Fashionably kind

Today is blog action day. Bloggers will talk about poverty and ways to reduce it. I am jumping into the bandwagon (of bloggers) who would like to help with the world crisis. Enough of the talk, here’s what we can do to reduce poverty, locally and globally.

Donation or charity night is a glamourous act, to raise fund to curb poverty. But what if you can’t do one?

  1. Organize your wardrobe. Labels them to: keep, donate and sell (sounds like ‘Sex and The City‘ scene huh?). Now, to keep labels, is meant to be in your wardrobe. To donate: is to be given away to orphanage or charity home. To sell: If you have quite a good collection of designer’s clothes, sell them online and give away the money to charity organizations like TV3 or  Aman Palestin.
  2. Post an entry about poverty, during Blog Action Day (that is today, 15th October). Give suggestions how to reduce poverty and help poor people around you. Like, what I’m doing now. You can adapt the way you write it, according to your blog style.
  3. If you can’t adopt children from 3rd world country like Angelina Jolie, why not adopt a pet (like Samantha). SPCA has a lot of animals to be adopted. Great good deed starts with a small good deed, innit?
  4. Think of children who are motherless due to breast cancer. Before it happens, try as much as we can to prevent the problem (breast cancer). October is a month for Breast Cancer Awareness (Pink Ribbon). Estee Lauder promotes about it by showering KL tower with pink lights. Me? I wear pink ribbon and spread ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’ message by posting entry about it in my blog. By supporting Pink Ribbon day, it will fund economically-challenged breast cancer patients. It is some way to help poverty, innit?
  5. Do small good deeds. After all, when you do good, you will feel good. There are quite a number of poor people in Malaysia. So, help them by giving them shelter, money and clothes. 1901 hotdog kiosk is looking for volunteers to help them to distribute foods for homeless people around KL. Join 1901 and show your concern towards poverty. It is time to show how human we are.

After all, kindness is always fashionable.

Previous related posts:

Facebook faces

I found a good article that describes people’s psychology needs according to their Facebook profile pictures. People post pictures because they want to tell others, who they are, or what they want, or what they need. So, which one is your description?

What does your Facebook profile say about you?

By Hannah Wood, 6/10/2008

How often do you change your Facebook profile picture? And just how much do you agonise over it?

Have you ever used a holiday bikini shot or a cheek-to-cheek one with your new squeeze (just to let the exes know how happy you are)?

Do your friends shout out: ‘That’s your new profile picture!’ When they catch you at your glamorous best on a night out? And do you actually look anything like that well-edited shot posted up on your Facebook page?

According to a survey done by we care more about our appearance on social networks than in real life.

Cosmo put a sample of profile pics to social psychologist Dr Asi Sharabi and asked him to interpret what they tell you about the person behind it.

Match yourself against his verdicts:

POUTING: Presenting such a provocative, sensual symbol indicates someone who wishes to be acknowledged in a sexual way – seeking intimacy or a partner. It could also indicate being a very tactile person

WITH AN ANIMAL: A person who displays themselves as capable of caring and nurturing, indicating need of an outlet for these tendencies and a broody nature.


DANCING: To display yourself on display, so to speak, is the ultimate invitation to be watched. Those who show themselves dancing are likely to be strongly extrovert. Additionally, in Western Culture, dancing has strong connotations toward leisure and freedom, denoting a hedonistic, pleasure-seeking streak.

WITH A BOYFRIEND: A popular picture type with serial monogamists, and signifies searching for a deeper or more committed relationship.

WITH A GUY (NOT BOYFRIEND): As well as a simple flirtatious contact, a picture with a potentially ambiguous meaning shows a love of creating stories, and playing games with the social fabric. In short, one who thrives on gossip.

DOING AN ACTIVITY: This is someone who identifies with their abilities and experiences rather than emotions or relationships. It may also indicate an unwillingness to commit or settle down.


ON HOLIDAY: Those who identify themselves with a carefree holiday may have a tendency to over-stress in their everyday lives. This could also indicate escapist fantasies or a dreamer disposition.

LOOKING AWAY FROM CAMERA: An unwillingness to be caught and posed in the conventional way is indicative of someone headstrong and confident in their approach to life.

NIGHT OUT/FANCY (RAYA) DRESS: This image represents the social, extroverted aspects of a personality; denoting that they value confidence and attention highly.

Dr Sharabi said: “Our social network profiles have become so ubiquitous with our lives that our online and offline appearances are now fully intertwined. On social networks, just like in the physical world, we are constantly working on our self-image, putting forward facets of ourselves that we want seen, and, as in life, we unwittingly uncover aspects of ourselves that we might have preferred to have kept hidden.

Yang takde gamba: Takde kamera, pemalu, stalker (ex girlfriend) atau tak yakin diri.

Raya wish

The kakak is a princess. She refused to eat kuih raya because she did not want to spoil her lip gloss. And when her mum insisted her to eat, she ate and then put on the lip gloss back. Gosh!! Hahah.
The small one was like tilting her head when this video was recorded and her head was back to normal by the end of the video. Haha. I just don’t know why.
Selamat Hari Raya everyone!

Must-read books

These books were among of 75 book listed by Esquire ‘must read in your lifetime’.

I think I should grab this book. A good man is hard to find by Flannery O’Connor.


And this is another must-read-book. A man changed after he read a book (I think the reviewer refers to The Holy Quran). The book is entitled “The autobiography of Malcolm X” (or aka Malek El Shabbaz). The only auto biography in the list. Usually an autobiography is about amazing people who had done tremendous deeds. I bet this book is inspiring.


And I just don’t get it why good people who fight for people’s right like Malcolm X, and Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated. Why do assassins kill these kind of people? Don’t we want peace and the good in this world?

Pre-raya post

[Malay language entry]

Ramadhan kian usai. Blog ini akan bercuti buat sementara waktu. Di kesempatan ini, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat pembaca blog ini dan semua yang mengenali diri ini. Segala kesilapan bahasa, tutur bicara, harap dapat dimaafkan. Saya adalah hamba yang penuh khilaf dan kelemahan. Yang tak pernah lepas dari melakukan kesilapan. Andai terlajak bicara, terkasar bahasa, ada entri yang tak enak dibaca, segalanya datang dari kesalahan saya jua. Hamba yang hina.

Terima kasih buat bloggers yang rajin menulis entri yang menyentuh jiwa saya tiap kali membacanya. Walaupun tiada masa untuk menitip di ruang komen, ketahuilah bahawa saya pembaca setia anda. Mudahan Allah akan memberi kalian semangat untuk menulis. Mudahan ilham yang Allah berikan dapat dirasai bersama.

Terima kasih jua buat silent readers yang tak jemu mengungi blog ini (melalui IP address anda yang berjaya direkodkan. Yeay!) walau tiada apa yang dapat saya beri melalui tulisan saya. Sedikit sebanyak pengalaman yang ditimba, akan saya cuba kongsi bersama. Terima kasih atas kunjungan dan sokongan kalian.

Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir Batin!

My pupils are my gifts

Dear Miss Aini, I  am sorry I could not come to school today but I wrote you a poem…..

I am sorry I did not come to school today,

And could not say goodbye,
But I will miss you when you are gone,
And now I feel like I’m going to cry……
If you think it is a nice poem…. you should realize that you are the one who taught me how to write poems like this.
I don’t think I can ever have a teacher as great as you were!!
Miss you lots and lots and lots and lots…..