Selasa yang culas.

I was asked to go back by the teachers (yes, many of them!) as I got earache again at school. Then I walked slowly, waiting for the lucky-number-46-bus to appear, in autumn gust. Even the bus stop shelter was shaking due to the strong wind today. So I hoovered my room (Before I go to school the glass bowl which I put next to my window fell and shattered into pieces. Luckily I met with Margaret today in the college and asked her to put the vacuum in our house as I want to do it later). I don’t want to sleep with sharp edged of broken glasses. Arse! I immediately fell asleep aster few chat with friends on the internet. Then Dienka’s call woke me up at 6.50pm asking whether I want to attend the workshop. I can’t. I’m bit poorly. I was *ucking tired.

Erk. What is this crap? OK. I am inspired to re-plan my future after I read MA’s blog. So go on read her’s first, then you’ll know what I’m talking about. Hahah. MA is so inspiring for me yah.

So, If I get married at 27, there are chances that I’ll get as much as 4 offsprings.

If I married early of the year, I prolly get one at the end of the year.

  • 27 years old- 1st born 
  • 29 years old- 2 offspring
  • 32 years old- 3 offspring
  • 36 years old- 4 offspring

So, by the time the youngest get into primary school, my age will be around 43. Not that bad innit? If I am the teacher at his or her school, that’s much better
as PTA’s meeting and everything is under my knowledge.

Uh, uh. But I’m dreaming to get 6 brood. How aa? Shall I add another 2 years? Shall I eat pills in order to get twin? 

Well, everything is plan, and it all depends on ‘Him’, the Almighty, the Omniscient. 


*Note to myself: Ainee!! Move your arse you lazy bitch. Do your work please!!
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Kerja, keletihan, kantoi.

Sekarang ni kerja banyak. Bayangkan:

  • 07/12- Katy nak tengok school portfolio
  • 11/12- Exam BHPD01: How Students progress as learners, 2 hours seen exam.
  • 14/12- Group celebration & art portfolio hand in (almost 100% done since it’s not much)
  • 15/12- TEYL Portfolio due date

Mike pon nak tengok portfolio utk EIT. Tapi yang tu almost settled. Too many kerja!!

Ada satu satu flashgame nie, ala2 KOF/ Street fighter, and I managed to win all stage. It congratulates me:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

But then, it makes me feel guilty.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

So, do they know that all the gamers of this game, don’t do their homework then?

PS: Akak managed to persuade me to buy earmuffs. Besides, I do need it for tomorrow. Taunton Avenue to Woodfield Primary is quite distance, hilly and chilly.

PSS: Romong will update his entry soon. He currently enjoys his time in his kampung. He’s busy for this upcoming SMKASAS Cataluna 9802 reunion. Gambaremasu minna san!!
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Crammed schedule

I’m not busy because of Christmas party or whatsoever. Yes, I did go to see Xmas plays around Plymouth, but not because of that my life is been that busy. I haven’t have time to do bloghopping, leaving comments etc. My schedule is totally cram right now. I feel guilty for not doing my usual ritual of blogging. (Is is because of IAD too?)

My exam is in 2 weeks time. Portfolio due date either. Reflections for school haven’t been done fully yet. Luckliky for ‘Collective Voices’ project portfolio, I am satisfied with my materials. (Hmm, looks like ainee spends her time on extra curricular activities innit? Hmm~)

So, I really hope I will have time after this. I really miss mt blogging ritual. BTW, christmas is in the air~where kids behave, nice decoration being put up, late night shopping, lovely songs and colourful streets.

Hope that I’ll have some time soon. Thank you for all your comments. I appreciate them all.

PS: Ayah is at home now. He seems OK. Thanks for the wishes and prayers.

I’m sorry to waste your time for reading this

I have a bad news. My ayah admitted to Hospital this afternon (UK time). I was shocked when my brother told me thru YM.

adik: weih..
adik: gitau muh
adik: ayh eksiden tadi
adik: lpas magrib
eye_knee_kawai: teruk tak?
adik: trok ahhh..
adik: pengsan
eye_knee_kawai: now ayah kt mane?
adik: sepital ahhh
adik: nak p antar baju nih
adik: koyak rabak…
adik: jahit kakinye
adik: …
adik: klah
eye_knee_kawai: shall i call mak?
adik: ni on sbb nak gtau tu je
eye_knee_kawai: huu~
adik: call je
adik: ..
adik: nak rush nih
eye_knee_kawai: okeii
eye_knee_kawai: take care
eye_knee_kawai: jgn rush2
adik: hguhuhuh
adik: ..
eye_knee_kawai: i dont want all my family members staying in d hopsital
adik: (he put a grin icon)
adik: its ok
adik: klah
adik: bubui
adik: assalamualaikum..
eye_knee_kawai: wslm~~

Then minutes after that, Mak called me. I was shocked. I looked at the clock, it was time to go to the next class. But I know if I were in the class I will wander and could not gain anything, and I continue to talk with my Mak.

Suddenly Mak asked “Ni kenapa suara lembut2 je ni?”.

I answered “takde papelah. nak ke kayo (those who knows, know..I won’t tell this bit in detail). I want to cover my feelings from Mak in the first place. But I did go to kayo after that, and cried.

It’s because Ayah. I love him although he never shows his affection towards me. He’s the first man who loves me. I can still remember when I was little, I am his favourite child. He’s proud of me and takes me anywhere he went. I am her adorable and cute daughter. Her only daughter. I’m his only girl. Until I aged 13, our relationship is not as affectionate as before. I grow and be a big girl.

I still remember, there was one time I did a wrong thing, he dreamt of me. A bad one. Mak said he even cried as he woke up. I was shocked. Ayah asked me “Kamu ada buat apa-apa?”, and I don’t want to worry him more, and I shared it with a trustable friend. I know she never tells anyone. I believe in her. She’s one in a million. Only he is the person who can sense my deeds from far. Although many believe that mom usually have the sixth sense, in my case, it’s Ayah who have it. Our attachment is strong. He loves me no matter what, although he never shows it. As this happened to him, it makes me even sadder, because without him, I will not be in here.

PS: Please pray for him. I love him so much. Please Ayah, get well very very soon.

Previous post which links to Ayah.

Micro Teaching, packed and Malay.

Suddenly I feel so packed this week. I haven’t have one day which I spend for internet surfing and chill out. Whew. I would say quite tiring but I don’t feel bored. There are things that is exciting and there are things that gives headache. But that’s life. Seize everything while you can innit?

So, wish me luck for my micro teaching this Friday. I really hope I will not stutter, stuck, dumbfounded, accidentally swear (which I over use) or anything that’ll make me embarrassed and my teaching screwed. I really hope no shit that day.

Got nothing much to write about today since too busy. However, I leave you with a poem. A cynical and witty one. Melayu there means Malay. Archipelagos. Taken from Faisal Tehrani’s blog. Written by Usman Awang (a.k.a Usman Awang).

Karya SN Usman Awang

Melayu itu orang yang bijaksana
nakalnya bersulam jenaka
budi bahasanya tidak terkira
kurang ajarnya tetap santun
jika menipu pun masih bersopan
bila mengampu bijak beralas tangan.
Melayu itu berani jika bersalah
kecut takut kerana benar
janji simpan di perut
selalu pecah di mulut.
Biar mati adat
jangan mati anak.

Dalam sejarahnya
Melayu itu pengembara lautan
melorongkan jalur sejarah zaman
begitu luas daerah sempadan
sayangnya kini segala kehilangan.

Melayu itu kaya falsafahnya
kias kata bidal pusaka
akar budi bersulamkan daya
gedung akal laut bicara.

Malangnya Melayu itu kuat bersorak
terlalu ghairah pesta temasya
sedangkan kampung telah tergadai
sawah sejalur tinggal sejengkal
tanah sebidang mudah terjual….

Politik Sastera di Malaysia

Sudah lama tidak menulis dalam bahasa ibunda. Juga, saya rindu mahu belajar Bahasa Arab sebenarnya. Semanjak dari hari saya ketemu ibu bapa Ahmad Al Khateeb. Kalau ada orang tuliskan puisi mengenai diri saya dalam bahasa Arab, nescaya jatuhlah hati saya kepadanya. Bahasa Arab sangat indah dan romantik. Selepas bahasa Arab, Urdu. sangat romantik. Susah nak terjemahkan dalam bahasa Melayu dengan indah. Bagai membaca terjemahan Harry Potter dalam bahasa Melayu, tiada ‘umph’ rasanya.

Saya tidak maksudkan BM tidak indah, namun, sebuah tulisan yang asalnya ditulis dalam bahasa ibunda, pabila diterjemah, lain perasaan membacanya. Setuju atau tidak terpulang kepada individu.

Suatu hari ketika berbual dengan emak di telefon:

Ainee: Mak, orang kat Barbican Theatre tu kata, nanti poem saya dibukukan. Lepas tu, dia cakap poem saya antara yang bakal dipilih untuk diletakkan dalam gelas kaca sebagai bahan pameran. Huhu. Tak sangka~

Emak: Oh, baguslah. Tapi tak sangka, kamu lebih kepada Bahasa Inggeris. Kenapa ek?

Ainee: Hehe, tu kat sini.

Mungkin kerana mak saya dulu ambil aliran sastera melayu, mungkin dia berharap anak dia akan berminat dengan bidang yang sama.

Mak, Ainee bukan tak minat sastera, minat sangat sebenarnya. Tapi sekarang, sementara tengah ada peluang tuntut ilmu kat negara orang secara free, baiklah mengambil peluang sepenuhnya. Siapa tahu saya bakal mewarisi bakat Muhammad Haji Salleh? Mahir dalam pelbagai bahasa.

Balik Malaysia nanti mungkin boleh hadiri seminar dan bengkel penulisan Bahasa Melayu pula. Insya Allah. With Allah’s will, he will lead me to the best.

Saya mahu pelajari dan fahami pelbagai bahasa, anda?