If I were a president

I was having random chat with him and suddenly came out this question.

“Why not you all elect me as a president? Nanti I lantik you jadi my vice president” *glee*

“tanak lah” with furstated tone.

“Why not?!”

“Because nanti you tukar sume benda dalam country ni jadik kaler pink. You have minister for Gucci, Prada. You have special ambassador for Paris Hilton. Kereta you nanti pink Cadillac diamond studded. Tanak lah.”

Huu… (-_-)

blogging hiatus

i haven’t updated stuffs in this blog for quite a long time. for a person who used to make resolution “i want to type in my teaching experience in blog and make it one of my professional development strategy”, she has become wilted and exhausted.

the burden is unbearable. having 29 periods of teaching, staying after school until 6.30 pm. continuous work everyday (extra class, admin work, long meetings, choir practice, hockey practice). as if, i’m working in the morning and evening session. :((

i was dreaming of teaching my pupils outside school but i cannot do anything because i simply do not have time for myself, and energy for extra teaching. i almost gave up. wanting to quit and trying other profession but “he” confided me to stay and tell me “the children need a teacher like you”. i want to quite because i drag myself too much to the extent that i have to take sick leave twice this month. i really need a break.

i would like to apologize to my fellow students in pj (you guys know who you are and i can’t reveal your school name due to security) for not being able to communicate, reply emails promptly and so forth. i am having pretty tough time here, trying to juggle everything. my life and my career. please pray for my health, strength and wealth (muhammad, i still remember that you want me to have a rich husband, haha).

so, good luck for the choral speaking and you guys rock. ps: i miss you all

I’m currently in JB, need to do practice for nasyid perfomance and year 6’s extra class (i didn’t get extra pay, fyi). urgh. even for my own small ceremony i couldn’t prepare much due to time constrain. (sorry mak, for not being able to go back to hometown earlier). i hope, what is planned will go well and “all well ends well”.

[to bro–you know who you are] we’re dealing stress and manage them. we’re the master of our brain and body. we can go through the thick and thin! yeah!!


Towards engagement

Memandangkan saya bermastautin agak jauh dari family, maka banyaklah risau di hati saya memikirkan bagaimana caranya untuk melakukan persiapan memandangkan banyak yang saya tak boleh lakukan dek jarak jauh ini. Saya yang baru nak belajar tentang kehidupan buat la homework sedikit sebanyak. Macam orang putih kata, “Sediakan payung sebelum hujan”.

Dalam ketika itu, dapatlah idea sikit-sikit macam mana nak buat persiapan.Kalau boleh, biarlah sederhana. I was thinking how much would you invite to an engagement party. Then I found this hadith.

“Rahsiakan pertunangan dan iklankan (maklumkan) tentang perkahwinan” (Hadith riwayat Ahmad dari Abdullah bin Zubair Radhiyallahu ‘anhu, dan disahihkan oleh al-Albani di dalam Irwa’ al-Ghalil)

The reason behind this is because, an engagement is like a trial period. I still remember Ustaz Hassan Din told in Al-Kulliyyah that “Orang kita sekarang lagi malu kalau putus tunang daripada bercerai-berai”. Rupanya, it’s ok kalau putus tunang. Divorce is worse than that. Bergegar tiang arasy. So in the time of engagement kalau tak menjadik, you can just break up the relationship and move along. I’d prefer putus tunang daripada bercerai once you dah beranak pinak. I was affected so much with my parents’ divorce. It’s not that easy, being a single parent and taking care of your children’s emotion at the same time. And choosing the right partner is not an easy task. You’ll never know he would change, like, in 10 years?

Before I end this post, this is the elaborate reason why we should not publicize an engagement.

Pertunangan adalah suatu komitmen yang belum pasti. Ia mungkin berakhir dengan perkahwinan, boleh juga tamat pada kesudahan yang tidak diharapkan. Namun ulama’ menjelaskan bahawa di antara hikmah Islam menggesa pertunangan itu tidak dihebah-hebahkan ialah kerana untuk menjaga nikmat ini daripada dirosakkan oleh hasad manusia yang bertindak tidak baik. Ia dijelaskan demikian di dalam Hashiah al-’Adawi ‘ala Sharh Mukhtasar Khalil. (credit to saifulislam.com)

Islam itu penuh hikmah dan nikmah. Jalan dah terang, dan ia terpulang kepada kita untuk memilihnya. Untuk kesenangan kita juga kan?


Berkatalah benar walaupun ianya pahit

I’m a newbie teacher part II

I was so stressed when I received loads of workload as a class teacher. I was so shocked and stressed. My class timetable was rejected twice. I spent about 10 hours doing my class’ timetable. I just wonder why he don’t want to buy the ready-made timetable. I just don’t have time do everything!

Then I got to fill in the register (buku kedatangan). Of course, as a newbie, I’m far from perfect and he can’t expect me to do perfect job. FYI, the register must be handwritten. Mistakes can’t be concealed by liquid paper. I did loads of mistake and I had to rewrite the kids’ name again and it consumes me about 5 hours. Starting from digging their information from the pink form (borang maklumat murid), and then writing it nicely (and I do it slowly because I have a bad handwriting due to too much of computer usage). And then tally it with the kids’ profile (I had to go down to GPK HEM’s room, and get the files from there, open it one by one).

Yesterday, it was Saturday. It was supposed to be Kokurikulum day (I know the fact that most of the schools around here are having their school replacement–due to the demand of having a week CNY’s holiday). But then, since there are so many unsettled job, he decided not to have koko this saturday and the teachers have to work their ass off to finish the jobs. *wipehead*. I had to do these in 2 days:

  1. labelling headcount’s book with the pupils’s name and class.
  2. filling in register book (tarikh lahir, umur pada 1 jan, pekerjaan bapa/penjaga, alamat, nomor tepon, surat beranak, etc).
  3. keying data for SMM (sistem maklumat murid)

Thus, yesterday, I had really bad migraine (which I don’t have for quite a long time) then I vomit. I felt much better after I vomited and I am so lucky because someone had taken a good care of me. And I love him to death.

OK, taa. Need to head back to work.

I’m a newbie teacher

I was not able to spend some minutes to catch new movie, shopping and surfing the internet ever since I arrived in that school. It’s been over a week since I have arrived in JB.Surprise surprise. At first I was informed that I got a school in Pasir Gudang (on Friday) but then on Monday, I was informed that I was sent to JB.I consider myself lucky and surprised. The Ketua Sektor has placed me in SK XYZ (I don’t even know him and I wonder why he did so. Korek² dari GPK rupanya sekolah mintak guru bahasa inggeris).

I went to the school on 30th December. 2 days earlier than I’m supposed to.My family can’t send me on the 1st. They’ll be dead tired if they rush to JB on the 30th or 31st.

Right,I don’t know what to call this. Either it’s a serendipity or merely fateful. The school is Omar’s client and he knows the GB personally. Oh, kak susu is in there as well. She’s my senior from marjon and ipba. She’s the Ketua Panitia there so I already have a guru. Ain’t I lucky?

Ok, let me tell you my first time at school. I met him my GB and I was scolded. I thought he was testing the mike and talking to someone else (because he was rushing here and there, talking to many people, trying to fix the PA system yada yada). He said I was rude because I did not stand when I was talking to him. I was dumbfucked and shocked. But the GPK explained that she haven’t explained “his rules” to me yet. So, he went away and continue doing his job.

The early bird catches the worm. I get to choose my seating place in the staff room. I get to know my colleagues earlier.I attended Zoom A course (which I found really really useful). I’ve made some impression in that way.The KPLIs came on the first January. They need to catch up with the school fast because the GB is GB cemerlang. So everything must work in order, as soon as possible. Since I already explored the school earlier, I’ve gained the confidence to join other teachers in that school.

Next: I’m a newbie Part 2: I was challenged by the Guru Besar when he had given me many posts. I get to become a class teacher and I was broke down, first time in the year of 2009.

SK XYZ: Name of the school is concealed for discretion. Don’t want the people who are googling for the school found this blog.

indulge in reminiscence

Lately I am addicted to classical stuffs. I’ve watched black and romantic movies (Roman Holiday, Casablanca), the great love story that runs for almost 4 hours ‘Gone with the wind’, the ‘Ghost’ movie starring Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze, The English patient, and Out of Africa (I think Meryl Streep looks beautiful in it). And heck, watching romantic movies makes me become more soapy. My mom was quite disturbed by my boohoo. She can hear me from downstairs. Hahah. Another current activity is, I am addicted to a particular classical song from The Shirelles.

Will You Still Love Me Tommorow – Shirelles

Tonight you’re mine completely
You give you love so sweetly
Tonight the light of love is in your eyes
But will you love me tomorrow?

Is this a lasting treasure
Or just a moment’s pleasure?
Can I believe the magic of your sighs?
Will you still love me tomorrow?

Tonight with words unspoken
You say that I’m the only one
But will my heart be broken
When the night meets the morning sun?

I’d like to know that your love
Is love I can be sure of
So tell me now, and I won’t ask again
Will you still love me tomorrow?


So tell me now, and I won’t ask again
Will you still love me tomorrow?
Will you still love me tomorrow?
Will you still love me tomorrow?

A stockpile of chocolates is the best companion.  Huu nom nom nom.

Way to boost shoe sale

I am impressed and proud of Americans. The incident of throwing shoe to Bush have increased that particular shoe’s sale.

News: Baydan has recruited an extra 100 staff to meet orders for 300,000 pairs of Model 271 – more than four times the shoe’s normal annual sale – following an outpouring of support for Zaidi’s act, which was intended as a protest, but led to his arrest by Iraqi security forces. (Guardian, UK)

That was a brave act and admired by many. Perhaps Bush should know that he’s going to receive loads of shoes in his Christmas presents.

I am annoyed by WP 2.7

I can’t use the word “hate”. But yeah, I know I always use that word indeliberately. My bf is an expert about “my” linguistic. It’s my term of endearment. You know, like “I am so annoyed by you but I don’t want to get angry because I love you”  kinda thing.

Oh. About WP 2.7. Apparently, WP developers improvethe dashboard in terms of organization. But heck, it’s even messier now. It’s a bit difficult to focus to write using WP 2.7 (ADHD people knows how annoying a clustered blog dashboard is! ) and this make me feel like blogging with Facebook’s note.

Right, I know it’s a bit better than 2.6.5. It’s widgetized. Drag and drop yada yada. The plugins have updated automatically but hey, I think they are too busy fixing nitty gritty stuff to the extent they are so disorganized and have messed up with the dashboard.  3 columns and too many boxes at the same time??

Let me explain my situation here. I am having difficult time not to look at my monitor screen to much or I’ll be distracted from writing this post. Thus, I typeby looking at the keyboard *bowing my head* and I’ll correct my typo letter. It’s kinda, I am looking at the keyboard and not synchronizing my eyes with the monitor. It’s so hard to focus with WP 2.7!

Alright, let me get this thing out of my chest. I love WP before this but 2.7 makes me feel like urgh!!! Geramnya!! Before this, I love you because of your simplicity but now, you’re as complex as women.

Oh, it’s not just me. This entry somehow explains the bad side of WP 2.7 in a subtle way. Oh, they’ve discuss about it in this forum as well. Sorry if I’ve spoiled your Christmas, WP!


dah beberapa minggu duduk rumah. tak lama je lagi nak berbakti dengan keluarga. pasni dapat tau posting. encik rasso yang baik hati dan cikgu halmi baru je msg bertanyakan untung nasib diri ini tapi setelah daku menyemak di portal semakan utk gsst, ternyata menghampakan. baru ditutup. cist. penat je online. buat orang2 yang concern akan diriku, akan ku kirimkan berita lepas dapat tahu result insya allah. menurut sumber rasmi, insya allah dapat tahu esok (agaknya sebab tu la portal semakan ditutup kot?). oh, aku akan bergelar guru tak lama lagi. oh!

[menggunakan komputer adikku yang ketinggalan zaman ini membuatkan daku susah untuk menaip (kibod ketat! dah la melekit!) dan menggunakan mousenya yang sukar digerakkan bebolanya. *sigh* so pardon my punctuation. ekekek 😀 ]