Kongsi bahan: Kajian Tindakan

Semua guru yang berada di bawah pengurusan Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Johor (JPNJ) DIWAJIBKAN melakukan kajian tindakan atau action research kerana a adalah hasrat mantan pengarah untuk memajukan kemahiran guru dan memperkasakan ilmu P&P (teaching and learning).Berikut adalah contoh yang telah siap dan contoh format kajian tindakan yang hanya perlu diisi mengikut subjek. Continue reading

Baby Spa and massage parlour

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Lama dah tak menulis. Lemau sikit rasanya. Sekarang musim periksa. tapi alhamdulillah sempat spend time dgn bebudak bawak derg g spa baby. Dah lama berhajat nak bawa. Alhamdulillah terlaksana. Bawak bebudak swimming bagus. Nabi pun suruh kita ajar anak swimming kan. Banyak manfaat nya. Dulu kteorg duduk depan laut Lumut mmg selalu mandi depan rumah. Kesian anak aku takde rumah depan laut (mahal amat kot rumah kat Danga Bay!)

Spa baby ni berada di Bukit Indah. Ada lagi satu di Taman Sutera. Akan tetapi that one agak open dan mcm tak sesuai pula dgn aku yg low profile ni (sila cakap BLAHHH AH kuat2!) Cuma tak selesa la. Asik ditenung orang gittew. So yg ni agak lengang masa weekday and agak bersih sbb tak ramai orang.


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Review Restoran Upin & Ipin

Lokasi strategik.  Dekat dengan Angsana. New Uda Biz Centre di Bandar Baru Uda.

Menu sangat kids friendly. Bite size dan tak pedas. Kalau korang nak bawak orang tua makan kat sini memang silap la. Menu utk org dewasa agak kurang menarik. Kerana target restoran ni adalah untuk kanak-kanak.


Buku menu dipenuhi dengan karekter Upin & Ipin. Kopi Tok Dalang ada. Ayam Mail cinonet set pun ada. That day I ordered durian roll with ice cream. I really love it! Creamy and less sweet.


Kat tengah tu ada drink bar. Kemain ek. Bancuh milo pun dipanggil barista kat sini. Kelasss korang.



Pelbagai barangan original yang ada cop Upin & Ipin ada di sini. Kalau nqk beli backdated issues of komik Upin & Ipin pun ada.


Area untuk buat majlis hari jadi pun ada.  Semua meja dan kerusi macam kat tadika.


Yang penting my son was over the moon and gelak terbahak-bahak kegirangan bila masuk sini. Dudukkan dia depan tv area dan makan. Namun selepas setengah jam kemudian, dia sujud depan poster Pada zaman Dahulu. Aduhhhhh anakku.


Harga makanan boleh tahan la. A bit overpriced kata bapaknya. Kitaorang order durian roll  with ice cream and chocolate syrup (4 rolls) set snek kanak-kanak: nugget dan smiley potatoes, milo tarik, milo o, ubi goreng + sambal. Semua sekali rm28.00 Boleh makan mekdi ye pak. Takpelah. Mekdi dah kaya. Tiba masa tolong orang Malaysia pula.

Kepada sesiapa yang anaknya suka tengok rancangan Upin & Ipin, anak anda pasti teruja bila dibawa ke sini. It’s a little world of Kampung Durian Runtuh.

Psssst. Lepas ni nak buka Tadika Mesra pula. Mudahan berjaya dan anak2 didik tadika ni menjadi anak2 yang baik hati dan rajin tolong orang tua nya macam Upin & Ipin.


Awesome surau in Johor Bahru

I was amazed to see the surau. From the moment I saw it, entering the toilet, and prayed inside it, the whole place is amazingly beautiful. Subhanallah.

They have an islamic kindergarten with english medium teachers.



They have state-of-the-art ablution area


They have beautiful and comfortable prayer hall


They have informative information board with neat handwriting.  Including an open invitation to a kenduri of a bookshop owner. What a generous invitation! Subhanallah.


They have an herb garden, a small library, air conditioned classroom, canteen, kitchen,  office and a caring community.

This is not an individual act but the whole community. This surau is situated in Jalan Tebrau and managed by professional retirees.

I am very proud with the small surau that has a big role on the community. May Allah protect the surau and bless the people who had contributed for it.


e-Prestasi: Apakah?

It’s a rare thing that I complain about MOE’s project and work burden. Whenever I read Jarod’s complaint , I quietly think “So far, I’m good and can do my work without ranting”. But today, I have to let it out my chest. So that I can die peacefully. I feel a bit better like someone take off a stone on my shoulder when I share my stress with others.

My FB friends what to know so much about e-Prestasi. Oi, why other states do not know about this? not fair. If this is a KPM’s programme, it should be applied nationally.

Here’s the screenshot of e-Prestasi

ePrestasiI need to key in the TOV, ETR and 3 examinations results. Luckily I’m an IT savvy person, I just copy everything from SAPS except for class 5 Bijak because there’s so many students coming in and out.

The reason of using e-Prestasi is to assess a teacher’s performance. Woot! What?

What are the disadvantages?

  1. Teachers can key in lowest TOV and ETR as possible and get a good mark.
  2. It is redundant work. First, you key in marks in SAPS. Then e-Prestasi. Then SPS. Then what?
  3. Cheating: Yeah, to save our arses in the government organisation we all cheat, lie and steal. How low our integrity is.
  4. Teachers who are placed at the most bottom class, with the reluctant learners, are the unluckiest teacher on earth.
  5. Pupils are being pressured by the teachers to perform because it affects markah prestasi guru too.
  6. You can dump the holy intention of school based assessment and KSSR and KSSM.
  7. I took a long hour to key n the data because of the excel format. Thanks to the officer who thought of this and make me a miserable mother. Thanks! (This is a cynicism if you don’t get it)

Gheesh! I do my work for Allah and I’m so upset with all these administrative work and the pressure to key in the data because I need to send it within 48 hours.

Who knows Haji Sufaat bin Tumin’s address? I want to forward this rant to him..


Gerai air paling best

Agak hairan nape org bawak beg plastik beso2 dari bazar ramadan Perling. Rupanya bawak air sedap. Beratur panjang ye. Setengah jam baru akak dapat air katira. Dah laa cuaca panas ya Allah. Huii nikmat sangat bila berbuka. Happy tak terkata.


Inilah satu satunya gerai yang pakai khemah besar.  Org lain semua kongsi. Derang nye tong air satu jenis je dah 30 liter. Tong nye beso ya amat. Tak pernah jumpa rope ni. Cara dia bubuh air mmg terbaik. Memula bubuh ais sepenuhnya.  Kemudian taruh laa kordial dan pati air tu. Tak pakai air masak. Dia bagi customer beg plastik besor punya. Tak muat tumbler Tuppaware 2 liter tu k. Baru rm2. Memang murah. Memang beli dengan deme hari hari. Pernah sekali beli pukul 5 dan waktu tu panas sangat. Tapi masa berbuka masih ada ais dan manisssss sekali. Alhamdulillah. Nikmatnya puasa.


Cerita cikgu

Hari ni Allah buka mata saya seluas luasnya. Seorang anak murid mengadu yg budak lelaki bernama F ni ketuk kepala dia.

Cikgu: awak buat/cakap apa sampai dia ketuk awak?
Murid perempuan: takde apa cikgu. Tiba2 dia ketuk

Saya bertanya lebih lanjut kepada F sebab musabab dia buat begitu.

Cikgu: kenapa awak buat nadia macam tu? Dia buat apa? Dia ada pukul awak? Mengata awak?
F: takde cikgu.
C: dahtu? Kenapa nak pukul dia tak masal? Awak kena pukul dengan siapa? (Saya pegang lengan)

Tiba2 dia menarik lengannya dengan cepat. Mengaduh kesakitan. Walhal saya baru pegang. Pelik. Saya bawa ke perpustakaan di corner yg ada sofa.
C: awak kena pukul dengan siapa?

Terus air mata mengalir keluar. 

F: ayah saya.
C: dia pukul kat mana? Sini ye? (Sambil memeriksa lengannya yang berbirat kemerahan)
C: dia pukul dengan apa?
F: pancing
C: awak buat apa sampai dia pukul awak mcm ni? Awak nakal ye?
F: taktau cikgu.  Tiba2 dia pukul (air mata laju keluar)
C: bila ni?
F: semalam. 
C: waktu bila? Pagi? Petang? Siang? Malam?
F: waktu maghrib. 

Lepas tu nasihat selanjutnya diberikan agar beliau tidak memukul anak orang lain.

Kesimpulannya,  keganasan yang berlaku dalam domestik akan berlanjutan hingga ke komuniti.  Banyak sebab berlaku keganasan. Namun sewajarnya sebagai seorang guru, jangan sesekali kita turut terjebak dengan berlaku ganas kepada anak murid kita. Janganlah lempang, cubit,  pukul anak murid kita. Percayalah pada hikmah sebagaimana Rasulullah tunjuk dalam akhlaknya. Anak murid yang masih berada di sekolah rendah adalah mudah disentuh berbanding dengan sekolah menengah.  Tolong lah. Berhenti hukum fizikal anak murid. Kita nak lahir kan rakyat Malaysia yang baik. Bukan ganas.

Case Study of cyst

I am not eligible to write a medical journal but this is my own case study and I put it up on the Internet in case any individual can find benefit with it. I was diagnosed with cyst when I knew about my first pregnancy. Back then the size wasn’t a worry. It was 3.3 x 3.6 centimeters. It was a pain when I carry my first pregnancy and then I had follow up with specialist for 3 months and the size was stagnant. Then I had my second pregnancy and my gynae could not see it much due to the growing uterus. 4 months (my appointment is on the third month and I was a month late) after delivery I had my pap smear done and also ultrasound scan. I was surprised to see the cyst size has doubled to 6.82 x 5.18 centimeters. Then I understand why I had pain sometimes on my lower left abdomen. My gynae had seen the worst cases and his main concerns are: 1- twisted cyst which can cause quite painful pain 2- hemorrhage 3- puss 4- rupture 5- cancer (rare case but it happens) Hence I have been given 10 days grace period before I get my pap smear test results and see him again for the decision. He told me that I can remove it using scarless and almost painless procedure. My specialist gynae has certificate in minor invasive surgery from India. He said there are many benefits of this procedure. Patients would not be cut open but only small cut needed from belly button. Less cost as patients does not have to stay long in ward. Not much medicine. I have another option which is suggested by a confinement lady in Penang. http://iceblessedbeauty.blogspot.com/?m=1 I have to work hard for 10 days and use herbal medicine to shrink the size of the cyst. So now I am planning my diet and taking medicinal herbs and doing bertangas kering.


May Allah ease my case and I hope I will not have to do the surgery although he is the best gynae in jb and his procedure is the best because… I have to take 2 weeks leave and I pity irfan because he is fully breastfeed.

Pengalaman bersalin di Hospital Columbia Asia Nusajaya

Macam mana mula kenal hospital ni ek? Hospital ni paling dekat dengan rumah. Mulanya doktor kerajaan yg suggest pergi sini sbb sini lg canggih ultra sound machine nya. Gynae yg dicadangkan ialah Dr. RAJESH. Orangnya kelakar. Professional. Mula datang dengan husband. Dia explain everything is good etc. Check dgn dr RAJESH ni kadang2 je. Selalu check up dengan klinik kesihatan larkin. Servis mmg pantas. Dekat dgn sekolah pula tu.

So about the hospital, it is new. Very nice interior and architecture. Nicer than puteri n KPJ Abdul Samad. Macam masuk hotel. Uniform staff memang lawa.

Labour room dia simple. Maybe sebab i dpt bersalin normal. Ada tempat letak kaki. Dulu masa beranak fahmi atas katil je. Koyak perinium weh. Atas siling ada arah kiblat utk bapa2 yg nk azankan bayi sebaik saja lepas lahir. Suami boleh masuk kalau xde komplikasi. Omar siap jd assistant lg. Haha.

Wad dia xde la ngeri sgt rupanya. Dari luar nmpk gelap n isolated. But i got a room mate. Also a teacher who had Caesar a day before I deliver. The bathroom is clean. The nurse will accompany u to the toilet n help u necessarily. 

What i like the most is the price.  Tak mahal mcm private hospital yg lain. For normal delivery, 2.5K sahaja. Bil ibu dan anak. Kalau Caesar baru 3.5k. Sbb tdo lebih kat hospital. 

I really like dr rajesh because he wanted me to have the normal delivery. No drug at all. No pain killer. Very supportive and cheerful. I should send him flowers kan?

Paediatric pun x mahal mcm pakar puteri. Pakar puteri rm 200. Patut laa derg doktor melayu gaji sebulan rm300k. Hospital ni yg plg kaya dr teh. Patient dia mmg beratoq. About my paed, Dr rohaizad mmg pandai layan fahmi yg banyak ragam kalau time sakit. Tadi kena charge 70 for ubat n 40 for consultation. Will see how it goes. May Fahmi gets better soon. Ameen.