About eyekneekawai

eyekneekawai is an avid blogger. blogs on everything.

Ramadhan scenario

This holy month, Allah has eliminated one external factor that usually causes human inclined to do evil. So it’ll be just ourselves. This is the month to test one’s faith. Can’t blame the Satan anymore. This is our chance to know whether our heart is OK o not. Just us and our nafs (desire). May good Ramadhan practices will be continued along the way.

PS: I also recommend you to read a funny witty entry by uncle Eddie: Kursus tahunan bersama syaitonir rojim. A very witty sarcarsm.

first ramadhan

salam. peace. shalom. alhamdulillah. allah still giving me chance although i do mistakes and forget him. malaysian already started fasting. same day my mother celebrating her birthday. may allah bless her and grant her happiness. selamat menjalani ibadah puasa everyone!!

of malaysian flight blanket on eBay

I have no idea why on earth I stumbled this eBay item and makes me want to write about it. Someone is selling MAS’ flight blanket on eBay! You can check it here:


Starting bid is 2.99 pounds, postage 3 pounds. Bid will end in 9 days.

I reckon that thing is free and why on earth he/she is selling it? Let’s see who is going to buy it.

Perhaps one day I can sell my junks over eBay as well. *shrugs*

a month to party

i have the whole month

to party

the music is tadarus al-Quran

the dance is mass tarawikh

the feast is iftar jam’ie
the ecstasy is endurance

and it’s a great loss if I miss it.

Ops, I left my glass slipper.

Plymouth, 11 September 2007.  


I know this poem sounds controversial (for conservative people and those who don’t understand literature) but this is the way muslim party during ramadhan. we don’t do drugs. we don’t embarrass ourself by drinking.  we don’t harm ourself. we stick to healthy diet. we have our own way. the best way. yes, ainee loves paradox.

More explanation of Ramadhan by BBC, read here.

Ramadhan XXII

shahrul mubarokah datang lagi

ramai menanti

ada juga yang gusar hati

Ramadhan ini senggang masa yang dicari

Ramadhan ini makanan apa yang menanti

andai aku punya sisa nyawa

andai aku punya peluang kedua

biarkan aku hidup dalam Ramadhan sementara cuma

menjalani siang

menanti malam

leraikanlah aku dari nafsu

jauhkanlah aku dari belenggu

dekatkanlah aku dengan rahmatMu

kasihilah aku dengan rahmanMu

dan kemudian ambillah aku

kerana aku mahu menumpang sekejap cuma

kerana aku insan yang hina

Plymouth, 10 September 2007.

Today is my Caturday

Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah. Thank you for reminding me that my life is getting shorter. I would also like to commemorate this cute picture in this blog. Awww~bless*


Yes. I’m into catology now. I would like to do my master in catology. Inventing new catfood [catcake] is not a bad idea. Just make sure teh cat can eat teh cake. kthxbai.

greetings from kiasuland!

salam and hi all. i am typing this entry from orange grove road. if you’ve been to orchard road, you’ll know where. took mrt to orchard and my mom was so happy seeing this kiasuland so sparkingly bersih and not polluted as malaysia. she said that she wants to buy a house in here. somewhere near to arab street and masjid sultan. mak and i love the roti prata (in malaysia we call it roti canai) as it is not oily, no guilty feeling eating extra cholestrol, and very nice. the prata was very nice. i swear. and mak is so amazed with the all high tech and modern stuff this kiasuland have. she shook her head to see the rat race of getting onto MRT and the pace they walked. aish.

we didn’t prepare duit tambang to go on bus because we thougt he will give the balance. luckily, we managed to korek 2 dollar shillings. alhamdulillah. itupun we feel so embarrassed. then finally we arrived at our destination and i am not sure mak love this place as much as i do.
