An invitation for bloggers

Dearest blogospheres,

I wanted to let you know about an important online event I’m taking part in on October 15th, called Blog Action Day. Each year bloggers from more than 100 countries come together and blog about a single important issue, and this year’s topic is clean water. The event includes thousands of blogs – including the White House blog and The Official Google Blog – and they’re looking for as many blogs to participate as possible, regardless of their size and focus.

UNICEF and Prime Minister calls for Kiwis to appreciate the value of clean water on World Water Day

I hope you’ll think about joining me for this event. If you want more information, check out the Blog Action Day site at

Hope to see your post on the 15th!


Review: Robin Hood

Between Iron Man 2 and Robin Hood, I choose Robin Hood because it is historical (some say it’s mythical) but I believe it is partly true because Robin had lived in disguise.Robin Hood provokes issues and some thinking.

During my childhood, I watched Robin Hood and his merry men on TV. The story of a witty bandit robbing the rich to give the poor is heroic. This time around Ridley Scott brings a different version of Robin Hood. I thank Ridley Scott for making my grey matter gets going as I watch his movie.

*Warning: Spoiler*

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Dihalau dari Al-Aqsa

Seusai solat fardhu dan menunggu jemaah bersurai, aku berada di kawasan karpet merah dan di depanku, ada jemaah beragama lain turut selesai menunaikan ibadah mereka.Keadaan di masjid ketika itu agak sibuk namun tidak huru-hara seperti hari dilanda tentera rejim Zionis.

Aku melihat dengan penuh takjub.

“Alangkah baiknya jika sekiranya mereka sedar bahawa Islam adalah agama yang mulia”

Aku menunggu jemaah lain menyusut keluar dari lingkungan karpet merah kerana kami dibelenggu dengan pagar kayu yang berukir (seperti di dalam mahkamah).

Tiba-tiba ulama’ muktabar Yahudi menghalau kami dengan menjerit-jerit; “Pergi kamu ke kawasan sana! Ini bukan kawasan kamu!”

Aku terkasima dan hampir menangis kerana mereka bersenjatakan teknoloji ketenteraan terkini.Kami dibawa ke satu kawasan seperti kandang pesalah di mahkamah. Kurang luas dari kawasan sebelumnya. Apabila kumasuki ruang tersebut, kudapati karpet disimbahi kotoran yang berasal entah dari mana, juga beberapa kesan tompokan darah. Aku hendak duduk, tapi takut dan geli. Aku sedih mengenangkan kami dihalau dari kawasan kami.

Air mataku bergelinangan apabila suamiku mengejutkan aku bangun. Dadaku sebak. Kuceritakan kepadanya. Pada dia mimpiku tidak bermakna. Tetapi aku masih teringat sehingga sekarang. Terasa berada di bumi Palestin ketika itu.

Apakah makna di sebalik mimpi ini?

Obama wins yeay!

Why do I support Barrack Obama?

  1. I always like dark, tall and handsome guy.
  2. He promises change and better healthcare.
  3. He has a fashionable wife.
  4. He used to live in Indonesia, and not a war prisoner. He’s not that tough like McCain and more human.
  5. He is a democrat. Yeay!
  6. He is the one who will change the world.

Pink October

This month is about pink ribbon, pink blusher, pink external hard drive and more pink stuffs. Nah. It is about Breast Cancer Awareness month. October is the month where massive global campaign about breast cancer is being done in the whole wide world. The message is one: early detection saves lives.

Estee Lauder is the biggest campaigner and there are some major cosmetic brand follow Estee Lauder’s act like Bobbi Brown, Aramis, Clinique, Donna Karan Cosmetics, La Mer, Origins, Sean John Fragrances and Tommy Hilfiger Toileteries. (More on

In Malaysia, this noble act is supported by Breast Cancer Welfare Association (BCWA), Cancer Research Initiatives Foundation (CARIF), The National Cancer Society of Malaysia (MAKNA–who provides free and subsidised mammogram screenings) and College of Radiology Malaysia.

The make-up is brought to you by Estee Lauder.

Here’s what we can do to lead a healthy lifestyle and delay the cancer:

  1. Get screened–and consult your doctor how frequent you should have it done.
  2. Check yourself regularly (breast self-exam) and report any changes to your doctor.
  3. Eat more vegetables and and fruits. Their fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients can help.
  4. Work out. Yoga. Go to gym. Involve in sports. Do whatever you love (in my case, I love the muscle-churning Pilates).
  5. Watch the scale. Extra weight=extra risk.
  6. Do not ever think of smoking. Do quit.
  7. Drink less and live more.

Similar information can be retrieved from Estee Lauder and participating brands counters. They also provide pink ribbons, for free! Remember, live healthily and wear pink ribbon!

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Italian model is on sale

Full news: She is an Italian. She does modeling. Her family said she’s a devoted Christian.  But she decided to give away her virginity for a million Euro. Mamma mia!

“I don’t know what it’s like to have sex,” Raffela told the magazine, Chi, adding that if the man who bought her virginity was ugly then she would quickly get over it.


Ya Allah, selamatkanlah ummah.

Israel ‘ready to act’ over Iran



Suara kecil: Aku tak percaya israel akan berbincang semeja dan berbaik dengan ahmadinejad. dulu masa zaman berkamceng kata “nuke? oke je!”*, now tak boleh plak sebab yahudi israel zionis zalimis rasa threatened  apekes? org mcm ni tak boleh dipercayai. bayangkan jika perang berlaku, timur tengah akan berlautkan darah. ya allah!!

*sila rujuk temuramah ahmadinejad semasa di amerika, walaupun english translator tak berjaya menafsir bahasa arab beliau dengan baik dek kerana kekurangan vocabulary dalam kamus inggeris.

Download day for Firefox 3

People! Let’s put our pledge to Firefox 3 and download it on 17th of June 2008, and make ff3 becomes the most downloadable software in one day. Kindly click the cute fox cartoon at the left sidebar of this blog. Currently Malaysia has 7.351 people who have pledged to download ff3 on its launch date.