About eyekneekawai

eyekneekawai is an avid blogger. blogs on everything.

why me??

The reason I’m posting this thing is because I was stabbed by cry4freedom. Why la u picked me, I’m just finding out how can I get away from this computer. Ada org soh i kawen ngan PC tuh. Sigh.


The rules:

* Bold the statements that are true to you.
* Italise the statements that you WISH are true.
* Leave the Fibs alone.
* Then, stab 5 people to do the same test.

I miss somebody right now.
I dont watch TV these days.
I wear glasses or contact lenses.
I love to play video games.
I’ve tried marijuana.
I’ve been in a threesome.
I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
I believe that honesty is usually the best policy.
I curse. (A lot)
I have changed mentally over the last year.
I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
I’m TOTALLY smart.
I’ve broken someone’s bones.
I’m paranoid sometimes.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe , free of cost, and scar-free.
I need money right now.
I love sushi.
I talk really, really fast. (Mak always complain, she says i’m just like my Ayah)
I have long hair. (Oh hair~grow fast, grow longer~I want it to be like Rani Mukherjee’s)
I have lost money in Las Vegas.
I have at least one sibling.
I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
I couldn’t survive without Caller I.D.
I like the way I look.
I am usually pessimistic.
I have a lot of mood swings.
I have a hidden talent.
I’m always hyper no matter how much sugar i have.
I have a lot of friends.
I’m currently single.
I have pecked someone of the same sex.
I enjoy talking on the phone. (Sorry lah kpd org yg kne call sy tuh =P)
I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
I love to shop.
Enjoy window shopping.
I would rather shop than eat.
I don’t hate anyone.
I’m a pretty good dancer.
I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
I have a cell phone.
I believe in God.
I watch MTV on a daily basis.
I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
I’ve rejected someone before.
I want to have children in the future.
I have changed a diaper before.
I’ve called the cops on a friend before.
I’m not allergic to anything.
I have a lot to learn.
I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger.
I am shy around the opposite sex.
I have tried alcohol before.
I have made a move on a friend’s significant other or crush in the past.
I own the “South Park” movie.
I would die for my best friends.
I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
(and expensive luxurious choc is on discounts!)

I watch Spongebob Squarepants and i like it.
I am happy at this moment!
(thanks to Asmah+Wan for hosting a ‘surprised’ bday party, ’twas fun)

I’m obsessed with guys. (I’m just with this one guy)
I study for tests most of the time.
I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I’ve ever met.
I am comfortable with who I am right now.
I have more than just my ears pierced.
I walk barefoot wherever I can.
I have jumped off a bridge. (yeah, my childhood was fun~!)
I love sea turtles.
I spend ridiculous money on makeup. (not yet, maybe the time will come)
Plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
I’m proficient in a musical instrument.
I worked at a McDonald’s restaurant.
I hate office jobs.
I love sci-fi movies.
I think water rules.
I went college out of state.
I like sausages.
I love kisses. (i prefer hugs tho)
I fall for the worst people.
I adore bright colours.
I can’t live without black eyeliner.
I somehow enjoyed this thingy!
I usually like covers better than originals.
I can pick up things with my toes.
I can’t whistle.
I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes slither.
I have ridden/owned a horse.
I still have every journal I’ve ever written in.
I can’t stick to a diet.
I talk in my sleep.
I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time. (I miss my childhood!)
I have jazz in my blood.
I wear a toe ring.
I can’t stand at LEAST one person that i work with.
I am a caffeine junkie.
I cosplay or know what cosplaying is
I have been to over 15 conventions.
I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better.
I’m an artist.
I only clean my room when necessary.
I like a person of the same sex. (a lot actually)
I love being happy. (happiness is what a human asks for)
I am an adrenaline junkie…

Five people I’m handling out this torture:-

(I wish I can return this to the person who stabbed me, hadeh~)

  1. pokok ceri yang cantik
  2. abg best yg tgh jd cikgu
  3. tazzy wazzy loves me
  4. farah hidayah yg suka penguin (another c&p eh?)

o ye, ganbatte minna san~! kepada yang nak exam, nak buat dissertation, project work,assignment, pergi school experience and so forth~ teruskan perjuangan menuntut ilmu~yeah~!

[to those who wants to do it,you are most welcomed]
But dont worry , I wont get pissed off if you dont do it. There’re too many circulating that’ll come in your way anyway. 🙂

ainee got IAD

yeah, it’s IAD. not DVVT the kembara OK? I never knew about this sydrome until I read an article at scukz. Here’s an abstract from it. Credit to Khai (scukz owner/moderator).

Jenis-jenis ketagihan
1. Ketagihan mendapatkan maklumat :aku la nie, ske sgt skip2 topik dr wikipedia ke lain2 website. Ada je benda nak cari. O yeah, Asmah claims I’m resourceful about internet thingy too coz she said I always asks to refer to “www dot bla3 dot com”. Ops!
2. Ketagihan menggunakan komputer: yer, sehari x peluk PC mmg x sah. Thee hee hee.
3. Ketagihan bahagian bahagian tertentu dalam internet: email,
4. Ketagihan hubungan Cyber: YM, skype, MSN, e-mail.
5. Ketagihan Seksual Cyber: erk, nie bkn aku aa, nk access pon xleh kerna halangan dindingberapi (firewall daa) so how come I can addicted to cyber sex?

1. Sentiasa memikirkan tentang internet: oh iyer, sebelum g library pun check internet tgk buku ada ke tak. Nak naik bas pun check kat traveline.org.uk, nak shopping pun tengok price kat website. So convenient, just at our fingertip, how can you don’t use it?
2. Gelisah atau tidak tentu arah sekiranya tidak menggunakan internet: o yeah, blogging is my current addiction. Either bloghopping or blogging, both is a must. Well, currently I plan to buy PDA or just get O² XDA mini S, a tool which allows me to do my blogging anytime anywhere. Or else, I will be restless.
3. Sukar untuk berhenti dari menggunakan internet walaupun setelah menggunakannya berjam-jam lamanya: OK! I admit, if I plan to sleep at 12am or 1 am, my PC turns off at 2 or 3 a.m. Sigh. Somebody help me~!
4.Yang terakhir, mengalami gangguan psikomotor: My fingers move involuntarily and unconsciously like I’m doing typing. Yeah. I know it’s freaky but can’t help it.

My additional notes of IAD:

  1. We utter laugh using “LOL” instead of “hahahaha”.
  2. We captured pictures and plan to put it in our Friendster.
  3. We record video and put it on Youtube.
  4. Our eBay parcel arrives weekly, or worse, every day.
  5. We call friends by using Skype or Yahoo Messenger. Not the normal phone.
  6. We do shopping online.
  7. Online dating.

Well, do you have these symptoms? Do share with us (cewah, feels like Oprah la pulak).

what to do: annoying punksters

This is a message for girls out there who their boyfriends are far away (to protect them). i know how you girls feel and being independent is absolutely a brave thing to do. here are some tips:

  1. do not panic. panic will only block oxygen ciculation to go to your brain as you are gasping more for oxygen for your lungs. in simple language, panic attack makes you think stupidly. so, first thing is, tell yourself not to panic.
  2. be prepared always. swiss knife is so practical and multi-purpose. if you are not preapared in the first place, be creative. look around and find objects that can be used as weapons or people that you can rely to protect you.
  3. always have vocal practise. we, girls don’t have much energy as guys but we have this high pitch voice which can be heard as far as 5 kilometres. so, chant this magic charm “help!/assault!” as loud as possible. 
  4. wear good shoes. good shoes means quick run and good kick. maybe you will consider your safety factor when you buy shoes next time. remember, shoes means praticality.
  5. if he is near you and there is no one to help you, remember this “kick his balls” as hard as possible. o yeah, good shoes do help. 
  6. well, what are you waiting for? run-lah as fast as possible!


Last time I wrote on my plan during 3 weeks holiday. In order to refresh your rusty memory, have a look here.

Well, most likely, some of it were successfully done while some aren’t. Number 3 is most likely my victory. I do it every single day, skipping and crawling and leave my footprint universally. I did it very well, in fact, I have a dream to get a certificate for this field. No, no one ever get a certificate for bloghopping. It’s my other blog, which I intend to give a makeover and recognition.

Carboot is quite enjoyable but the weather is not. While for books, I’ve breed them in my room. Just read one and others were breeding. Quite ambitious I am.

Preparing for the next term? I don’t know what I should do anyway. I’ve prepared mentally, I have accepted the fact that the class is going to start soon. Probably just need few days to adjust my sleep time. That’s it.

I had good time in London with kak eQin and abg kejam. London was nice. Yup, weather was been nice that time. Sunny, bright and cheery. Parks, strolling and try to enjoy our days as much as we can though we don’t have big budget for our holiday. Yeah. Happiness is not determined by your money, it’s determined on the way how you’re thinking bout it. I’ve had my lesson thank you. ~(sing it!)yang penting happy~happy~ Previous report here.

Jobhunting, I guess I’m not lucky enough. I think I’m going to bluff my name sounds like ‘Miss Adam’ (someone teaches me, and she’s a good teacher) after this.

Well, just seize the day while I still can. I don’t find it boring, cause I found day with a class is hectic and there are so many things to be done and rushed. See ya people! Selamat menyambut hari Malaysia pada 16 September ini.

I am a pundit blogger

A blogger is a person who writes blog and have a blog (duh, obviously~). There are few people who were dooced because of their filthy blog. There are cases, where blogger were sentenced to jail because of expressing their thoughts. Name it: Xanga, blogspot, Yahoo 360, Live Journal, Myspace, etc; they are still web+log. A platform where we can express our thoughts, ideas, opinion, etc.

Latest, we have podcasting and it expands the freedom of media. Thanks to Brad Fritzpatrick, it widens blogosphere and inpires many to write. From blog, a blook has been created. Followed by: moblog, vlog, flog, plog, and many more. What a big world of blog we have! Even politicians have their own blog, laureate, artists, sportswoman and even well known millionaire have a blog.

Looks like it’s a good industry eh? If your blog have a good prospect, you can ask the advertisers to advertise in your blog. You’ll get money while blogging. Isn’t that great? Well, what I’m trying to say is, I’m keen with blogging, and I hope my fellow blogospheres will too.

Ainee is a Pundit Blogger!

Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.
Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few

Click to Know What Kind of Blogger Are You

Why don’t you check out what type of blogger are you?

Go blogging!

Senarai penerima AP

Bukan saya hendak menulis tentang penerima AP kali ini. Title tu tak melambangkan entry kali ini. Ia wujud kerana saya tidak tahu apakah terma yang sesuai bagi orang yang mengucapkan ucapan ‘selamat hari jadi’ kepada saya. Ada sesiapa tahu terma bagi orang yang menyampaikan ucapan? Pengucap?

Saya tidak tahu bagaimana untuk menunjukkan betapa berterima kasihnya saya kepada mereka di atas ingatan mereka kerana saya fikir umur 21 bukanlah masa untuk menyambut hari lahir dengan meriah. Ia merupakan titik permulaan saya melangkah ke alam dewasa. Bagi saya, cukup hanya dengan ucapan di kalangan rakan-rakan.

Dengan ini, saya ukirkan nama mereka di blog saya sebagai tanda terima kasih kerana menjadikan detik bersejarah hidup saya lebih bermakna.

  1. cikgukampung
  2. abg Firdaus Ashraf@Abg Best
  3. indra
  4. zuera MMU
  5. zurina
  6. najihah
  7. fikri
  8. majidah
  9. nicang
  10. laili
  11. cinot
  12. faa+geng
  13. k.eQin
  14. alin, ina, wani+nisa–>siaran langsung dari McQuarie
  15. abg wan
  16. seow shi ying
  17. asyraf notts
  18. kuzek
  19. zuera auckland
  20. dayah zaba
  21. s0ya
  22. azim
  23. loqman
  24. anis
  25. ruth
  26. azwan
  27. ainna
  28. kak julie pinky
  29. mak+ayah
  30. mimiey
  31. shaminah
  32. hanis
  33. shah
  34. hazwan

Ada yang wish via YM, friendster, in person, sms, dan calls. Terima kasih semua. Kalian hadir dan membuatkan hidup ini lebih ceria.

Ada berita baik buat orang Manjung/Sitiawan. Secret Recipe bakal dibuka di daerah kita. Yeay!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Juga berita terkini. Kawan-kawan saya juga sudah punya blog baru di blogspot. Check them out!
Fazlin Farieza
Nur Afifah

Go blogging!

Bila umur menginjak ke 21

Hari ini hari sabtu. Hari ini merupakan hari yang penting buat saya. Umur saya menginjak kepada angka 21 dengan rasminya mengikut Greenwich Mean Time. Saya bersyukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana memanjangkan umur saya, masih menyayangi saya dan memberi rezeki yang melimpah ruah kepada saya. Alhamdulillah. Segala Pujian bagi Allah. All praises to Allah. Tatkala membaca entry KeretaMayat yang latest, hati saya membenarkan kata-katanya. Ya, kita perlu meminta agar umur kita diberkati, bukan setakat umur yang panjang. Biarlah saya mati syahid tatkala muda dari menyusahkan orang (cth:bakal anak2/cucu sy/orang hospital) bila tua nanti. Justeru, di dalam entry (apa ya terma bahasa Melayu bagi perkataan entry? Masukan?) kali ini, saya bukan hendak bercerita tentang sambutan hari lahir yang ke 21 ini, namun hati ini terdetik untuk menaakul tentang apa yang saya telah buat sepanjang 21 tahun saya hidup.

Sepanjang 21 tahun ini, pelbagai kenangan pahit manis dan pengalaman saya kecapi. Perpindahan ke SMKASAS merupakan antara yang termanis buat saya. Hingga kini pabila saya datang kembali ke sekolah, kasih sayang dari guru-guru yang pernah mengajar saya membuatkan saya terharu. Insya Allah, saya berazam untuk menjadi guru-guru yang hebat seperti mereka, malah lebih hebat dari mereka, Insya Allah. Saya doakan agar guru-guru saya menjadi penghuni syurga Allah, juga dosa-dosa mereka diampunkan dan agar Allah berikan mereka kekuatan untuk mendidik anak-anak bangsa.Anda boleh lihat wajah-wajah mereka di sini; laman web rasmi SMKASAS. Ada yang di antara mereka sudah bertukar dan sebagainya. Namun, izinkan saya namakan mereka yang memberi inspirasi kepada saya. Jasa kalian akan dikenang hingga Izrail menjemput saya.

Ustadz Yazid
Pn. Jumilah
Pn. Bainah
Pn. Zaimah
Ustadz Rushdi
Pn. Bahiyah
Pn. Alina
Pn. Hazaliza
Teacher Rose
Pn. Norayon
Ustadz Kashfi
Ustazah Uraidah
Ustadz Ziyad
Cikgu Zan Asri

Terima kasih kerana memberikan daku inspirasi, moga ilmu yang kalian curahkan akan menjadi bekalan pahala yang berkekalan. Terima kasih cikgu!

Hari ini juga membuatkan saya sedar tentang kemasukan saya secara rasmi ke dalam alam dewasa. Sudah tua saya rupanya. Boleh mengundi dan memegang kunci kebebasan. Namun kebebasan bukanlah bermakna keseronokan. Terlalu banyak perjuangan yang perlu dilangsaikan. Segala ranjau alam orang dewasa perlu dihadapi dengan akal relevan dan matang. Susah juga menjadi orang dewasa ya?

Terima kasih kepada yang telah memberi ucapan juga bingkisan kenangan. Nantikan entry seterusnya, penamat kepada detik bersejarah hidup ini. Terima kasih semua.

Your Birthdate: September 9

You are a born idealist, with more pet causes than you can count.
You prefer be around others, both when working and while relaxing.
Generous and giving, you believe you can change the world one person at a time.
You’re open minded and tolerant. People feel like they can tell you anything.

Your strength: Your go-with-the-flow flexibility

Your weakness: Your flair for the over dramatic

Your power color: Pine green

Your power symbol: Circle

Your power month: September

Cliffnotes Tips: Options for English Majors (bullet points)

Options for English Majors

#message #yiv1324575789 li.bold {
#message #yiv1324575789 li.normal {
#message #yiv1324575789 span.normal {
#message #yiv1324575789 b.bold {

English is not a vocational major that prepares you for one particular job (like an accountant, for example). Instead, a degree in English provides you with a broad range of skills useful for any number of careers. Skills that make you a good job candidate include the ability to:

  • Think critically and solve problems
  • Write and speak effectively
  • Edit someone else’s writing
  • Express your creativity in any number of ways (design a brochure, write a campaign letter, reorganize an office, and others)
  • Learn new information quickly
  • Work well with others
  • Develop hypotheses, research data, and interpret and summarize data
  • Organize ideas and information

With these skills, English majors have achieved success in a variety of fields, including writing, editing, publishing, teaching, public relations, technical writing, paralegal and legal, marketing, consulting, business, government, museums, libraries, and more.

Explore these and more career options in What Can You Do with a Major in English?, by Shelley O’Hara, and brought to you by the experts at CliffsNotes.

My own additional notes:

  1. If you learn English as second language, you can also be a translator, for books, movie subtitles and plenty more. Especially best selling books, who knows your name will be under JK Rowling’s.
  2. Write your own memoir, who knows one day it’ll be as hot as Arthur Golden’s.
  3. Scriptwriter for those who have creative ideas and good writing skills. Name it: drama, stage play, TV series, children’s theatre, etc. Who knows you might be the next Marc Cherry.
  4. Emceeing. Our market needs high-proficient speaker for official caremony, public events, etc. Who knows you will be proposed by Radio producer.
  5. Anchorman/anchorwoman: I would say this field has a good prospect since there is a competition among broadcasting companies. Who knows you will be the next Normala Samsudin and be a ‘Datin’.

Opting for English widens your job prospect and produce multi-talented people. Good luck!

Resources: Cliffnotes, Copyright © 2000-2006 by Wiley Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Movie Review: Solaris and Lagaan

Solaris: A sci-fi movie that is starred by George Clooney. It said to be though provoking but I dare to say that it is ‘mind numbing’ since the plot is slow, you can’t trace flashback and sometimes you need to strain your ears since the actors/actresses are like whispering. I even need to use the subtitle for hearing-impairment because my PC can’t go any louder. I slept halfway anyway. I rarely sleep for a movie but a dull one. The music makes me feel sleepy either, plus, there’s not really a music. The ending, frustating I would say. I recommended this movie for aeronautic people and men who do not want kids. I don’t really upset with this movie since it’s George Clooney =P. I give this movie 2 stars out of five. (2/5) *Most press give it B, some Cs.

Lagaan: It is based on 1893 setting, where India was ruled by ‘White people’. Although this movie runs for 3 hours, the drop-dead-gorgeous actor and enthusiaisic Aamir Khan, will make you wide awake. I’m sure it changes your mind a bit about Hindi movie. But still, Hindi movie ALWAYS have happy ending. That one I am pretty sure, will not change for about another decade. For the synopsis, you can read it from here.

What I like the most about this film is, the make-up, very natural. It suits 1893’s setting. It does not emboss its actress much. She (played by Gracy Singh) is absolutely looks like a normal rural girl. Not too beautiful (too beautiful like Aishwarya, which makes us distracted from the movie) yet charming. Nude colours, natural tan (yeah, oily and bronze colour looks best on Aamir Khan) and you’ll barely notice they are wearing any. The plot does not merely involves love relationship, although there is, but not like other Hindi movies, which main focus is the love story. I would say the percentage is just about 35%. No wonder it receives nomination for best foreign movie in Oscar. Rarely we can see a Bollywood movie in Oscar. Besides, this movie has victoriously stole 33 awards. I am sure that your sportmanship will be uplifted as you watch this. It’s about injustice, loyalty to your motherland, teamwork, social status, disability discrimination and corruption.

This time, a Hollywood movie has been defeated by a Bollywood movie. If you need to choose between these two, I suggest Lagaan. It’s worth your 3 hours. Really. While Solaris, it has taken 2 precious hours from my life. I wish I can claim back from them.