Majlis funeral opah

Sedih rasanya tak dapat datang funeral opah. Sembang dengan mak di telefon, terkejut juga bila ramai yang datang tgk opah. Anak saudara, adik beradik tiri, kawan2 pejabat mak, cuaie, jiran2 semua dtg. Cucu dia 3 org x blk. (me, adik rap, omar). Mak pun dah pesan, jgn blk. Kome nk jaga anak lg. Kalo kome blk pun x sempat nye juge. Keme nk selesey awey. Dah le tu, Both of us got flu n x larat nk drive jauh. But hey, i still dtg sekolah lg smlm wpun bdn xlarat. Rezeki opah mah, ramai org ziarah n solat utk dia. Kawan2 cuaie dari MPM manjung pun ramai dtg. Mak kate “udoh biru warna romah kita”. Of coz i LOL at that.  Khemah pun warna biru. Pd mulanya telefon org khemah, xdpt. Kebetulan YDP MPM manjung dtg bertanya. Bila diberitahu x ade, terus telefon vice dia, kejap je sampai. Memang rezeki opah la. Mudah je urusan funeral dia. Yg mandikan opah were mak, aco n uda. Alhamdulillah anak2 snd yg mandikan. Tulah jasa terakhir anak perempuan. Tulah berkat bg didikan agama.
Mak cerita opah kebumi di manjung, dekat dengan hospital. Alhamdulillah sgt2 selesai urusan funeral dgn cepat. Itulah opah sy. Ramai org manjakan dia. Mcm tulah juga nnt pengakhiran kita akan baik semuanya kalau x dengki, bermusuh, insya allah husnul khotimah. Opah dah selamat level ni. Our turn xtau lg. Mari sama2 baca al fatihah sedekah utk opah mah. Al fatihah.

To my meemaw

You wouldn’t be able to scare me with silly and scary taboo anymore

Those pantangs are useful for me as a woman

I am going to miss your threats

I am going to miss your bedak sejuk smell

I am going to miss a person who contributed some personality to me

I am going to miss my meemaw badly

Although I am far from Manjung

Yet I will send my prayers for you

May your sould rest in peace.

Fall in love again

To:the girl who sits behind me


Love makes your tummy churn and turn

Love makes you smile aimlessly

Love may drive one crazy

Love is funny.


you know he loves you sincerely

if he doesn’t mind your morning breath

if he roll his eyes after he heard you fart

even if you look silly

or if you sound crazy

he always want you to be better

he loves you for whatever

Selamat Balik Kampung peeps! Selamat berjumpa orang tersayang.

Green Green Grass by the River

We always see the grass is greener on the other side when actually the grass on our side is just fine. Greed is ugly, but grateful is great.

When I become a mother, I want to change to be better. A better employee, a better wife and the best teacher.I hope that

Teaching has made my life colourful. I don’t know what would I be if I’m not a teacher. I may be an authoress, but it won’t be as satisfying as becoming a teacher. I like the feeling, when i go to school, i know that i will make pahala. I like to impress my kids with hard-to-believe facts. I like to see their fear of getting a flick of “bread”. I like to see the question marks on their heads. I feel great when they are inspired with my motivation.

Last two days, a boy who used to have e for mathematics, thanked me. I did not do anything. I did not give him answer. All i did was questioning him, to make him think.

Teaching is satisfying. Even though there are many bumps and hiccups, i still want to do teaching. It is my cup of tea. It’s my butter and bread. SAPS failure won’t change my perception towards teaching profession. So please, the people who are responsible to take care of saps, please don’t taint my rainbow.

Selamat berpuasa everyone!

Special puasa dedication to Jarod too. Hehe.

Girls like fashion

Girls are like fashion brand


This post is full with metaphors and figurative language. I hope you get the message.


Girls are like fashion brands. There are brands which belong to high street fashion. The boutique exists almost anywhere. They are effortlessly stylish but they are affordable. Statistically, major goes for high street fashion.

There are a few who can afford exclusive fashion brand like Louis Vuitton and Fendi. They are either patiently collect money over a long time, or they are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. People appreciate exclusive brand and take a good care of it greatly. One may want to put exclusive brand in a special glass case. Not wanting other people to touch it. Not many can own it. Thus, it is so special that it is not being paraded.

Taken from

There are cheaper and fake brands. But many won’t have pride in wearing these brands. Usually, these brands are quickly perished and replaced with a new one. Also, they are usually be put on the floor, as there are not much value of it.


Guys are like eBay bidders. Good eBay bidders would wait for the most wanted item. Of course, the most wanted item is wanted by everyone and many would like to chase the same item. They are willing to put the highest price, snapping others. There are bidders who would patiently wait for the good stuff and get the best bargain.

So, which brand you want to be?


Of beranakkan Fahmi

Entry dah lama diperam macam pekasam. Mula2 tu takut nak publish, in case too gory and bloody. But then I read it again today, and I decided to share my experience with whoever read this. Anyways, enjoy the ‘basi’ entry!


Ok, nak sambung entry lepas la ni. Ceritera pada pagi tahun baru, BP tinggi. Sekarang ni kena berjaga-jaga kalau BP tinggi. Bimbang ada pre-eclampsia. Ramai yang dah terberanak awal. Maksudnya, extra care for the baby and extra worry sampai baby tu besar. Alhamdulillah masa tu dah minggu ke 37, asyik 3 cm je. Sakitnya kerap2 tapi jalan lambat  sikit nak bukak. Kalau 4cm derang terus hantar labour room. FYI, orang nak beranak it’s either one of these: jalan dah bukak 4cm atau air mentuban pecah.

Taken from

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