Life as a story


Our fateful life is a story as the great Shakespeare puts it “Life’s a stage and all men and women are merely players”. Whether you hate or love literature, life is a literature.We are the director, the actor and the entire production team. Our dream is our inspiration to write a great script. We can choose to be a minor or major character. A hero or villain. We can choose to be Derek Sheperd or Prince Charming. We can be a lonely loser in the street, trying to find five cents coin, instead of making good dollars by working. And not to forget, in our life, we always meet with new character, which gives a fresh beginning or tribulations to the plot, or a meaningless character which dies in the middle or at the end. We can be whatever we want to be, and choose to have a great or mundane story because it is the people who move the story.


A great story requires a great plot or script, which means it comes from a great writer. A great story is what we expect to see, when we pay our cinema ticket. If you want your life story to be remembered after people coming out of the cinema, you need to give an impact. A change of perception perhaps. Is it worth for the next five months after you get out of your cinema seat, and remember what had Erra Fazira wore for this and that scene? Life’s like that. Go for a great plot instead of fancy costume. People don’t remember you, for your fashion sense, but your deeds and lines. Because why? Fashion is quickly outdated and it keeps on having new design and line every day. Have you ever heard the say “that is soooo last season”?


Story without an ending, is never a story. Even the novel “The neverending story” has ending. Obviously different stories have different endings. Fairy tales usually have happily-ever-after ending, but have we ever live a fairy-tale life? We can choose to end our story with great impact, or live it hanging, unresolved. Great story gives a satisfying sigh when the cinema lights switched on. When the audience left the cinema, they will remember the ending of the story. They will remember how great it is, and tell to other people about it. It’s the choice of the director, that is us, to give a great ending to our life story.

We choose what we want to be

We choose our line

We choose our clothes

We choose our crew (friends)

We choose our ending.

It’s our choice to have a great story or not.

Over and done

Believe it or not, I have officially finished studying in MARJON. I had last session (drama workshop) with Katy this morning. I’m going to miss everything about MARJON and Plymouth. The place where I learn so many things and the place where I learn about life as well. I know I will miss this place, as my heart feels like not wanting to go back to Malaysia. However, Malaysia awaits me, and whether I like it or not, I still need to go back and do my final year in KL.

Time flown. I thought it was Monday yesterday, and today is already Friday. Where had the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday gone? *sigh* I haven’t done my packing yet and many other stuffs that need to be done before I go back. Gosh. How time envies me!

So long farewell Plymouth hoe

I shall see you once more

One day it will be

A day for you and me Azwan is ghey

He couldn’t get decent sleep for days and this is what happened.

ainee: did u get some sleep dear?
me azwan: not really, just for few hours.
me azwan: itu pun lepas letih balik mcr semalam.
me azwan: haha.
ainee: u gi ngan bofren sape?
ainee: lpe nk tnya
me azwan: i gi dgn toped.
me azwan: ah, i orgasm’ed multiple time.
me azwan: lol
ainee: ur so ghey
ainee: orgasm’d?
ainee: mcr?
ainee: mygod.
me azwan: it’s like having mental masturbation.
me azwan: haha.
ainee: sooooo ghey
ainee: im sooo going to put this into my blog.
me azwan: hehe, be my guest.
me azwan: i miss gerrard already.
ainee: 😐
ainee: my goawd!!
me azwan: semalam dia hotness ok?
me azwan: i love his hair.

Someone fix him please.


Amma is much successful than Juan Mann (remember the guy who hugs people in Sydney? with a cool song from sickpuppies).She gave away 26 million hugs man! While Juan Mann’s campaign is banned, Amma is welcomed globally and thousands are willing to wait for hours just to get a hug from Amma. I think our society is lacking of family institution’s love. All these materialism makes us forget what’s important and makes us leave people who love us. We are lacking the essence of life. That is love and embracing loved ones. Oh BTW, Amma has a website as well. Well, what do you expect? She’s so successful in NY, and she’s now in London! Gosh. These orang putih are kekurangan kasih sayang la I rasa. Luckily I live in Islam and we stress the importance of family institution. I think it’s simple. Amma gives genuine love and doesn’t ask for requited one.

Time travel

Time flies

Hair gets longer

Judgement is much wiser (hopefully)

Body gets taller (or fatter, in my case)

Skin has become much wrinkled

Memory decays

Another 22 days in here. I’m going to miss this place. It’s almost two years I’ve been here. So many things happen. I can’t believe I’m almost at the finishing line of my degree. I can vote for general election. Time flies really really fast. How much time do I have left really? It’s a way of saying, death is nearer. Scary huh? When thinking of death and be reminded of our sins and our sins to other people. So how?

‘The heart becomes rusted
like iron in water.’
When asked how to banish this
corrosion, the Prophet replied,
‘Remember death frequently and
recite the Qur’an.’

(Monologue: Great. I haven’t gone back to Malaysia yet, and I already speak Manglish la kan~)



Assalamualaikum. Ohayoo gozaimasu. NI baru nak jawab tag Izyan.

Ban gohan? I’m not a breakfast person but I have to have breakfast. It is important for your mental and physical growth. Once I miss my breakfast, I will get terrible stomach ache and headache. Being a student in MARJON, I can’t be fussy about my breakfast. Anything will do. But it must be healthy. Chocolate bars is occasional. Just a cup of hot chocolate usually, which I can get easily from The Shop (Marjon’s small grocery shop).

Cereal+milk is the best. Quick and healthy. But most of the time, bread, spread and milk.
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Sometimes, pancake with golden syrup is a nice treat.
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Not to forget my energy booster, especially before Liz’s class. Caffeine.