Pre-raya post

[Malay language entry]

Ramadhan kian usai. Blog ini akan bercuti buat sementara waktu. Di kesempatan ini, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat pembaca blog ini dan semua yang mengenali diri ini. Segala kesilapan bahasa, tutur bicara, harap dapat dimaafkan. Saya adalah hamba yang penuh khilaf dan kelemahan. Yang tak pernah lepas dari melakukan kesilapan. Andai terlajak bicara, terkasar bahasa, ada entri yang tak enak dibaca, segalanya datang dari kesalahan saya jua. Hamba yang hina.

Terima kasih buat bloggers yang rajin menulis entri yang menyentuh jiwa saya tiap kali membacanya. Walaupun tiada masa untuk menitip di ruang komen, ketahuilah bahawa saya pembaca setia anda. Mudahan Allah akan memberi kalian semangat untuk menulis. Mudahan ilham yang Allah berikan dapat dirasai bersama.

Terima kasih jua buat silent readers yang tak jemu mengungi blog ini (melalui IP address anda yang berjaya direkodkan. Yeay!) walau tiada apa yang dapat saya beri melalui tulisan saya. Sedikit sebanyak pengalaman yang ditimba, akan saya cuba kongsi bersama. Terima kasih atas kunjungan dan sokongan kalian.

Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir Batin!

Holiday ends so soon

Time flies. I haven’t done my weekly reflection. I’m so good at killing time. I spent my holiday mostly snuggling in bed. Was rainy in Manjung since Tuesday, and it has been an indescribable pleasure to sleep ever since. I got back my beauty sleep. Yeay! No more staying up late till 2-3 am in the morning, because of writing lesson plans and preparing teaching materials. I don’t depend on caffeine. I am rejuvenating. No more eye bags. No more wrinkle and stress. More beauty sleep. Hikhik.

So yeah, I’m missing my bed. Comfy flowery cool cotton bedspread. Huu. It’s ending soon. I have to pull my socks up and snap back to reality. Ouh. Reality is harsh.

Tomorrow is school. I wonder if the kids remember the homework that I gave to them.

PS: I am currently listening to Madonna’s “Holiday”. Huu T_T

Holiday post

I would like to wish happy holiday to everyone. Thank god. I finally have time to let my hair down and stretch my toes and sleep for 8 hours (or more) and rejuvenate and pamper myself for not doing any lesson plan. Haha 😛

My students have been sending me email and their blog’s URL. Now I know (from my student’s blog) that they are complaining because I give them too much homework. Haha. Gosh. How can I not love them when they are so smart and adorable?

Walimah Syida di Batu Gajah, Perak.

Alhamdulillah…selamat dah kawan aku sorang nie. Tarikh keramat 30 Mei 2008. Masa keme datang kenduri 31 Mei. Boleh le masa praktikum nanti taruk title “puan” kat depan nama. Demand anak murid “panggil saya puan syida”. Hikhik. Nie le die gambo keme masa aritu. Tema perkahwinan warna oren. Cantik kan? Ni dari kemere henpon Sony Ericsson K530 ai. Ade banyak lg gambo dalam kemere Sony Cybershot. Tapi maleh pula menguploadnye. 😛

The bride and me
syida ainee

The pelamin (wedding platform)
Ai tak kawen pon terasa penatnya. haih.

What to do and bring to the beach

Me+swimming=happy. Went to Pangkor last week wif Ana, Durra and Nisa (tapi tak terjumpe Kak Red & family laa). Haven’t been to Pangkor for quite a while. So, been an orang laut, here are the tips that will make your beach vacation the best ever.


What to do at beach

If you are laid back style, you can chill, sunbathe, ogling people, bury your friend in sand, building sand castles, taking pictures, strolling at the beach, souvenir shopping, picnicking (not panicking! haha) and swim near the beach.

If you are adventurous and love to try new things, you may want to consider to have the experience of island hopping and see the exotic sea creatures and sea plants, snorkeling, crossing from the beach to the island when the tide is low, banana boat ride (not suitable for small kids),

And, these are the things you can do with your friends (big group) canoing, water rafting, telematch, cycling around the island, fishing, barbecue at the beach (best giler!) and of course, shopping for dried sea food!!


What to bring

  1. Beach sandal: penting wo, don’t wear your leathered Hush Puppies. Nanges kang
  2. mengkuang mat: so that you won’t have sandy bum and eat happily on it without feeling sandy.
  3. goggles: your eyes will be stung by salt water if you swim
  4. food: of course! swimming makes one hungry.
  5. swim suit: k, i have some tips here, if you want to wear tights, you should wear it from home so that you will not waste time changing it over there. For Muslimah, there are burqinis to be worn.
  6. Sunny: The most important, that will give your face coolest tan look. Choose the one that suits your face. You don’t want to look like a fashion victim right?
  7. Sunblock: self-explanatory.
  8. Waterproof bag or pouch: Important to protect your dollars, handphones and cameras.
  9. Baju salin, shower foam and tola (towel): get the one that is easy to be worn. don’t bring large tola, such a waste of space.
  10. water bottle: after swimming and gulping sea water, you may feel thirsty and have bitter taste in your throat. plus, hot sun will make you dehydrated.


Pikshures: I don’t have gadget to upload my pikshures yet, so just look at Kak Red’s mkay?

More tips: if it is a day trip, get out from the beach by 3 pm. Or you’ll be queuing with people who just checked out from the hotel and mind you, it’s a very long queue during school holiday.

(k, gtg, kne pass balik kompite kat adik bongsu aku yg meracau nak maen kompite)

Holiday and weddings

Whee! I thank people who are having wedding during holiday. It makes my life lovely during weekends. I really love wedding. I dream my own wedding since I was a child. I want it to be white. But it gets to change as the fashion trend changes. I planned it white, then yellow, then blue and bla3. Very indecisive. However, seeing lovely decoration and nice bridal outfit eases my heart. To those who are getting kawen this cuti sekolah: May Allah bless your wedding and marriage.

Anyone wants to invite me to their wedding?


Tomorrow is Shida’s wedding in Batu Gajah, Perak. Can’t wait to see her becoming a bride ^_^

(Mood wedding sbb pagi td dpt MMS gamba cincin. Hiks (^_^)

Pulang, panas dan pelan.

Alhamdulillah. Dah beberapa bernafas di bumi Malaysia nan panas ni (Masih belum tukar sim card lg. Sabar2. Will do insha Allah).  Baru Malaysia, belum Arab Saudi atau neraka lagi. Arab Saudi’s temperature 43 celcius seyh. Masha Allah. Nak dekat kiamat. Tapi, berapa ramai antara kita yang ambil iktibar dengan apa yang terjadi di sekeliling kita. Masih kita lakukan dosa dan tidak mempercayai kata-kata Nya (sila rujuk Quran tentang kisah Bani Israel yang degil).

Pagi ini, penulis tersohor Malaysia yang masih muda, Faisal Tehrani, muncul di rancangan SPM (selamat pagi Malaysia) untuk mengulas mengenai karya terbarunya “Bila tuhan berbicara”. Ditanya oleh pengacara (maaf ya pak, don’t know your name lah), kenapa diberi nama sedemikian, jawabnya, (this is my own words, and been paraphrased) “tuhan berbicara bukan bermaksud literally, namun melalui malapetaka sebagai amaran dan peringatan”. Aduh, mahukah kita berfikir hingga ke situ? Perlukan minda yang ligat berfikir ya bila membaca karya Faisal Tehrani. Insha Allah saya memburu buku dalam masa cuti ini. Oh, mahu memburu air dan lemak juga. Bercadang untuk berenang sepuasnya semasa di Malaysia. Sesuai ya, di musim panas ini.

Untuk ulasan buku, saya cadangkan anda membaca entry dari blog Jiwarasa.

Up, up and away!

(I hope kak Eqin doesn’t read this entry till the time I reach and surprise her by myself).

Assalamualaikum. May Allah bless us all. In short time, I am going to leave the UK. Which means… Malaysia! Great. I don’t expect to go back this summer but hey, things happen and what we plan is not always what we get. We just make plan, but it is He who decides. I believe that there’ll be some hikmah. Insha Allah. Well, pray for me. I hope many will want to take the challange to help Abe Idham and Darul Izzah Orpahanage. Au revoir!!