E-surat untuk adik rap

Along rindu sangat kat rap walaupun baru je dapat jumpa rap kejap kat JB masa cuti aritu. Along buat e-surat ni sebab along nak rakam perasaan ni dan ingat semula bila kita tua. Time ni air mata mengalir tak henti-henti and Along tak reti nak stop. Mungkin juga sebab hormon mengandung, tapi along nak rap tahu, inilah kasih sayang seorang kakak kepada adik kesayangannya. Walaupun along tahu rap  tak suka baca blog along sebab blog ni cam bimbo, along tahu nanti bila rap dapat laptop rap akan tengok jugak blog ni selain daripada blog obefiend.

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Enter from the back we must not

I am interested to follow the hot case of Anwar and Saiful because I am curious. However, when I googled, I found this as the latest.

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KUALA LUMPUR: A Malaysiakini news article was produced in court by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s lead counsel Karpal Singh, during the cross-examination of key witness Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan at the High Court here this morning.11.05am: Karpal gave the article ‘Saya diliwat tanpa rela‘ on Aug 15, 2008, for the witness to read.Karpal: What is in the article, is true?

Mohd Saiful: There is an error there. The others are correct.

Karpal: What’s the error?

Mohd Saiful: It says that I was only sodomised once. That’s the error. I was sodomized three times. I misinterpreted the question.

Karpal: Did u tell the reporter that you were sodomised by Anwar the first time and never sodomized before?

Mohd Saiful: I did tell the reporter.

Karpal: You lied in this court when you said that you met Najib (Datuk Seri Najib Razak) on June 24 (2008), and that you complained you were sodomised by Anwar a few times?

Mohd Saiful: I don’t agree.

You see, my students once fought because one of them did an action similar to sodomy. The ‘victim’ was angry and hit his friend.

“Cikgu dia buat aksi lucah yang macam ni macam ni kat saya!”
“Apa yang awak nak buat sebenarnya?”
“Takde pape, saya saja je. Saya buat macam ni macam ni je.”
“Erk…” *Cikgu pun tak reti nak marah ke explain*

You see, I have no idea how to handle this case. I wonder how the judge can handle Anwar’s case. And I need to understand the case so that I can explain to them clearly when they asked what is really a sodomy? Whose to be blamed and punished? *Pening*

PS: Sometimes a teacher needs to be a lawyer.

Melestarikan ummah madani

Bunyinya seperti tak tercapai bintang di langit, namun itulah tugas guru yang sejati. Memperkasakan ummah bukan sahaja peranan pemimpin, akan tetapi ia bermula sejak dari seorang manusia itu kecil, dan seorang guru yang menerapkan nilai-nilai jati diri yang tinggi. Melestarikan ummah madani memerlukan prinsip hidup yang kuat, persekitaran yang membina dan hubungan sosial yang membantu melestarikan pemikiran ummah madani. Kelihatan agak sukar untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab ini namun ianya bermula dengan niat baik seorang guru. Hayatilah beberapa kisah yang saya ingin kongsi bersama.

Salah seorang anak didik saya demam sehingga 39 darjah celcius. Saya gagal untuk menghubungi ayahnya pada mulanya namun selepas itu beliau menghubungi saya semula. Insya Allah saya takkan lupa perbualan ini sampai akhir hayat.

Guru: Anak encik demam. Dah 39 darjah celcius ni. Minta datang ambil dan hantar ke klinik ya?

Bapa: Minta maaf cikgu. Saya bertugas dari 7 hingga 7. Saya pun cikgu juga. Tadi saya sedang bermesyuarat. Kalau boleh cikgu bagi dia berjalan kaki balik ke rumah (kurang 1km jarak rumahnya dengan sekolah). Saya mengajar di SIGS. Nak ambil susah la cikgu.

Guru: Tak mengapa encik. Nanti saya minta tolong guru yang lapang untuk hantar anak encik. Kalau tidak pun, saya suruh dia berehat di sickbay sahaja.

Bapa: Terima kasih banyak-banyak cikgu.

Terasa sebak bila seorang bapa berkorban untuk anak orang lain tatkala anaknya sendiri kurang sihat. Inilah pengorbanan guru sejati. Teringat kata-kata ibu saudara saya yang telah mendapat Anugerah Warden peringkat kebangsaan bila orang bertanya “Takpe ke tinggal anak kat rumah?” Jawabnya:

“Tak apalah. Kita jaga anak orang. Allah jaga anak-anak kita”

Terkedu saya dengan jawapannya. Ibu saudara saya cukup bertuah. Dilahirkan dan diberikan pendidikan agama secukupnya dan mengaplikasikan Baitul Muslim pada keluarganya dengan sebaiknya. Kesemua anaknya menghafal al-Quran dan salah seorangnya bergelar Hafizah di Terengganu. Masya Allah. Anak-anak soleh adalah harta yang tak ternilai, yang boleh kita bawa bersama ketika mati kelak. Anak-anak inilah yang akan mewujudkan masyarakat madani apabila mereka berkeluarga kelak.

Oleh itu, pendidikan dan bimbingan kerohanian adalah tunjang utama dalam melaksanakan impian ummah madani. Bermula dari sebuah rumah, kemudian masyarakat, seterusnya sebuah negara dan akhirnya ke kesatuan ummah. Ingat, pembangunan insan bukan sahaja bersifat individu, namun pada skala masyarakat. Dalam teks perutusan tahun baru 2010 oleh YAB Timbalan Perdana Menteri, beliau menyentuh tentang human develoment yang berteraskan pendidikan berkualiti. Inilah tanggungjawab sebenar guru di era NKRA.

Semoga beban kerja sampingan yang menghantui guru akan dapat dikurangkan dan mudahan kita semua dapat melaksanakan tanggungjawab mendidik dengan sebaiknya.

Pautan: Teks penuh perutusan tahun baru 2010 oleh YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin B. Mohd Yassin

Severe traffic congestion in Johor Bahru

This is a serious post. As you know, I am currently driving from Skudai to my school 6.20 in the morning. That is because I want to avoid the traffic congestion. Jalan Skudai is the most straight and will take me in 15 minutes but heck, everyone can afford car and swarm the road at the same time. And it takes me sometimes more than half an hour to reach school. What a waste of time and fuel! These are the negative effects which many people have to endure 6 days every week.

  1. Motorists who drive on your right side. Like, hello. Is this Malaysia? Since when motorist’s lane is near the fast lane? Isn’t that dangerous? I am scared to move around because the motorists have 9 lives. They dare to cilok (swivel) here and there. Sometimes they even dare to use their fist to punch other’s car or MPV.
  2. Poorly-lit road: The authority know that people are moving at fast speed during twilight hour. Twilight hour is the time when your eyes are getting used to the change from night time to day and vice versa. It is a dangerous time to drive as you have more blind spots during these times.
  3. Emergency Accident Plan: If you are the frequent user of Skudai road, you should know that even small accidents can cause major traffic congestion. There was one time I went out at 6.20am and I was perasan I am going to arrive early at school. I was wronged. I actually arrived at school at 7.45am, when the assembly was almost over. And some other teachers who also use that road, arrive at 8am something. Clearly, the traffic congestion problem in JB reduces productivity and waste our precious time. When my car stucked near Angsana area at 6.40am, I thought it was normal traffic congestion. Apparently I was wrong. At 7.10am, a police car passed by and 20 minutes after that, the car-crowd was able to make move. Where is the efficiency of local authority? They are the ones with the sirens, hence, they have the power to dispel the traffic congestion. Why couldn’t they come earlier?
  4. The need of motorist lane and emergency lane: I discussed with my husband the urge of having motorist lane in JB. He said “The cost is too much and there is no area to develop with”. Then I asked, “Since when human’s life cost too low?” Pfffft! Losing the motorists means we’re losing money because they are the ones who bring Singapore money into Malaysia. Talk about cost, huh?
  5. Poor road condition: We pay tax so that we can have good public facilities. However, the road has deep manhole and some bumpy cemented area. Basically, the job of maintaining the road condition is not there. People wanted to avoid manhole and steered to left and right. Or sometimes one drives too fast and couldn’t see the bump of a manhole and whoops!

Please, please don’t embarrass Malaysia.

Review: Teater Imam Al-Bukhari

Pertama kali saya menonton teater di bumi Johor ini. For quite a long time, I haven’t watch any theater. Alhamdulillah, saya berasa gembira dapat turut sama menyaksikan teater anjuran Waqaf An-Nur (JCorp). Saya kira teater Waqaf An-Nur mendapat sambutan yang sangat menggalakkan kerana kehadiran telah mencapai angka 3 ribu. Harus saya ucapkan tahniah kerana berjaya menganjurkan teater ini. Ramai yang dahagakan teater islami sebegini. Kita sudah muak dengan hiburan dan suapan hedonisme. Continue reading