Assalamualaikum….sebulan cuti sem langsung tak pegang komputer. Macam mana nak mula menulis balik pun dah lupa, malas pulak tu….eeerm tak tau la orang zaman sekarang ni sindrom lupa dengan malas cukup sebati dengan jiwa. Rasanya kali ni nak mulakan dengan gathering asasian 98-02….sesuatu yang cukup bermakna bagi saya. Maklum la 4 tahun dah tak jumpa ramai kawan-kawan lepas habis sekolah dulu….
Asalnya tak tergerak pun hati nak buat reunion macam ni. Tapi bila ramai kengkawan yang saya jumpa asyik sembang bila nak buat reunion termasuk la member yang selalu chating kat ‘ym’ maka semangat pun berkobar-kobar la. Toncet & zura la orang paling semangat skali ajak saya buat benda ni….
23hb Dis 2006 tengah hari tu sepatutnya semua berkumpul di SMKASAS tapi pengawal tak bagi masuk. Alasan takut kecurian….tak patut langsung. Bekas pelajar ditegah masuk macam bekas banduan. Terpaksa la tukar tempat berkumpul di masjid kat Bota. Pukul 3 bergerak la ramai-ramai ke Amir Chalet, Segari. Masa konvoi pun ada yang sesat…si munirah naik motor dah bagi signal tapi tak belok…suka-suka dia jer jalan terus. Sampai kat chalet semua check in lepas tu aktiviti bebas. Malam buat bbq, sembang. Sambil-sambil tu main ‘Around The World’… yang buat saya tertekan dan kemudiannya menekan orang lain pulak…haha…
24hb Dis 2006 pagi lepas sarapan kumpul ramai-ramai untuk sesi bergambar. Selesai check out konvoi pulak ke Teluk Batik….asalnya rancangan budak laki jer. Tapi baik ajak semua. Sampai jer budak laki tukar baju & mandi. Yang tak mandi lepak la sembang-sembang. Sempat la jugak main bola. Dah letih main bola & mandi berkelah la pulak kat tepi pantai makan nasi bungkus…masa tu rasa macam puas hati yang teramat sangat dapat buat gathering ni. Pkl 3 petang berkemas & pulang…sedih la jugak.
Alhamdulillah tuhan makbulkan jugak program untuk berjaya…terima kasih kawan-kawan….yang tak datang memang rugi teramat sangat. Saya berharap sangat gathering yang akan datang dapat kehadiran yang lebih ramai terutamanya girls yang kurang teramat sangat. Insya Allah lepas ni ada cita-cita nak buat kat Taiping pulak….
Kepada toncet, wansa, shamad, mey, acap, aiman, wukong, pawie, wan, wie, faizal manap, adi, nalim, bung, biron, malingko, dlone, nuex, telob, zapran, afam, azim, tuff, togey, megat, peso, epoi, arab, kopo, anis, erma, shira, shima, munirah yusja, azwani yahya, wan malini, tyah, anne, irnie, moon, inas & zura….korang semua memang best…silaturrahim ini tak kan punggah selagi kita saling mengingati…amin
Didn’t managed to get from London, so we join from MARJON and will continue till Coventry. Today, went to Land’s end. Bloody cold. Even the most popular sign post (land’s ends trade mark it has become) was unavailable for today, since extreme weather. But the sunset was really nice. The ships look like suspend in between the cloud and the sea. Subhanallah. and it’s Christopher Columbus’ voyage which proves that the world is not flat.
Moral of the day: wear socks and don’t be so stubborn yah ainee.
Tomorrow, will be leaving MARJON in the morning, moving to Bath, then Bristol. On Friday morning insya Allah will continue the journey to Cardiff, then straight to Coventry, for the biggest event for Malaysian Muslim in UK. Heheh. Can’t wait for it. Kak eQin says “best~~”.
So, will write entry if I have time, and opportunity. Insya Allah.
Read here for more details on Winter Retreat 2006.
Hi all~! Watching reality TV makes me reflect myself. Honestly, like ANTM show, some people want to change you to the person you don’t want, unless you’re comfortable with the change. Some people just totally don’t like who you are, and ignore you at any time. Some people just love you the way you are, no matter what you wear, or what is your personality. Worse, some people just want to maipulate you, so that they can step over you, in order to be higher. That’s real life people. Unluckily, in my culture, people speak with under’lying’ meaningSS and sometimes you don’t have a clue whether they are just being polite or cynnical. Honestly, I myself take whatever people say straight from the point and I don’t know how to decipher those underlying meanings beneath. Gosh. Actually I don’t have to figure it out innit? *sigh* time to pack!
Alhamdulillah. Managed to send in our portfolio and EIT assignment today. It remarks our final day of 2nd year. Going to get back the sleep that I lost during last 2 weeks. Will update more later. Heheh.
Hi all! I know I should do my assignment right now. But I just can’t. Very much in christmas mood right now. Hohoho!! Just coming back from our small but wicked christmas party for collective voices. Got some mince pies to bring home too! LOL. Anyways, I got 4 christmas card already! =P
Oyeah, and one from Margaret, for all house 20 girls. So, can I count that to five? Thee hee.
Everything bad will come to an end. Hahah. Hope that I’ll have good time soon.
K lah people. Miss this blog actually. Going to write soon. Keep your fingers crossed! O yeah, visit pr3tthych3rry’s blog, to bid her farewell. She’s going home soon.
She’s the perfect choice for X factor. I can’t find bad thing about her.
– She has the vocal quality, perhaps the next Mariah Carey. -She’s awesomely beautiful physically, and have a beautiful heart. -She turns the song to her own version,
Even judges said:
Sharon: ‘Leona is very special, very, very special.’
Simon: ‘She has consistently, for me, been the best vocalist across the live shows.’
‘It is very easy for everyone just to assume, after seeing her over the last few weeks, that her place in the Final was a certainty, but it hasn’t because she hasn’t had the confidence.”
Louis: ‘If Leona has one weakness it is that she doesn’t realise just how good she is.’
Simon: ‘Leona wants to win this competition and now the winning post is in sight.
‘This is the week when she has to give a performance of a lifetime.’
OK people. I have faith in her. She’s going to make it bigger than Journey South. All the best Leona. Please, win this year’s.
If you want to vote for her, 3 ways you can do it:
1) Call: 0901 61 61 101 2) Text: Vote Leona to 83322 3) Sky Interactive: If you have Sky you can vote for Leona by pressing the Red Button on your remote.
Apa yang best:
Action letup2 yang pergh terangkat.
Mamat jahat yg lg kacak dr heronyer.
Awek Bond baru wpon x cun sgt tp OK la…
Bond romantik (jiwang) nak mampos (now dia tak playboy sgt, heheh).
Tak best:
James Bond tak best lagi tak kacak cam yg dolu2. Senang kata, takde karisma.
James Bond die, kepala kecik, badan hunk nk mampos. Tak balance OK?
Ramai orang cakap movie nie tak best.
“This a Bond with great body but no soul.” Time, Richard Corliss.
So, aku rasa kalau pergi tengok kat wayang bazir masa dan duit jah.
Oh, Pierce Brosnan. I miss you so much!!
note to myself *oii ainee, g bace buku lah! isnin ni ko nk exam!*
Sometimes shits just happen. Tapi tak mengapa. Like my wise best friend said “Kadang-kadang Allah bagi sesuatu sebab Dia lagi tahu bahawa perkara yang kita suka itu takkan membawa manfaat kepada kita.”
Kepada sesiapa mahu berjiwang, sila la lawat blog cry4freedom. These are tips to be strong yah.
I really believe everything happens, happen for a reason.
Should you be sad about breaking up? NO way Jose!
Because: Allah is the wisest. He’s the one who plan and do. The All Knowing, The Omniscient. There must be reason for this. He (my only one Allah) still loves me. As a human who have no idea about the future (perhaps you can refer back to my plan of future)
Want to know what is guy’s reason if he doesn’t want you anymore in his life, or in simple word, he have other person in his life?
So, get ready for the Top 10! And this time ‘he’ refers to a guy who mistreated you and have something on his back.
He never makes plans in advance If he really wanted to see you, do you really think he would keep calling you on Friday to make plans for Saturday?
He won’t talk about the future We’re not talking about ultimatums here or putting undue pressure on the guy. But if he refuses to discuss where things are headed, then can you really count on him to be the one?
He lets you do all the work It’s okay to plan some of the dates, but if you only see each other when you make it happen, then can he really claim to be committed to the relationship?
He’s not clear about your status with friends and family Does he tell you that you’re his girlfriend but say something different in front of friends and family, like we’re just close friends?
He’s overly guarded about cell phone and email messages People who hide nothing have nothing to hide. Why would he be so protective about messages if he had nothing to hide?
He cancels on you all the time Making plans is great but not if they’re constantly cancelled by him. What could possibly come up every weekend that he bags on plans with you to do something else?
He says that he spends time on you so much. He thinks that he spends most of his time with you until he has no time to maen PS2, maen futsal, and also to play with his toy.
He doesn’t trust you to give his password, while for this while you have free access to all his password. He tells you for awhile that you can have his password if you trust him, but not one account.
He deleted his trashy message in Friendster. But you (girls) are brilliant to find it in his trash bin. Heheh. You’ve warned him not to do it, but he still. Patutkah bersama dengan orang yang tak faham cakap you and hurt your feelings?
For this while if Skype hangs up, he will call you back immediately, but no more. He claimes that he’s angry with you, but actually he wants to call other person etc.
He says that you are a fierce and you’re too cute or pretty or good for him. Hmm, I myself don’t know how to elaborate on this. Any idea? Ok, I need guy’s opinion on this.
Ops. That’s not Top 10, it’s 11! Hohoh. Forgive me and my flu disease. It’s make my mind hazy yah people, but not my heart. =P
Do you need to cry for this kind of guy? Sorry. No more. My best friend gave me advice and strength, that if a guy does like that, it’s clearly that he’s not worth for me. Ok. Enough about that. Just some advice for other girls too. I should not keep it to myself innit?
So, I got so many things to do. Better I don’t waste my time thinking about this, kan people kn? Nak tutup blog nie? Tak payah laa… Susah2 je kumpul blogoshphere and tulis mcm2, takkan nak tinggalkan mcm tu je (oh ye, sy bkn org yg jenis tinggalkn sesuatu mcm tu saja).
So here is my sugestion plan and some taken from here *grin* :
Eat lotsa chocolate or ice cream to stabilise the hormone? No way. Slim down a bit, exercise, tone the body. Shape up your body a bit to make it more healthy and sexy.
Shopping laa what else. Dah ada perfect body and dress size kena la melaram. Bak kata one of my friend’s mom “buat apa nak cry over a person who doesn’t treat you well. Baik flaunt yourself and go get other fish.”. Haha. Lawak2 la jugak tapi ada juga benarnya.
Travel and make many friends. Kena la keluar dari ‘sarang’, jangan asyik dok memerap dan tak buat apa. Si dia sedang berseronok barangkali. So do you. You need to have your own time and fun. Good friends will support you and that’s what they’re for.
His presents and stuffs. What you can do is, takkan nak buang begitu saja. Ia berguna untuk orang lain. Perhaps you can donate it to charity shop, give it to your friends who admire those stuffs. Barangkai ada orang yang akan tertarik dengan your kebijaksanaan, strength and your kindness.
Forgive and forget? To forgive is divine, but to forget? I know it’s hard to forget.Tapi tak mengapa. Slowly will do. Perhaps on the day you found that what you do is not regretful.
Apa lagi? Move on! Wake up! Heheh. Lagu ni sesuai untuk beri motivasi kepada girls.
PS: I like it when he bends over, thinking that she wants to kiss him, but actually she wants to take back the necklace and jacket that she gave to him. Wicked! LOL. Lyrics here.
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Heheh. Senah just send me the feedback form for our microteaching (teaching or cheating? ahahah~). Guess what? Katy praised us and she encourage us to do our portfolio well. Looks like we’ll have chance to get an A. *blink*
This is the overall comment:
Excellent learner environtment, materials design and explotation and team work. A pleasure to watch and take part in.