I was sitting tiredly in one afternoon, after school, watching Okto Channel. Suddenly, an image of a little princess captured my attention. Continue reading
I was sitting tiredly in one afternoon, after school, watching Okto Channel. Suddenly, an image of a little princess captured my attention. Continue reading
Is this a plague? People are getting hitched during school holidays and we have to literally fight for the hall bookings, mak andams, florists, pelamins and many more. We become so engrossed with wedding preparation and forgetting why are we getting married initially. Continue reading
My favourite magazine has made a very good promotion. 84% discount for yearly subscription. 24 issues for only $16! Oh, it saves my sanity as well. Instead of getting the copy by going to Singapore, I can save some money and car fuel.
I thought it’s a chick flix due to its title. Well, I was wronged (moral: never ever judge a movie by its title). I thought it’s almost similar to Johnny Depp’s Chocolate but actually it’s a Thai action movie.
The intro, which was read by a kakkoii Japanese actor, gave me a blow.
Continue reading
What do good girls do when they haven’t met for long and planning for a good day out? Continue reading
We believe in destiny because we met because of the destiny.
If you haven’t watch “Slumdog millionaire”, I highly recommend that movie for you. It was inspired by a novel (Q & A by Vikas Swarup), produced using low budget. The actors are using British accent (with some mixture of Indian accent as well) and they are not A-list actors and actresses, mind you. They are from slums and nobody. But the movie have become a phenomenon in any cinema worldwide. This movie is discussed widely, because of its’ religious issues, poverty, romanticism and all. This movie is worth to be watched many times and in case you want to buy the original DVD or Blue-ray disc. I give three thumbs up for this movie! Continue reading
the days of late-night stay up due to assignments
the days of not worrying to pay for utilities bills
the class that does not require me to yell continously
the moments of ‘try and error’
the weekly shopping trip to malls
the karaoke session with buddies
the years of stress-free skin
the chatting with the girls
the coffee with her
the study year,
it has gone.
Today is a lucky day because I had kursus at my school. Yeay!! Everyone loves working on Satudays kan? Extra miles, extra baju to be gosok, extra effort to wake up from the comfy bed but today, is different Saturday. Continue reading
Al-fatihah untuk Mohd Afiq bin Badrin.
Pemergiannya pada 15 April 2009 telah ditangisi ramai. Semoga kebaikan Allahyarham dapat diteladani oleh kita yang masih hidup ini. Dan aku sendiri dapat menyaksikan bahawa Allah lebih menyayangi hamba-hambanya yang baik. Dan aku amat merindui kebaikan itu.
Kepada rakan-rakannya yang berada di SMKA Sultan Azlan Shah, seandainya allahyarham pernah ada buat salah dan silap, saya memohon agar maafkanlah beliau. Andai ada terhutang, tuntutlah daripada kami ahli keluarga. Akhir sekali, sedekahkanlah al-Fatihah buat roh beliau. Juga, terima kasih diucapkan kerana menyempurnakan solat jenazah ghaib dari sekolah. Hanya Allah saja yang dapat membalas jasa kalian.
Semoga Allah cucuri rahmat ke atasnya. Amin.