LONDON (Reuters) – The Arctic Monkeys, who shot to fame on the Internet and broke all records with their debut, won the coveted Mercury Prize on Tuesday for the best British album of the year.
“It’s good tunes — that’s what we try to do,” said frontman Alex Turner after the group accepted the 20,000 pound award.
The Mercury Prize judges tend to court controversy every year by picking quirky and offbeat winners rather than chart-topping blockbusters.
This year was a glaring exception with the prize going to the Arctic Monkeys who in January smashed the British record for the fastest-selling debut album.
“Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I Am Not” sold over 363,700 copies in its first week.
Even Turner admitted to being surprised that they had won. “Normally it doesn’t go to a band that has sold as many albums as we have. But we are very pleased with it,” he said.
The Arctic Monkeys handed out free CDs of their music at early gigs which were in turn downloaded onto the Internet by fans and sent across cyberspace.
They were surprised as anyone when crowds at concerts then began singing back the words as they performed.
For the Mercury, first awarded in 1992, the quality of the music, not the weight of album sales is normally the prime consideration.
In 1994, M People’s “Elegant Slumming” beat competition from Blur, Pulp and the Prodigy — much to the surprise of the music press.
Last year Antony and the Johnsons won the prize for “I Am A Bird Now”. Lead singer Antony Hegarty, while born in England, spent more than 20 years in the United States, raising questions about his eligibility for the award.
The nominated albums for the 2006 award were:
Arctic Monkeys – “Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not”.
Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan – “Ballad of the Broken Seas”.
Editors – “The Back Room”.
Guillemots – “Through the Windowpane”.
Richard Hawley – “Coles Corner”.
Hot Chip – “The Warning”.
Muse – “Black Holes & Revelations”.
Zoe Rahman – “Melting Pot”.
Lou Rhodes – “Beloved One”.
Scritti Politti- “White Bread Black Beer”.
Sway – “This is My Demo”.
Thom Yorke – “The Eraser”. favourite band won…who can get bored with their smashing heavy banging tune, When Te Sun Goes Down??A brilliant song to bang your head to after a bad day!It’s wonderful they defeated the amazing Thom Yorke (Radiohead frontman) who has a critical accalim for his debut solo album,The Eraser. Muse also went home empty handed, but never mind, at least I still enjoy their heavy electronic guitar sound, Supermassive Black Hole…Im still wondering whether Arctic Monkeys will make any debut at this year’s grammy…looks like they will…yeah, consider they r already in the top 20 best albums of the year as compiled by you would like to have a copy of any of the songs in this article..please contact me…now still looking the best way to embed songs in my posts..any suggestions???
Hi guys, in the next posts, I’ll bring you single reviews and album reviews. My first album reviews would be Beyonce’s B’Day, Breaking Benjamin’s Phobia, and Basement Jaxx’s Crazy Itch Radio. We will also look at at the latest singles from Paolo Nutini, Lily Allen, Jesse McCartney, Evanescence and Beyonce:
1. Jenny, Don’t Be Hasty (These Streets) – Paolo Nutini
2. LDN (Alright Still) – Lily Allen
3. Right Where You Want Me (Right Where You Want Me) – Jesse McCartney
4. Call Me When You’re Sober (The Open Door) – Evanescence
5. Ring The Alarm (B’Day) – Beyonce Knowles
In the meantime, this is where you can find reviews for most major records:
Here is the latest UK Top 40 singles chart:
Malay people (maksud saya, orang Melayu lama..) said kalau gatal tangan kanan there’s possibility we’re going to get $$ (okane/duit/wang/pounds/ rezeki you name it), but, I’m having this ‘gatal tangan kanan’ thing for few days jugak. Alamak, now my language has become like rojak, maybe I have too much dose of RojakDaily. Aaaaa, now I’m blaming@finger pointing this matter to someone else. Aih~ tak patut… tak patut…
Anyways, ada orang nak bagi Ainee duit?
Sesiapa yang mahu tahu mengenai promosi kad raya UK& IRE, sila tinggalkan private message.
Enjoy your holiday while you still can.
Here is the latest Billboard 100 singles chart:
SexyBack steals the limelight for this week’s chart by climbing high to the no.1 spot from no.31. What a huge progress on the chart!A day after his wonderful VMA 2006 performance, the single digital download sale has shown an impressive 250,000 which set a new record in the digital sales record history, the best selling single for a day. It kicked out Fergie’s London Bridge from a 3 week reign of no.1. It settled at no.2 while Sean Paul’s Give It up To Me is rising high to the top of the chart to be in the top 3,at no.3. Gnarls Barkley’s Crazy slipped to no.4. Wonder if this infectious rich guitar string sounds and easy to sing along lyrics could ever make to no.1 after spending 17 weeks on the chart…..Well, at least it still receives a massive airplay! It is non mover for Pussycat Dolls, at no.5, 1 spot above Nelly Furtado’s Promiscuous this week. Cassie is still doing strong with her debut single, Me&U at 7. This single is currently also doing pretty well in the UK Top 40. Hm…good for her then. The 2nd highest entry to the top 10 list is Diddy’s Girls, Danity Kane. With their debut album already at no.1 this week, they come up with Show Stopper. The single stays at no. 8 while Ne-Yo’s Sexy Love is quite comfortable at no. 9 for 2 weeks in a row. Evanvescence’s Call Me When You’re Sober also made a promising move,at 10, up 15 notches from no.25.
SexyBack is Justin‘s 1st no.1 single in the US and suprisingly also his 1st no.1 hit in the UK Top 40. Since the single scored no.1, Justin had to cancel the plan to release his 2nd single this soon, which initially due to its poor performance in the singles chart over the past 7 weeks. This single is the 2nd single to ever scored no.1 silmultaneously in both US&UK chart this year after Promiscuous. This also means Timbaland, the producer for both songs, already have 2 no.1 hits this year…yeah…he’s gonna be really really RICH! Justin Timberlake‘s latest album, FutureSex/LoveSounds will be released 11/09/06 in the UK and 12/09/06 worldwide. I myself can wait to grab one!
Fergie has been crticised because she has mistaken London Bridge with Tower Bridge in both her video and single’s cover. All she is singing is LOndon Bridge but she ends up showing Tower Bridge in her video and cover….
Crazy by Gnarls Barkely once debut at no.1 in the UK Top 40 based on digital download sale alone!
This is my first chart review or rather report, so if you have any comments about it, i would like to hear them..cheers!
I really like Arsenal’s new stadium. I think that is the best place in London to be visited. There are so many people complaining about it’s construction; nearby inhabitants welfare regarding traffic flows during match day and so forth. Overall, it’s nice.
The day we arrived in London is the day the Britons celebrated Diana’s memorial. 9 years had passed and Harrods towkay still commemorate both of them and people still do the ritual of placing flower bouquets in front of their memorial. May they rest in peace. Al fatihah.
At Claire’s, I met with mood ring. So what’s with it? Moodring: it suits people who always have moodswing and people who are always unsure of their feelings. Read here to know how this stuff works.
Of gay club (kepada sesiapa yang datang dengan kata carian ‘gay club’, selamat datang~welcome~bien venue~awww) We walked along a gay club street, where gay couples meet and partying. They were teasing us by saying (probably looking at my face who had panic attack) ” take off everything that you have”. I was like “Huh? what trouble have I created? Gay? Do they rape girls?”
Krispy Kreme: Dunkin Donuts is much better! Dunkin is much cheaper and yummier laa abg~ Plus, got so many flavour lagi~ Yummy~
Then about picnic: what you need to know is, do not throw stuffs that you haven’t use yet. Haha.
(+) day travel tube ticket: keep it safely in your pockets.
(+) chinese food place-chopstix: love it! vegetable noodles with sweet and spicy chicken. thanks to k. eQin. I’m going to miss chopstix. Not like Krispy Kreme. Huu~
Err… kini angin malas tiba dan Aini akan menjalani hibernasi~Daa~~
Salam kemerdekaan saya ucapkan kepada seluruh warga Malaysia khususnya belia Melayu yang menjadi harapan kepada seluruh masyarakat kerana andalah yang akan menggalas tugas untuk memimpin wawasan negara menjelang tahun 2020. Entah berjaya atau tidak sama-samalah kita tunggu dan lihat kemudian nilailah sebaiknya. Dengan suasana suram dan lesu belia hari ini saya masih mengharapkan sesuatu akan berlaku.
Sempena sambutan yang ke49 ini saya mengajak semua rakyat Malaysia menilai kembali sejarah bagaimana perjuangan orang terdahulu sehinggakan kita dapat merasai nikmat keamanan sehingga hari ini. Tidak saya nafikan rundingan antara Tunku Abd Rahman dengan pihak British akhirnya berjaya membebaskan Negara kita ini. Tetapi lebih jauh daripada itu, perjuangan Tok Bahaman, Tok Janggut, Mat Kilau, Dato Maharajalela dan pejuang dahulu yang dianggap pemberontak sebenarnya yang memberi sumbangan yang lebih besar kepada keamanan yang dicapai pada hari ini.
Bagi saya, mereka bukanlah pemberontak seperti yang diajarkan kepada kita. Sebaliknya mereka adalah pemula kepada perjuangan dan semangat kepada seluruh rakyat Tanah Melayu pada ketika itu untuk membebaskan negara daripada cengkaman penjajah. Saya percaya penentangan mereka terhadap sistem residen British telah menyedarkan masyarakat ketika itu. Bahkan kebanyakan pejuang ini adalah orang alim yang menentang usaha British yang cuba memisahkan Islam daripada masyarakat Melayu.
Walaupun perjuangan mereka dilihat terlalu kecil bagi sesetengah orang, tetapi hakikatnya usaha mereka inilah yang menjadi tunas kepada wujudnya gagasan kebangsaan yang lain sehingga berjaya mendesak British meninggalkan negara ini. Terima kasih wira-wira ku sekalian…..
Right here, right now, I am in a Chinese shop in Bayswater (I’ll check later laa ek kak eQIn). We’ve finished our business on the internet and got like 30 minutes credit time left. Checked my email, checked the address and map of the sushi shop that we want to go this Saturday, and bla3. So, right now, I’m wasting my time in this Chinese shop. My face is oily since the place I sit is near to the kitchen. Haha. Nvm. I’m going to type slowly and watching people in and out from this shop.
So, what have we didi today were:
As soon as we arrived in Malaysian hall, Pak Ya and the MSD staffs were taking pictures for merdeka. We arrived just in time. Langkah kanan bak kata orang Melayu. Then we met Pak Ya, abg Hazim yang peramah, students from France, Russia and Jordan.
After i took my breakfast, we proceeded to Emirates Stadium. Ada orang bagi direction salah. After crossing Halloway Road three times, I finally found the stadium. Aih¬ what laa. Then I was so excited to see the new stadium. So nice! So big! So cooool¬ Unluckily, I didn’t see Henry, my buah hati.
Next, we went to St James Park. We lepak2 there, jalan2 tangkap gambar and tidur bawah pokok berlapikkan dedaunan berguguran di musim luruh. Jiwang gak laa. Nyanyi2 then jalan lagi sampai depan Buckingham Palace. Rumah mak sedara Kak eQin.
Then membuang masa lagi, we balik to MSD to check in. Jumpa Pak Ya, pulangkan kamera dia (sebab abang ijan yg pandai itu, yang mendapat title doktor gituh, bagi kamera yang battery low tanpa charger, apedaa abg ijan…malu tau…org tangkapkn x kua pape, kne pinjam kat Pak Ya lak tu, seb baek Pak Ya baek hati…). Pak Ya ajak gi tahlil dan bacaan Yasin.
Bla3, lepak kat bilik, solat2, bla3, kami meneruskan perjalanan kami ke Kensington Park. Sambil makan kopok, tgk2 org, nyanyi2 (wat persembahan percuma tuh) dan melawat Princess Diana memorial fountain (men air yg sejuk, heheh).
Then plan nk g PFC (perfect fried chicken, pengganti KFC), sambil jalan2, lalu kedai2 souvenir, beli la ape yang patut, then we arrived at PFC about one hour later. Haih¬
Abang PFC terkejut sebab kami mintak 6 ketul tapi mkn 2 org. Haha. lantak kau laa. Janji bayor duit makan.
Strolling punya strolling, sampai chopstix, lepak samapi sejam lebih sebab nak guna perkhidmatan internet nie. Hehe. Al kisah. Diharap kisah ini menghiburkan hati kalian yang berada di seantero peulusuk benua. Wassalam. Turn kak eQin lak nak blogging.