Facebook faces

I found a good article that describes people’s psychology needs according to their Facebook profile pictures. People post pictures because they want to tell others, who they are, or what they want, or what they need. So, which one is your description?

What does your Facebook profile say about you?

By Hannah Wood, Mirror.co.uk 6/10/2008

How often do you change your Facebook profile picture? And just how much do you agonise over it?

Have you ever used a holiday bikini shot or a cheek-to-cheek one with your new squeeze (just to let the exes know how happy you are)?

Do your friends shout out: ‘That’s your new profile picture!’ When they catch you at your glamorous best on a night out? And do you actually look anything like that well-edited shot posted up on your Facebook page?

According to a survey done by cosmopolitan.co.uk we care more about our appearance on social networks than in real life.

Cosmo put a sample of profile pics to social psychologist Dr Asi Sharabi and asked him to interpret what they tell you about the person behind it.

Match yourself against his verdicts:

POUTING: Presenting such a provocative, sensual symbol indicates someone who wishes to be acknowledged in a sexual way – seeking intimacy or a partner. It could also indicate being a very tactile person

WITH AN ANIMAL: A person who displays themselves as capable of caring and nurturing, indicating need of an outlet for these tendencies and a broody nature.


DANCING: To display yourself on display, so to speak, is the ultimate invitation to be watched. Those who show themselves dancing are likely to be strongly extrovert. Additionally, in Western Culture, dancing has strong connotations toward leisure and freedom, denoting a hedonistic, pleasure-seeking streak.

WITH A BOYFRIEND: A popular picture type with serial monogamists, and signifies searching for a deeper or more committed relationship.

WITH A GUY (NOT BOYFRIEND): As well as a simple flirtatious contact, a picture with a potentially ambiguous meaning shows a love of creating stories, and playing games with the social fabric. In short, one who thrives on gossip.

DOING AN ACTIVITY: This is someone who identifies with their abilities and experiences rather than emotions or relationships. It may also indicate an unwillingness to commit or settle down.


ON HOLIDAY: Those who identify themselves with a carefree holiday may have a tendency to over-stress in their everyday lives. This could also indicate escapist fantasies or a dreamer disposition.

LOOKING AWAY FROM CAMERA: An unwillingness to be caught and posed in the conventional way is indicative of someone headstrong and confident in their approach to life.

NIGHT OUT/FANCY (RAYA) DRESS: This image represents the social, extroverted aspects of a personality; denoting that they value confidence and attention highly.

Dr Sharabi said: “Our social network profiles have become so ubiquitous with our lives that our online and offline appearances are now fully intertwined. On social networks, just like in the physical world, we are constantly working on our self-image, putting forward facets of ourselves that we want seen, and, as in life, we unwittingly uncover aspects of ourselves that we might have preferred to have kept hidden.

Yang takde gamba: Takde kamera, pemalu, stalker (ex girlfriend) atau tak yakin diri.


Aku mimpi sorang lagi mamat yang aku turut sayangi. Buat masa sekarang dia tak boleh dihubungi kerana dia sedang berkelana mencari diri sambil hisap rokok murah.

Mimpinya, kami menghabiskan masa bersama secara damai. Shoe hunting, loitering at cafe and had small talk. It’s kind of weird because we’re never like that in the real world. We’re noisy. We argue. We insult each other. We rock!!

I was trying to get up from the slumber but I just can’t. My eyelids were heavy, so did my heart. I woke up with a fuzzy head. I woke up with a worrying heart. I felt uneasy. I felt something wrong somewhere.

I tried to contact a bunch of close peeps. I failed to communicate with him directly.

To the half, please take care of yourself. Please don’t get into trouble. Please don’t insult any Europe policeman. Come back safely and let’s have another fight.

Of happiness

[Disclamation: This has nothing to do with hepipel]

Some people want us to be happy

But many people give us hurdles towards the road of happiness

Like Mother Theresa said

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

Sod off jealousy and sadness.

Let me be happy and make my own decision to be happy.


QDB.us: Books

Me: I’m so happy to buy this book. I thought it was hundred (Kinokuniya sold it to me for RM 63.80).

Him: Hmm. When it comes to reading material for computer, I prefer e-book. Books on computers are quickly outdated you see.

Me: Still, I cannot find any other book that suits the topic that I want to talk about. Although this book is published in 2004, no one writes on the same topic like he does.

Him: Ok fine but I still prefer electronic version.

Me: *haywire*

Membina masjid

Esok ada 4 kenduri. Satu di Pahang, satu di Kedah, kemudian di Selama dan ahirnya kenduri kesyukuran di Klang. Baguslah. Selamatlah walimah dan kenduri. Mudahan diberkati Allah. Baru tadi tengok Wedding Daze atau di US lebih dikenali dengan tajuk ‘The Pleasure of Your Company’. Dah lama download ia. Dulu takde masa nak tengok.  (Gosh my BeeEm is so broken). Sekarang ni musim nak membina masjid. Alhamdulillah. Dah sampai masanya. Tahniah semua. Mudahan bahagia hingga ke jannah.

Oh ye. Lagi satu kebaikan membina masjid (kahwin). Solat orang yang sudah berkahwin itu juga dua kali ganda pahalanya dari solat orang yang masih bujang. Jeles aku. Tetambah kalau dapat berjemaah dengan suami.

Sebarang soalan bonus atau cepu emas kepada penulis adalah dilarang sama sekali

Lagi satu kes membina masjid. Tadi sebelum Maghrib ada pelancaran Masjid Kristal di Terengganu (ni masuk subjek masjid tempat orang solat tu ye). Subhanallah hebat. Yang pertama dalam dunia kata Mamanda Menteri. Tiada masjid dalam dunia ni yang dibina menggunakan keluli dan gelas. Kalau siang warnanya bagai permata. Waktu malam ia bersinar mengikut cahaya lampu. Seni binaan memang hebat. Semuanya hasil kerja orang Terengganu (yeke? takkan takde sedikit orang Indon pun? Ahahaha) Hiasan dalaman pun cantik dan halus. Tapi malangnya ia tak digunakan untuk solat Jumaat (I pun tatau kenapa. Katanya belum taraf masjid jami’). Baginda pun muka tak berapa ceria la membaca titah, mendoakan agar negeri takluk beliau dilindungi dari malapetaka. Mungkin kerana baginda terasa kehilangan seorang Mamanda yang bisa membaca doa tanpa mengharapkan Sang Mufti. Kemudian hati kecil ini bertanya:

Orang datang solat di masjid ni, nak lihat keindahan masjid ke sebab nak solat?

Apa point buat masjid lawa-lawa. Rasanya Al-Aqsa tu kalau solat di dalamnya, dapat pahala 500 kali ganda. Alangkah lebih baik disedekahkan duit rakyat Malaysia itu kepada saudara seislam disana. Panjang pahala rakyat Malaysia. Di sana Insya Allah ada orang melakukan solat sepanjang waktu. Bacaan lanjut.

I’m impressed with the geekiness of Terengganu people who read Quran using computer. Welcome to the club. Heheh.

Mudahan rakyat Terengganu dapat memanfaatkan dan mengimarahkan masjid tersebut.

Moral: Binalah masjid kalau anda mampu. Sekianterimakasih.


Hee hee. Finally. I online guna laptop kawan sambil menggunakan hotspot dari menara Telekom. BTW, so many things to say.

I miss the time reading people’s blog and blogging about anything under the sun.

Thank you for the comments, people. Very touching.

Today I went out with Azwan, Aini Shamsi and Omark. Tiring rupenye cari komputer kat Loyat. Penuh sesak bahu ke bahu. Trafik manusia memang padat. Hujan pula. Loyat buat duit dengan tandas. Lima puluh sen sekali. Surau Low Yat Plaza, menghampakan.

Malaysia climate makes my sensitive skin have heat rashes. Huu~ Camana nak jadi beautiful kalau duduk kat country panas mcm ni? I think it’s due to my allergy which I get after a while in UK.

BTW, thank you aini shamsi for the souvenirs from Adelaide.

Gosh. I’m bloody tired. The sun in Malaysia saps my energy. The pollution and cigaret’s smoke as well. *sigh*

QDB.us: Azwan is ghey

He couldn’t get decent sleep for days and this is what happened.

ainee: did u get some sleep dear?
me azwan: not really, just for few hours.
me azwan: itu pun lepas letih balik mcr semalam.
me azwan: haha.
ainee: u gi ngan bofren sape?
ainee: lpe nk tnya
me azwan: i gi dgn toped.
me azwan: ah, i orgasm’ed multiple time.
me azwan: lol
ainee: ur so ghey
ainee: orgasm’d?
ainee: mcr?
ainee: mygod.
me azwan: it’s like having mental masturbation.
me azwan: haha.
ainee: sooooo ghey
ainee: im sooo going to put this into my blog.
me azwan: hehe, be my guest.
me azwan: i miss gerrard already.
ainee: 😐
ainee: my goawd!!
me azwan: semalam dia hotness ok?
me azwan: i love his hair.

Someone fix him please.