Author Archives: eyekneekawai
camping in ulu langat
this weekend i went to ulu langat campsite. Impian country resort. Near to Nuang mountain. since my cooperating teacher told me that we’re going to camp on friday, my heart beats fast, my eyes were sparkling and my enthusiasm is uncontrollable.
immediately after came back from school on friday (1230pm), I didn’t even had lunch. I straight away pack my stuffs (because I didn’t manage to pack earlier due to school workload). Very minimum and basic. I’m being a minimalist. As I met my practicum mates, they told me “Aini ni rupa betul2 nak bercamping”. That’s because their style was so leisure. Haha. Macam nak g bersantai.
Then as we arrived at the resort, the river and the coldness greeted us. I took ablution. Guess what. The water source comes from the river. Cold and very earthy. Err, I just don’t know how to describe it. It’s just so refreshing.I was so sleepy when I arrived because I didn’t have a good night sleep before, but was awaken by the refreshing river water. So yeah. The water that comes out from the pipe is au naturale river water.
Night walk. I imagine i’d be an easy one. Just some walk in the forest. Na-ah. We gathered nearby forest at 1100 pm. Then we go into it, 1130pm. Was very dark. Never ever experience such darkness ever. This is not like blackout (TNB malfunction) moment. Flashlights are not allowed. Just use your senses. Legs and arms especially. Eyes are not functioning well that time. As we go deeper, the route is getting more difficult. Then I have a feeling it was not a night walk. We were climbing hill at night. Kids need adult’s help in order to climb tree root which is taller than them. Was hilly and slippery. But the kids were very very brave and strong. None of them freaked out or cried. It’s my first time climbing hill at night. Imagine the kids. They climbed hill, for the first time, at night, without any light source. Wow. I’m jealous. They’ve created world record I think.
We climbed roots. Hanging on a rope. Slide down our butts on bumpy muddy hill. My shoes’ sole even fell out. I was in a very dangerous situation when I climbed down. I will treasure that moment forever. Come to think of it, how did I do it? I never thought that I have a very very strong inner strength.Oh, we reached flat land by 130am. 2 hours of climbing a very challenging hill, in the darkness of night. Then the kids were waken up at 5 am. We only had few hours of sleep.
Saturday, laluan berhalangan. Or, shall I say obstructed paths? So, the kids need to go under thorny wires, climbed a wall, climbed 3 metres-90 degrees hill slope, then they need to climbed down backward, for half an hour, balancing on a hanging tree trunk and go under muddy water. We teachers even discourage them, not to do it, in case they can’t but these kids, hmpf. So strong and brave. Some of them did went back. But most of them took the challenge. Seriously, they are champion. So yeah. Nak show off sikit. I had bare-foot moment in the forest. Cikgu² laki cam tercabar je ngan aku. Haha. Kak Aniz had took the priceless-moment picture from the ground (cewah ala shoot saiful nang). Me with other cikgu laki(dak2 pompuan laen gi jaga stesen, derg tak climbed down), balancing ourselves kat atas tree trunk which is hanging 5 metres from ground, sambil buat gaya peace beruk. Coolness. Haha. Ada some cikgu yang jatuh pas tgkp gamba tp me, PK koko and cikgu from sabah tu managed to stay. Haha. *cool gler*Seb baek tak rebah tree trunk tu. haha. risau jugak kot² tumbang tbe2 sbb ramai2 naek atasnya. lol.
Those were the moments that i’ll remember forever. I’m not going to tell the bits where we had motivatinal talk, kem ibadah and treasure hunt yada². i think it’s my personal achievement that i will foretold my story to my grandchildren. Alhamdulillah nothing happened after my shoe sole tercabut. I was like cuak gile. Nak tanggal takleh. Nak biarkan pun bahaya. Hmm. Mujur Allah masih memberi sisa² peluang untuk bernafas di muka bumi ni.
nak pergi camping and climbing lagi!!!
I had priceless experience in my life ever.
A bit of sad news, I managed to dig out some story fromt the Indonesian forest guide that Nuang mountain is not clean nowadays. Only the resort’s river area is clean. What a shame. We Malaysians do not know how to take care of god’s beautiful creation.
arini sekolah aku cam tongkang pecah. awal pagi aku dah masuk kelas anggerik (kelas hujung la kirenye) untuk pendidikan moral. nak suruh wat homework, memang takde. cikgu derang memang jenis tak kasi homework kot. sebab derg ni mmg bkn jenis buat homework. kalau buat homework pun, homework utk kelas tution (ape kes wei cikgu KPM kalah ngan cikgu tution?).
maen la game word chain ngan diaorg. tapi ini first time aku maen game ni. aku pakai taram je. student kene create another word based on the last letter. example: red–>donkey–>yacht. ini untuk menguji samada derang leh eja betul ke tak. bahasa melayu ke inggeris.
al kisahnya, team boboi lawan team gegirl. maka adalah battle of gender berlaku. boys were cursing the girl then suddenly the girl whacked XXXXX with exercise book. As their species is harmed, all boys stand up for their friend.
Pengalaman mengajar pertama kali
[for god’s sake, I’m so lazy to use the shift key]
Hari ni masuk 2 buah kelas, 4 masa, 2 jam. Agak penat sebenarnya sebab tak pernah continuously jerit kat budak2 selama 2 jam.
hari ni introduce topic transportation kat diaorang. so i started the lesson by asking their names, and mode of transport to the school. most of the time they don’t pay attention to their friend. they are much interested chit chatting with each other.then i asked them whether they can hear their friend or not. but it’s kind of boring, as pupils are repeating same line. i did not manage to hold their attention. thus i fasten the process. i try to remember some names. k, proceed to the next activity.
I taught them riddles. Alhamdulillah they get it right. as long as they get the concept, i’m fine with it. Riddles will make them think, and play with language. Some needs translation. Some comes up with good and bombastic one like “I carry Yuri Gagarin and Neil Armstrong, I travel on space, what am I?”. Haha. Gosh. That is so geek. That one comes from a Chinese boy.
someone must steal this for me.
Introducing, Black leather T-bar shoes from Dorothy Perkins.
Priced at 40 pounds only. [mental note: must put in my polyvore item]
starbitez sausage pizza
It’s not worth a pizza. I expect pizzahut can do better.
Finale Akademi Al Quran Musim 3
Hari yang agak terkocoh-kocoh. Tiada afternoon nap (-_-) tapi dapat belajar banyak perkara.
Mulai dengan menonton filim cetusan dari novel Habiburrahman El Shirazy yang ngetop. Premier di Malaysia namun tidak mendapat sambutan ramai. Hall dipenuhi seramai 20 orang. Adakah kerana ia berunsur religius, interfaith atau islamic membuatkan ia tidak mendapat sambutan? Atau telah ramai yang nonton versi bajakan? Kenapa kita bisa nonton filim religius seperti Constantine, Da Vinci code dsb? Mari kita fikir.
Kemudian bersiap diri ke Akademi Al Quran. Bilangan penonton tak seramai pengunjung konsert Akademi Fantasia. Banyak sangat tempat kosong di PICC tempohari. Namun alhamdulillah. Allah telah takdirkan aku dapat hadir ke majlis ilmu. Aku fikir aku tak mampu pergi kerana kepala aku pening (gara² hall cinema yang sangat kosong jadi cuaca menjadi terlalu sejuk, dan aku pun pening kepala). Tentang ketidak-ramai-an penonton di PICC tu, kita bersangka baik, mungkin mereka menonton di rumah. Rating AAQ musim ke 3 meningkat naik dari musim sebelumnya. Wow. Alhamdulillah. Orang dari negara Singapura juga datang tempohari, untuk bersama-sama memeriahkan majlis. Nampak ramai juga pelajar dari maahad tahfiz dan asrama. Mudahan kalian juga berjaya melayakkan diri ke AAQ nanti. Prektis dari sekarang. Mane la tawu~ hehe.
Tahniah diucapkan kepada semua finalist. Mudahan ramai lagi yang bakal mengikut jejak langkah kalian. Tidak dapat dinafikan, AAQ lebih susah dari AF. Latihan sejak dari kecil, mampu membentuk juara seperti Fahmi, Anuar Hasin dan Fakhrul Radhi. Aku? *grumble*
Finally, dapat berjumpa Kak Farah yang diminati. Hehe. Sebenarnya sebaik sahaja lepas majlis, semua yang telah kerja kuat untuk AAQ ada press conference. Tapi ramai nak sesi bergambar dengan Kak Farah, juri dan finalis. kak Farah janji dia akan kembali keluar ke plenary hall after PC. Memang ramai sangat nak bergambar solo dengan kak farah. ya allah. takleh nyelit lagi. takpele. janji dapat salam
Tahniah kepada encik Fakhrul Radhi kita. cewah. dapat Proton BLM ye. jeles ai. Mudahan dapat lagi banyak syafaat saham akhirat bila anda telah membuatkan orang seperti saya tersedar dari lamunan tidur. Ehehehe.
Pictures? later Insya Allah~ 😛
Puisi untuk Fahri
Kamu lelaki
yang mengajar erti
cinta tak seharusnya memiliki
jodoh itu ketentuan ilahi
yang berat itu soal hati
kepada mas fahri,
dong sayang. mudahan ramai mengikut jejakmu. menimba ilmu. menebarkan sayap kasih sayang antara manusia. menegakkan syariat allah di alam semesta. aku mengharapkan kewujudanmu di dunia ini. amin.
*maafkan aku andai sejak dua menjak ini aku bicara dalam bahasa indonesia dan bahasa arab. bear with me ya?
related post: review ayat² cinta
Metafora kad library
Pagi ni aku beriya nak buat tugasan, meminjam buku dari library eltc menggunakan my friend’s card (apparently arini tertinggal purse sbb smlm tukar henbeg *aish*). jadi sekejap je la meminjam nya kerana dah tahu kedudukan buku tersebut dan my speed of walking pun lebih kurang macam walkathon juga. haha.
so, pasal tajuk entry ni, in eltc library, if we were to borrow academic books, we need to stake our library card. so i stake her card in order to borrow the book. so my fren’s card, sepatutnya laminated, but it is not because last time she cut her card because it doesn’t fit her purse. the card is soft and pulpous, as it has been used avidly and it is not protected from liquid. tak kisah la, janji dapat pinjam buku.
then i want to return the book. so i get back my fren’s card and say thank you to the librarian bla3, then walk back to the hostel. on the way, still holding the card, i kind of have a weird feeling. i pressed the card. i just realised that her card is laminated. how awesome. kakak library had laminated the card when i put it in library’s stake. i bet my friend will like her card laminated because she initially planned to do so.
then i left the card on her bed, and this evening i asked her, ‘do you notice that your eltc library card is laminated?’. she was frantically said ‘what?? lemme have a look’. and she was joyous.
i can elate this situation with the kindness that god has offered us. we often not see the kindness, because it is done in transparent way. and we never notice the kindness that is offered in subtle way because the great act of kindness, is never aloud.