About eyekneekawai

eyekneekawai is an avid blogger. blogs on everything.

Children in need

Each year since 1980, the BBC has set aside one evening of programming on its flagship television channel, BBC One, to show events aimed at raising money for charities working with children in the UK. BBC coverage also extends across the BBC’s other television channels and national and local radio channels. A mascot called ‘Pudsey’, a teddy bear with a bandage over one eye, was introduced in 1985 and has become a regular feature. In 2007 Pudsey and the Children in Need logo were redesigned. Children in Need was registered as a charity in 1989.

More info on Children in need on Wiki and BBC.


Machine washable sunny

I am quite shocked when I was doing my online shopping at the famous high street boutique website. They have machine washable sunny nowadays. Impressive. Nevertheless, I bought it. Perhaps I should consider of washing it along with my laundry. Heheh. They are selling anything from last season and lucky me, I can use it in Malaysia as I can wear one all year round. 🙂

Or will I buy another?

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Selepas dibersihkan

Ampun tuanku. Sembah patik harap diampun.

Patik memohon agar tuanku mengusulkan memorandum tersebut, suara hati rakyat jelata. Segala luah rasa rakyat di bawah naungan tuanku, segala jerih payah rakyat menempuhi bala tentera FRU, sumpitan air dan gas pemedih mata itu segalanya dilakukan untuk jajahan takluk tuanku. Sekalian rakyat jelata mahu melindungi tanah naungan tuanku. Patik dan rakyat jelata sayangkan tanah ini dan mahukan ia menjadi peninggalan yang terbaik untuk anak cucu kelak. Agar anak cucu kami tidak menyalahkan kami kenapa tanah ini berhamburan dan kucar-kacir. Patik harap tuanku mendengar isi hati rakyat jelata. Ampun tuanku.

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Funny but bersih

Probably next month’s DiGi advertisement, they don’t need to find new ideas and models.

I heard they ban yellow wardrobe for the day. What if for the people who are working for DiGi ek? Kena tangkap sekali tak?

I wonder what will happen to people who are wearing Perak, Kedah, and Selangor’s jersey. (Is there any other state FC that got yellow on their jerseys?)

For the pengantin (newly weds) who have YELLOW as their theme, do you mind to caruk your experience here?

What will happen to blondes weih? I cuak nieh.

Daulat tuanku! Heheh. ^_^

Baca artikel Ruhanie Ahmad: Berdosakan rakyat berpakaian kuning?

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Nothing to wear

Probably I think too much. I am being indecisive whenever I need to dress up. Adeh. What colour. Cold or not. Yada yada. Guys don’t have to bother about all these. They just need lotsa T shirts and jeans. That’s all. For formal function, all they need is a good suit and best necktie. But for girls, adeh. So hard you know to pick which dress to wear. *garu kepala*

Sebenarnya saya lambat, just because sebab susah nak pilih busana. Aaaa~ Help~~


Sweet and expensive

Frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity III, New York.

The recipe can be found here.

  1. Serendipity: the lucky tendency to find interesting or valuable things by chance
  2. Luck: the force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance and not as a result of your own efforts or abilities.

How to be hot?

I can’t think of the apt title for this entry. Bagaimana mendapatkan kasih sayang? Bagaimana menjadi lovable? Bagaimana mahu disayangi? Sorry. Can’t think of any. So bear with it. Hikhik.

This entry supposed to be commemorated last week. However, as human, we just plan. So, based on my observation, these are the things that make one hot. Not for a while, but all the time.

  • Hafaz Quran

Sepanjang pemerhatian saya, orang yang hafaz Quran secara istiqamah, mereka ni ada daya tarikan (appeal). Kalau Mawi orang kata ada aura. Basically itulah yang saya maksudkan. Saya lihat, orang sekeliling mudah mendampingi mereka. Selesa berada bersama. Tapi ada juga yang sebaliknya. Biasalah tu. Takde makna la life kalau perfect manjang. Orang yang hafal Quran ni tak perlu jadi handsome atau cun. Mungkin nur Quran menerangi hati dan wajah mereka. Tak perlu bazir duit, membahayakan diri pakai minyak pengasih dan sebagainya. Cukuplah Quran pendinding diri.

  • Senyum

Rasulullah suka senyum dari tertawa macam hyena (<- i lah ni). Kalau baca entry tuan Yasir tentang sifat Rasulullah, baginda punya description, masha Allah. Rasanya orang yang ada masalah pun boleh hilang stress bila lihat wajah baginda. Baginda menyebarkan ‘bright and shiny’ melalui senyuman. Senyuman yang contagious lagi membahagiakan itu dari hati yang suci murni. Siap ada reward lagi. Senyum itu sedekah. Jadi, 🙂 lah~

  • Boundless love

There is no room for hatred and anger in your heart at all. Loving habis. Macam Rasulullah (baginda kan contoh terbaik, qudwah hassanah). Orang Yahudi yang paling benci kat dia pun, dia sayang. Orang Taif baling taik pun dia masih bersangka baik lagi. Walaupun Jibril tanya ‘kau nak aku terbalikkan bumi Taif ni tak?’, baginda dengan penuh kasih sayang menjawab ‘tak perlu’. In the end, anak cucu orang yang baling taik kat Rasulullah ni pun turut menyebarkan kasih sayang dan terus menyayangi sekalian umat.

Jadi jelas, orang yang menyebarkan kasih sayang, tiada sifat mazmumah di hati, insya Allah disayangi. Dampingi Quran. Ubat penawar untuk hati. Tak perlu jadi cantik macam model. Nanti orang sayang kat awak on surface je. Tak perlu jadi kaya macam Bill Gates, by the time awak mati harta awak dirampas direbut.

Oh, have I told you I love you?

Saranghae!! <3 <3 <3