About eyekneekawai

eyekneekawai is an avid blogger. blogs on everything.

Ramadhan is leaving

Only a few days left, Ramadhan is leaving me. I suddenly feel heavy-hearted. This Ramadhan lots of things happened. Most amazing dream. Most unexpected. Miracles. I wish I can stay in Ramadhan longer. Receiving wake up call for sahur is the best thing because it makes me start my day with smiles and enthusiasm. Not having Satan around is another best thing. Satan does not cloud my judgement. Satan does not whisper and telling me this and that, making me make silly decissions. Yeah. I suddenly feel that, I want to hang at this moment. I want to stuck in Ramadhan. I don’t want to be surrounded by Satan. I had good time with Ramadhan and please God, don’t make me wait for Ramadhan for too long. I miss Ramadhan. I’m going to miss Ramadhan.

Alf sineen=seribu tahun

Relaku menunggumu seribu tahun lama lagi
Tapi benarkah hidup aku akan selama ini
Biar berputar ke arah selatan ku tak putus harapan
Sentiasa setia

Relaku mengejarmu seribu batu jauh lagi
Tapi benarkah kaki ku-kan tahan sepanjang jalan ini
Biar membisu burung bersiulan terlelah gelombang lautan
Ku masih setia

Adakah engkau tahu… ini cinta
Adakah engkau pasti… ini untuk selama-lamanya

Relaku menunggumu seribu tahun lama lagi
Tapi benarkah hidup aku akan selama ini… yeah…
Biar berputar ke arah selatan ku tak putus harapan
Sentiasa setia

Jangan putus harapan… sentiasa setia…

Best Ramadhan ever.

Pagi ini, walaupun belum lagi syuruk, saya nampak sunshine dalam hati. Pelangi tujuh warna. Arnab lompat-lompat. Daineso berjalan dengan rama-rama. Wombat lari-lari. (Saya suka perumpamaan ni. Terima kasih kepada Aini Shamsi dan Azwan)


Walaupun blur² masa bangun sahur. Walaupun elaun tak masuk lagi. Walaupun bil telefon Greendog belum bayar. Walaupun ada a few bumps in my life. Walaupun rasa dah tak larat nak buat dissertation. Walaupun mengantuk semasa terawih. Tapi, this is the best Ramadhan ever 😀

Today, the sun is shining happily ladies and gentlemen.


An exciting story of Ramadhan

Today, in Steve Ansell‘s class, we had total fun. So what we did today in class was, we produced a story.

  1. As a group (9 people in a circle table), we need to produce an agreeable title. We chose ‘an exciting story of Ramadhan.
  2. Then we need to produce an agreeable first line. So the line is ‘Ramadhan comes again’. So it’s ambiguous as Ramadhan can be the month or a person.
  3. Then, individually, we need to continue the sentence. Not more than 15 words, in 30 seconds (but to be precise it’s 1 minute).
  4. Then, clockwise turn, we need to exchange the paper. Continue to write the next sentence, based on previous sentence.
  5. As there are 9 people, the paper was written by 9 authors, 9 times.
  6. When the paper reached the original author, the original author needed to read the whole story, and gave a sensible (or crazy) ending to the story in about 30 words.
  7. Next, we were grouped into smaller groups (from 3 big groups to 8 small groups). We need to share the story with others, and pick the best story.

So, here’s my paper after been scraped by my friend (different colours means different author):

Ramadhan comes again. I am very excited about it as I’ve been waiting for it for eleven months. I am so happy. I hope this Ramadhan is going to be better than the last one. But, it turns out to be the best Ramadhan I ever had. I plan to have breakfast with my close friends and Mak Ucu. But Mak Ucu has just informed me that she is going to break fast with Datuk K alone. “Why?” shouts, cries me. After I get myself together, I realised that Mak Ucu is Datuk K’s wife. Why? Mak Ucu? Why? Compared to others, I prefer Mak Ucu. She can help me with raya preparation. Moreover, Mak Ucu has an estimated assets worth 20 millions. This is the best Ramadhan ever.

Sure or not??


I am not sure whether I do it right

I am not sure whether this is what I want to fight

I am not sure if this will make me happy

I am not sure whether it will be the ending of my story

I am not so sure

I am blur.

Nurul Aini Adnan,

Plymouth, 1 October 2005.


I read tinkerbell’s piece and it touches my heart.

Apabila salah satu pintu kebahagiaan tertutup, yang lain akan terbuka
tapi lazimnya kita akan memandang pintu yang telah tertutup itu terlalu
lama hinggakan kita tidak nampak pintu yang telahpun dibukakan untuk kita.

So, happiness comes to those who are seeking for it. Let’s heal our heart.

Money and time

This fella complained to me that he wished to have more than 25 hours in his life. Reason? Because if he have more time, it means, more work can be done and more time for himself. My verdict? I bumped into an article from Psychologies magazine. I asked him to read it. And I want you guys to read it as well. Just 2 pages. But will worth your time, God willing.

1. By (the Token of) Time (through the ages),

2. Verily Man is in loss,

3. Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.

(surah Al-Asr 103:1-3)

 Psychologies 1: http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/eye_knee_kawai/scan1.jpg

Psychologies 2: http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/eye_knee_kawai/scan0002.jpg