Peeps, I’m going to London with Kak eQin tomorrow (31st August) at 3 am. Wish me safety and health. Pray la so I won’t wek2 again. Really don’t like it!! Huu~ Spoil my journey jer. Hence, for a few days this blog won’t be updated. I hope Romong can upload his post when I’m away. He said he can’t upload his post. Don’t know why. Either UKM’s internet is sucks or blogger. I think there are two possibilities only. Whoever knows the third or fourth possibility, name it in comment space yar?
Today I made sushi. Coz I want to finish the stock that I have in here, so I can buy more in London. Lawak laa buat sushi bersama kak eQin. Figured out new technique to spread the rice. Honestly, making sushi is tiring. However they just need 2 months to get the certificate to be a sushi chef. Wanna see how does it look like? It is yummy, and they make me feel sleepy.
Want to make it? I’ll write the recipe later when I come back. Me sleepy. Me want to sleep, but need to pack the stuffs. Aih~ Xpelar, nak gi tgk stadium baru Emirates (Insya Allah~). Hee hee. Abg Yos jgn jeles! Of course i remember you when I go there, and beloved Syada too. Hee hee again. See you again people. Tak lama. 4 hari je.
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