If I were a president

I was having random chat with him and suddenly came out this question.

“Why not you all elect me as a president? Nanti I lantik you jadi my vice president” *glee*

“tanak lah” with furstated tone.

“Why not?!”

“Because nanti you tukar sume benda dalam country ni jadik kaler pink. You have minister for Gucci, Prada. You have special ambassador for Paris Hilton. Kereta you nanti pink Cadillac diamond studded. Tanak lah.”

Huu… (-_-)

Cikgu, sila beratur!

Hari ni barisan nak bayar makanan kat kantin panjang. Ada sorang dua nyelit masa aku beratur. Aku tahan nafas amarah. Tak semua cikgu ni civilised rupenye (masa tu cikgu laki).

Kemudian time aku nak letak pinggan, nak amek duit dari purse DP kesayanganku itu, adalah hamba Allah ni (kaum Adam juga la~) cuba meletakkan pinggan dengan kernyihan (sengih tahap busuk) di muka. Aku cakap dengan nada yang tegas “no2. i queue. this is my queue”. pastuh mamat kerang tu pun kernyih lagi sambil tunggu tepi aku. “tade2. that’s the queue”. maka dia pun dengan menurut titah perintah aku, beratur dengan baiknya. alhamdulillah. setel.

ada pulak lagi sorang makcik tibe2 datang nyelit nak baya. aku slow talk dengan kakak kantin:

Aku: Lain kali jangan layan orang yang tak beratur neh.

Kakak: Alaa nak buat macam mana. Derang memang camnie (eh! aku pun nak bagi korang duit gak pe!)

Aku: Ape pulak kak. Ni institut perguruan.(sambil memandang sinis makcik itu)

[makcik tu pun rasa bersalah dan terkulat-kulat dok kat meja tu]

Maka aku rasa entry aku yang lepas tak berapa relevan zaman sekarang. Walaupun makcik tu dah berzaman mengajar, lagi senior dari aku, ade ke she’s being a teacher when she’s in teaching institute? Cikgu ke perangai memotong barisan? Korang ingat korang je ke yang lapar? Korang ingat korang je yang ada duit nak bayar? Excuse me! Obeying queue line is a sign of civilisation and moral.

Mungkin selama ni takde orang nak tegur derang pasal perangai huduh derang ni. Macam ni ke cikgu? Puhleaseeee!! Dengan aku siap la kau. Pasni kalau aku ada payung masa beratur, mungkin aku akan menggunakan ia sebagai teaching aid. Bagaimana aku akan menggunakannnya? Terpulang kepada situasi.

Bege mandrem

Kelmarin aku beli bege (satu bege daging). Semalam pun sama (2 bege daging). Hari ni aku order hot dog pula di kantin kolej. Kemudian menyelesaikan urusan pembelian teaching material kat Agus (photocopy and stationary shop in IPBA). Nak amek hot dog kemudian lah.

On the way nak balik ke hostel baru teringat kat hot dog, patah balik ke kantin, tengok² bege dah siap. Lalu aku mengambilnya. Lepas bayar, insiden tak diingini berlaku. Sungguh kuat sekali perbualan ini sehingga dapat didengari oleh orang sekeliling tempat masak bege tersebut.

Kakak sengal: Wei ko mandrem *budak ni ke? Ari2 beli bege kat kau! (*merujuk kepada diriku)

Abang bege: Hek elleh. Ape main mandrem2.

Aku: (sambil pandang ke dalam mata abang bege) Masak dengan ikhlas!  *senyum*

Abang bege: Tu la! Orang masak ngan ikhlas!! #$%^&*()%^&

Kakiku laju bergerak meninggalkan mereka dengan pergaduhan  yang tak cukup umur itu.

Ape barang bege mandrem? Begembire laa~~

QDB.us: Studied in England?

Suatu hari di kelas 4 Melati.

Gegirl: Teacher, have you studied in England before?

Me: Urm, why do you say so?

Gegirl: because from the way you speak. I think you studied in England.

[10 seconds of awesomeness]

Me: Yes, I used to study in England. (sambil hidong menahan kempas kempus).

I thought I lost the accent but yeah my students are good listeners. So far, none complained about my accent and they even challenge me cognitively. Seriously! So yeah. Go British English. Go Austin Power!! Hahah.

QDB.us: truth vs lie

[we were talking about Lingam’s case]

ainee: sayang, do u remember the quote that u gave me
Omar Khayam: what quote
Omar Khayam: ?
ainee: yg turth ispreferable
Omar Khayam: yeah, truth is preferable to lies
ainee: that’s the one
ainee: but we tend to prefer lie
ainee: coz truth hurts
Omar Khayam: truth is painful
Omar Khayam: but lies provide temporary comfort
Omar Khayam: while it eats u from the inside
ainee: and the tongue that says true words is not preferable?
ainee: the tongue that says true words is not favorable?
Omar Khayam: it’s natural for us not to like pain
ainee: yeah
ainee: pain is painful
Omar Khayam: pain is often detested
Omar Khayam: yeah
Omar Khayam:
Omar Khayam: to put it simply, pain is never welcomed
ainee: so lie wins then.
Omar Khayam: take it like this
Omar Khayam: the brave chooses the truth
Omar Khayam: the cowards opt for lies
ainee: now that’s what i call good quotation.
ainee: like rasulullah said “berkata benarlah walaupun ia pahit”
Omar Khayam: yeah
ainee: he encouraged us to be brave then.
Omar Khayam: great minds think alike, hmm?

PS: Hepi cites dei. ops. Hepi tices dei.

QDB.us: Books

Me: I’m so happy to buy this book. I thought it was hundred (Kinokuniya sold it to me for RM 63.80).

Him: Hmm. When it comes to reading material for computer, I prefer e-book. Books on computers are quickly outdated you see.

Me: Still, I cannot find any other book that suits the topic that I want to talk about. Although this book is published in 2004, no one writes on the same topic like he does.

Him: Ok fine but I still prefer electronic version.

Me: *haywire*

World book day

Today is World Book Day. I still remember that I used to collect loads of World Book Day postcard in MARJON, and sent some to Malaysia (It’s frolicking free!! 😀 I only need to pay 47 pence for the stamp!). One of my suggestion to my mak is Roald Dahl. But obviously, my mom does not read in English. But yeah, I still bug her to read good books. I hope the books that I presented to her has been read. *cross fingers*

This year, I’m celebrating World Book Day in Malaysia. I miss cheap good books in the UK. I wish Malaysia have Amazon.com (I know that Ujana Ilmu is almost similar but still, not a vast variety of books), carboot sale, book depository and friendly small local book store (they read before they sell).

Just now one of my friends [let’s name her adik] told me of her suggestion to do book fair in my college. She went to the library, asking the librarian to help her in the project. However, she was disappointed with the respond given.

“1- Cadangan adik tu bagus tapi adik boleh tengok berapa ramai je yang datang library ni pinjam buku. Akak boleh tunjuk muka mana yang selalu pinjam buku. Akak boleh hafal nama lagi.”

“2- Kakak library: [The librarian shows a French story book] Adik tahu harga ni berapa? Cuba adik teka?

Adik: Urm, tatau. Kalau kat Malaysia, belas-belas la kot?

Kakak library: Satu ni RM70. Daripada adik nak buat pesta buku, baik adik suruh budak² ni disiplin. Buku banyak yang kehilangan muka surat. Kena conteng.”

“Adik susah la. Publisher takmau datang bila kita cakap bilangan student kat sini berapa.”

“[After Adik showed a dissappointed face] Akak tahu cadangan adik tu bagus, tapi hakikatnya memang payah”

Hwargh. I seriously could not imagine what would I feel if I were in Adik’s shoes. Never mind adik! I will support you 110%. I somehow feel embarrassed with Malaysian’s reading habit. I believe that “you are what you read”. Reading builds foundation for your thinking. I know the fact that reading Roadl Dahl’s books has made me become a person who think out of the box. I am not ordinary. I am not a commoner. I am odd and special. I thank Roadl Dahl for stimulating my brain to be a creative and imaginative thinker. I thank God for creating Roadl Dahl and gave him inspiration to inspire others.

In the end, adik decided to do “Used books sale”. Much practical and will not waste much money. No publisher will take high risk and everyone will be happy. AND, it saves trees too! I hope many people will participate and interested to sell and buy books.

Happy world book day!!


Di pagi hari, selepas tengah malam, sebelum Subuh. Sedang membuat assignment. Divert sekejap.

Curriculum Study | Candid Syndrome

Curriculum Study: ialah satu subjek untuk tahun ke empat B.Ed TESL. Assignmentnya susah giler. Kene hantar Rabu ni sebelum pukul 10 pagi.

Candid Sydrome: Wedding photographer team yang best. All the shots taken are beautiful. I prefer them than Kidchan. I checked them out (sepatutnya buat assignment!) sebab semalam had conversation with Mak.

Mak: Ala kawin cepat la.

Me: Mane buleh mak sekarang ni nak kawen awal kene prepare awal2. Photographer nak kene tempah setahun.

Mak: Ala, takyah la buat grand2.

Then memberitahu sang calon subuh hari ni seawal nam pagi (dia yg call ek, bukan i yg bug dia):

Me: Guess what. Saiful Nang is fully booked sampai 2009.

Him: Erk! (stunned sekejap selama 10 saat). You nak pakai Saiful Nang ke?

Me: Ehehehe. Not necessarily (ayat cover baek punya)

In the end kena pilih Curriculum Study jugak sebab tanak fail assignment.



[X is my schoolmate. Last night, someone used X’s yahoo messenger’s id. I suspect it was her boyfriend.]

X: maaf ye..X da takde..dier da lame ilang2..dier da mulekan hidup baru..kami keje gaduh2 je..abg k hensem paling penting dlm hidup dier..biarlah kami cmni sampai bile2..maaf la ganggu2 awk..maaf..maaf..maaf..maaf..maaf..maaf..maaf..
ainee: ??
ainee: silap windows la
X: ye latu..awk kim salam kt X je la..sy da mrh2 dier bnyk2 kali..sume untuk kebakan dier..dier da wat e-mail&friendster baru..u try search friendster baru dier..X ..nati jumpe la wajah baru dier yg lebih ceria..w’slm..
ainee: ??
ainee: tibe2 je
X: X perlukan mase unk tenangkn fikiran dier..sy faham dier seorg yg baik sgt2..tp dier a terlepas ckp..sume sbb abgK hensem dier..tkkn kamink hidup terseksa same2??family dier tahu hina2sy je..dh berkali2 maruah sy ilang sbb X..biarlah memory 13Jan07 jd kenangan yg tk dpt dilupekan..maaf la ganggu2 awk ye.inilah takdir..
ainee: awk ni sape?
X: aggap je sy bukan manusia..sy ni spongebob..
ainee: baiklah.