give the poor is heroic. This time around Ridley Scott brings a different version of Robin Hood. I thank Ridley Scott for making my grey matter gets going as I watch his movie.

*Warning: Spoiler*

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Aku belajar untuk mengajar

Seorang anak murid mengomel dengan marah apabila rakannya memijak kasutnya. Lalu kudatang dekat dan berkata padanya:

Mus, kenapa marah-marah?

Dia pijak kasut saya cikgu.

Kalau ye pun jangan la mencarut. Tak baik.

Takde lah dia pijak kasut saya habis kotor.

Iye. Cikgu faham. Dia tak sengaja. Cuba awak bayangkan, nabi Muhammad tu dibaling taik, dilempar batu. Tapi dia tak marah pun. Sampai malaikat Jibril kata “Ya rasulullah, bolehkah aku terbalikkan bumi Thoif ini?” tapi rasulullah kata “Jangan, takpe”. Awak ni baru sikit kena dah marah-marah. Cuba sabar sikit.

Alhamdulillah lepas aku sound, dia cool down. Rajin pula buat kerja aku lepas tu. Mudah-mudahan ada orang ingatkan aku dengan kesabaran rasulullah apabila aku marah. Dan sesiapa yang pernah marah aku, aku tak pernah ambil hati. Aku maafkan kerana aku juga ada buat silap. Kalau aku mahu belajar untuk mengajar, aku kena tahan sabar bila orang marah aku kerana dia buat begitu untuk mendidik aku supaya menjadi lebih cemerlang. Hello, Rasulullah is the greatest example and he’s the greatest teacher. Because of him, his patience delivering Islam, people strive to be excellent to fulfill task as a khalifah in this world and thereafter. May Allah give me the strength.

Rumpai laut @ seaweed

The seaweed was dried. You have to soak it until it will become semi transparent and crunchy. It will take some time to get the best result. Sometimes, some things are worth waiting for 😉

  1. Pound together onions, chilli padi/ thai pepper, a bit of salt.
  2. Slice thinly the red onion.
  3. Put in the pounded ingredient into a bowl of seaweed, and followed by the onion (you can also put thin slices of mangoes)
  4. Give a good squeeze of a kaffir lime.
  5. Mix it well.
  6. A bit of fish sauce.
  7. Voilà!

PS: For kerabu effect, you can also put in a pinch of roasted peanuts.

I learned how to make this from a seller at Tamu in Sabah. According to my brother, seaweed is popularized by Philippine’s immigrants.

dinner at senibong

Senibong is a crowded place at night. though it’s a bit far fromJB, but the journey was worth it. even the Singaporeans are willing to travel to this place for the sake of its food. enough said. it’s better to ignite your taste bud with these pictures.

Hiatus blogging

Ok I swear that I’ve been busy lately and I have abandoned my blog. So here’s what happened.

I’ve had terrible last two weeks. Stucked at Jalan Skudai for more than an hour. For 2 days we’ve stucked on the way to school, due  to some accident.

bersesak di angsana hampir setengah jam

kereta gpk hem kita yg baek ati (dia pon takot kena marah ngan boss sbb lmbt)

begitu dekatnya keta singapore ni dgn keta kami. moto2 lain pun ketuk2 la badan keta ni dengan sedapnya

*Other posts of this week’s scene will be posted later.

DPM: Don’t burden teachers with irrelevant jobs

DPM’s speech regarding teachers’ bunrnout: read here

    As a Mignonne in this education world, I am delighted to see this article published in DPM’s facebook note.

For your information, we have pretty rough time juggling school errands and playing other roles as well.

    As a human, we deserve a conducive working environment. We deserve to be treated equally. We need some time to de-stress and recharge my energy so that I can work as optimum as I can the next day. I have to be honest here. My weakness of unable to handle my stress have resulted poor immune system. Hey. I want to work. Not to be sick. For a record, most of my Saturdays have been taken up and once or twice a month, I applied for MC. Such a shame. I’m supposed to contribute something to the country, innit? But due to my workload, I’m stressed.

    My creativity has been castrated due to the workload. I rarely write poetry nowadays. I didn’t go to musical or theater for 2 years. I didn’t read much book as I was used to. The only time I can read book when I was on my way back to Perak. The bus journey takes 8 hours and I benefited my time by reading. I travel back to my hometown in Perak during school holidays only. Once in a blue moon. (My mom is living alone and she is 51 years old, imagine the heartache I have when we are far). Recently, the Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri announced “NILAM” for teachers. What is it about? Courses and seminars aim to equip teachers with decent and updated knowledge about teaching profession. However, as we all know, too much funding goes to the Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi, millions go to overseas students, and not to mention the national mega projects. Hence, no more fund can be allocated for teacher’s professional development. Come to think of it, when do we have time to read?

    Here’s my routine:

    • 5.00/5.30 Wakes up
    • 6.00 Bath, subuh, make coffee for husband, iron tudung(have to do all these in a rush)
    • 6.30 Goes to school
    • 7.00 reach school, starts EW20 program or Citra Bahasa or Radio Sekolah
    • 7.20 Assembly
    • 7.30 Class started
    • 9.00/9.30 Breakfast or else there will be no other time to eat. Need energy to teach the hyperactive class.
    • 1.00 Class ended, lunch, solat zohor.
    • 1.30 Monday-Prep for Buddy Support System, Tue-Meeting, Wed-Co-curricular, Thu- Meeting/Latihan
    • 5.30 Go back home. Usually other people can go back early beacuse they have their own transport but my hubby insist me being a car-less person, I stay at school longer than anyone else. Extra stress mark for me. Ting! Even the afternoon teachers dah tak larat nak tegur “Tak balik lagi?”
    • 6.00 /6.30 Reach home or hubby’s office, shower, asar.
    • 7.00 Prep for dinner, maghrib.
    • 8.00 Start working for paper work, need to send it A.S.A.P the next day/ book marking/ exam paper marking. *30 minutes de-stress by surfing internet.
    • 12.00/1.00 Iron baju, prep for tomorrow, laundry (leave my laundry in the auto machine, hang it out tomorrow)

    I don’t have time to go for retail therapy. I missed quite a number of good movies. I don’t go out meeting people. Becoming more depressed as hubby come home late (3/4am, sometimes 5am). I have no one to talk to. Hubby warned me because of my expensive phone bill. Sad thing I move from Perak to Johor 🙁

      Lately, there are many articles written about teacher’s workload. Fact#1 , most of insane asylum inhabitants are used to be teachers at school. Fact #2, 10 patients undergoing chemotherapy at the hospital were teachers (source: the star) . The real truth, many family members of teachers are receiving less attention and love.


      1. Teachers are the assets of the country. How many more will be sacrificed to asylum and cancer ward?
      2. How many more pupils’ education development will be sacrificed in class, due to teacher’s fatigue and burnout?
      3. If more smart teachers are slaughtered in teaching profession (be it career change, asylum, etc.) , what will become of our education standard?

      More reading regarding similar issue:

      1. Confession of a Cikgu
      2. The real truth about teaching by Tasneem Muhammad
      3. Bila guru luah rasa by Wahid Hashim
      4. Jealous? Come and stay here in pedalaman by Fazlin Farieza
      5. Ever wonder I get paid more than average teacher? by Ah Kam

      How do I have time writing this? I abandon my exam papers. 210 sets. 50% done but I cannot mark when I am emotional. Pity my students who are going to receive “emotional” mark from me.

      PS: Indonesia have come up with an organization to study about teacher’s workload years ago. Maybe we can learn something from them.

    My husband inspired me to blog about this. When we were on our way home, we saw an orange stall.

    Him: Eh, dah ada Mat Salai eh kat sini.
    Me: A’ah! Yeay! Tak payah la abang nak pergi jauh² lagi nak cari Mat Salai. I like it better than prosperity burger.
    Him: Ha’ah. Yeay! Great food is near. Hmm, why don’t you block about this.
    Me: (Aku yang kurang pendengaran akibat ekzos kereta Omar yang bising itu) Huh? Block ke blog?
    Him: Blog la. Grr.

      We discovered this burger kiosk at Bandar Uda. So, we went out late at night, eating this yummy oblong beefy burger when our stomach was vibrating of hunger. And damn, it was so delicious. I prefer Mat Salai than Prosperity because:
    • It’s halalan thoiyyiban. Halalan, because the beef and chicken source is confirmed.
    • I support local economy. We shouldn’t be dengki with our people’s success but instead, we should be more supportive. Go Malaysia!!
    • The beef patty is beefy. The taste isn’t overcome with flour and other flavour.
    • They put delicious serunding.
    • The black pepper sauce is not over poured, and too spicy.

    The new Mat Salai stall is set up in front of the mosque, at Jalan Perwira 8, Taman Ungku Tun Aminah. Oh, oh. They even have Facebook page. Whaaa~

    So, have you ever eaten this burger?