About eyekneekawai

eyekneekawai is an avid blogger. blogs on everything.

life’s a shuffle

Found this cool stuff at Kak Sal’s blog. Her’s is quite funny 😛

So here’s the rules:

  1. Put your music player on shuffle
  2. Press forward for each question.
  3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

The questions and my answers:

1.) How am I feeling today?
*celebrate the day -herbert gronemayer (uhuk, yeah, i should celebrate wednesday coz i don’t have class–by sleeping! LOL)

2.) Where will I get married?
* addicted-kelly clakson (uhuk, is there any place named addicted?)

3.) What is my best friend’s theme song?
* aku makin cinta- vina panduwinata (omg, u love me?)

4.) What is/was highschool like?
* riddim i like- asian dub foundation (i even don’t know what ‘riddim’ means)

5.) What is the best thing about me?
* you still believe in me- the beach boys (o yeah, i didn’t cheat for this crap)

6.) How is today going to be?
* this is good- ricky martin (uhuks, yeah. i love days without class)

7.) What is in store for this weekend?
* sedalam mana cintamu- safura (hmm, apekah?)

8.) What song describes my parents?.
* four leaves clover- kiroro (o yeah, my parents are lucky)

9.) How is my life going?
* bad day- daniel powter (apekah ini satu kebetulan atau satu kenyataan?)

10.) What song will they play at my funeral?
* too late – jLo (ahaks, kpd sesiapa yg x mntk maap kt aku tuh, too late!)

11.) How does the world see me?
* dansa- ratu (erk, kita berdansa hingga ke pagi~)

12.) What do my friends really think of me?
*sway- pussycat dolls (sway or suey?? you choose)

13) Do people secretly lust after me?
*pastikan- siti nurhaliza (pastikan kau dan aku~jgn ada cinta lain~ ahaks!)

14.) How can I make myself happy?
* like a virgin- madonna (what?? touched for the very first time, uhuh ahah)

15.) What should I do with my life?
* you’ve got a friend- gloria estafa, celine dion, shania twain, carol king. (o yeah, to my beloved friends [you know who u are] thank you so much!)

16.) Will I ever have children?
* vio pipe – butterfingers (tube babies kaa?)

17.) What is some good advice?
hello brother- salman khan (advice apekah ini?)

18.) What do I think my current theme song is?
*since you been gone- kely clarkson (Here’s the thing We started out friends It was cool, but it was all pretend yeah yeah since you been gone)

19.) What does everyone else think my current life?
I’m every women -Whitney Houston (cool~ :P)

20.) What type of men/women do you like?
* screwed- Paris Hilton (aiyak!! tanaklah~!)

21.) Will you get married?
* Lord of the Sand- Kitaro (what the …?)

22.) What should I do with my love life?
* sexyback- justin (ihik~i am sexy~)

23.) Where will you live?
* Perasaanku tentang perasaanku padamu- Dewa (boleh ke tinggal kt tempat camineh?)

24.) What will your dying words be?
* Here, there and everywhere- the beatles (can u make any sense of it?)

25.) When im having sex i say..
*ladki badhi anjana hai -KKHH (haih~andai kate pakweku itu aamir khan, paham le die)

26.) When I meet a guy/lady for the first time i say..
*She said, she said – the beatles (ahaks, seems like ngumpat jerk)

27.) When my parents are angry i say..
* casablanca – bertie higgins
(owh, mungkin ia akan mengimbau kembali kenangan cinta membara lalu mereka x mara lg)

Selling some books [ad=review]

Too many good books to be kept and so little space that I have. I have listed few books at Amazon and wishing that these books will benefit others since I have limited space in my bedroom. Search for it at amazon.co.uk. These are the books that I have listed:

Other women: Sounds like Sri Diah’s novel, but happens in UK. It’s true, sometimes you fell out of wedlock and sanity because of external temptation. A good book for women. I like the front cover catchy yet cynical phrase; friendship can be a treacherous game.

Life Swap: I noticed this book’s ad while I was in the tube. Londoner always have book or paper with them whenever they are in the tube. Sadly, Malaysians don’t have both while riding LRT. Enough about the culture, this book is quite interesting as it’s about 2 women who think “grass is always greener on the other side”. They swap their life, families, job, lifestyle, etc. This books doesn’t frustrate me. I like the ending although it’s stereotype happy ending, but the definition of happiness is different from the early chapters of the book. Worth reading.

Scissor Sisters: I had a good bargain when I bought this book. It’s still new. Very fresh. Suitable for those who love Scissor Sisters band and want to know who they are. Americans who came to UK and make big time in foreign country. Their music is accepted worldwide, and they are the best pop band currently. However, this is not an official autobiography by the members. It is written by Alex Hannaford with wide background reading from various media.

Rescuing Rose: Sometimes ‘Agony Aunts’ have their own problem themselves. Men in her life says that Rose (main character in this novel) wants to be an agony aunt just because to satisfy her imperfect background history since many Agony Aunts (or Uncles) come from a tattered childhood. She was divorced, she just bought a new house, her fiscal is unstable and her column is being ‘hijacked’ by her editor.

Well folks, my price is the lowest and I hope it will soon be bought. Good news, I make them available for international shipping except for Rescuing Rose. However, if you want to buy it, I can change it’s delivery destination. My seller id in Amazon is as same as my YM id. Have fun with reading.



Bila kesibukan menjengah hidup

Next week I’m going to be totally busy. Perhaps Wednesday is the only day that I don’t have class. I’m going to Woodfield Primary School in Whitleigh. The route is quite unfriendly. About half hour by bus, and after that I need to walk about 560 metres, uphill *sigh* This holy month of Ramadhan, where the cold weather bites, and the whole day school session, I bet it’ll make me exhausted. I hope the kids will not be as energetic as the Key Stage 1 kids (I hope).

Tomorrow I’m going to the school with Hanis. I hope my bad expectation will be gone. Listen ti Hanis’ story, it sounds cool. Well, hope is a thing with feather (read and understand Emily Dickinson’s poem).

Due to change

Season changes
Human grows
So this blog too.
Tell me sincerely, which one do you prefer?
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
a) previous design–the tropical flowers, should be lively all season!

b) this winter design–in order to suits the cold season.

Do we need to change when we were asked to?

Since I was little, I was playing with DOS’ game like snakes, Mario Brothers and Prince of Persia (pixeled version). That time, me and my brothers had smudge dad’s keyboard badly. It had our fingerprints and bits of biscuits and tons of dust. I found that DOS is user-friendly and I easily learned LOTUS (DOS’ version of Microsoft Excel) when I was in primary school.

Then there comes the culprit which makes Mr Bill Gates becomes the richest man on earth. Windows has reached every PC in this world and it’s a phenomenon. After his genius invention accepted on worldwide scale, he breeds more Windows OS which are: Windows 95, followed by Windows 98, Windows ME and then latest, Windows XP. However, because Windows OS is totally conquering every unit globally, then along came MAC OS, and Linux (specially dedicated to penguin enthusiast). People have realised that Windows is not ‘that’ good actually.

Windows Vista demo goes awry

Because of wanting to compete MAC with the brilliant graphic, Microsoft is producing a new baby namely Windows Vista. It’s birth announcement have been delayed to next year as some have tested it’s virginity and many made comments about and still have weaknesses thus its’ birth announcement have been delayed. I found many flaws of Windows (at this time being) and have some feeling of changing it to Linux (well, somebody plays a great role in influencing me either). Morevover, Linux is world-wide You can read the comparison in details, here. Plus, in terms of security, Az told me that there’s a hacker hacked Windows Vista in 20 minutes only. I guess I will gain my consumer right soon (but I still wish for dual-booting, but I guess myPC will be slower or worse, crash~).

So people, if you want to change to Vista just because of its appearance, you’re burning your own ass actually. There are several tips given by PC advisor (get the october’s issue!):

  1. If you want the wallpaper, head to www.vistaultimate.com/wallpapers1.htm and you do the choosing
  2. For the mouse pointer, visit this link > blognewschannel.com/index.php/archives/2006/07/03/get-the-new-vista-aero-cursors. However, the effect won’t be as impressive as the real Vista (don’t tell me i ddin’t warn you!). unzip the aero (an acronym for Authentic, Energetic, Reflective, and Open) cursors folders to your desktop, right click then install.
  3. Control Panel>Appearence and Themes>choose the mouse pointers option to the left of the main pane. Click on the pointers and you’ll see the AERO cursors (alphablended) listed in the scheme drop-down. Scroll down the items in the Customize list for preview of the symbols that will appear, depending on the tasks.
  4. Vista includes a range if applets that sit on your desktop and serve up the information that’s most useful to you. Known as gadgets, they’re similar to the widgets Yahoo offers for XP users and those Apple’s OS X Tiger includes. Head to widgets.yahoo.com and download the installation tool for XP.
  5. By default, widgets supposedly stored in My Documents. Yahoo displays popular widgets and directs your icon to the system tray–where you can manage your onscreen applets. Press F8 to greys out open windows for an unobstructed of view of your widgets.
  6. Another tool that’ll add some eyeshadow and blusher to your new Windows XP makeover~or Windows Vista lookalike makeup~ is by downloading desktop sidebar. You can get it from desktopsidebar.com. What’s good about it? Desktop sidebar ease your daily chores for displaying weather forecast, info on your PC perfomance, news headlines, yada yada.

So, more to look at: www.softpedia.com this site provides Vista themes. Basically, to install it is the usual way to install theme.

So, what do you think of Vista’s screenshot? Merely a makeover in order to beat MAC’s 3D look?

So I’m not totally against Microsoft, but I think they have been on top to long and there are OSs which perform better than Windows, so give it a try.

World’s smartest girl

At the age of 8, where other girls are still playing Barbie and Bratz, where other girls are thinking of what to wear to party, where other girls fight who’s the princess etc; she’s reading 3 novels every day and have a critical judgement on world politicians.

Who wants to be clever as this girl? Everybody wants to be clever of course (duh!), a girl named Adora Svitak, aged 8, has already acclaimed as world genius kid at this time. Her father is a Microsoft programmer, her mother is a chinese. I think she probably inherit the wisdom from the combination of her parents. Wonder what makes her so genius? She likes French philosophy, reads 3 novels per day, at age 8 she already wrote 400 short stories and already have politic influence. From her statement:

“I was listening to Tony Blair moaning about you all being anti- American,” she says, ever-so-prim in her pretty pink pinafore.
(Well, you know it girl…)

“But personally, I think it’s perfectly fine for you all to be angry with America.”
(Ok. I somehow agree. She’s only 8 and already have sensitivity towards world politics, we should be ashamed of her!)

“Tony Blair is smarter than George Bush but makes some wrong decisions. But Bush has no idea what he’s doing, he’s just blundering through.”
(This statement confides me that you ARE smart Adora)

“I’m writing a political satire about him at the moment, actually. It’s called Yang in Disguise. I don’t support him.”
(What? You want to write a political satire at age 8? I don’t even know much about Malaysian political situation at your age, and what more the world!)

Other girls worship Britney or Pussycat Dolls, she adores Eleanor Roosevelt. Even I myself don’t know much about her either. (What a shame Ainee, what a shame!) For your information, she’s fighting for world peace. She’s just 8 years old and already have a big dream. So people, time to think big and smart!

PS: If she saw my writing about her, I bet her’s is far better than mine *sigh*

Full news.

AND! there is also another thing to ponder

This question:

If the Quran speaks on so many things related to science then why are Muslims not as advanced as the western world?

Peringatan buat diri sendiri: countdown–>68 hari lagi.


Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.

In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.

As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.

In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person…

Music by Sick Puppies. (Visit http://sickpuppies.net or http://myspace.com/sickpuppies for the music)

THE NEXT VID IS an OST from top jdorama at this time being. tomoya kun,anata honto ni kakoii desu!

Entry Ramadhan

Salam Ramadhan ditujukan khas kepada semua yang membaca. Ramadhan kali ini lebih bermakna kerana ini kali pertama saya menjalani ibadah di bumi asing tanpa keluarga terdekat, juga Ramadhan kali ini mengajar saya tidak bermanja-manja juga menyedari hakikat sebenar puasa. Selama ini di definisi puasa di Malaysia hanya berlegar antara pasar Ramadhan, baju raya, kad raya, dan ziarah raya. Kali ini tiada seperti itu lagi. Tiada masakan Mak. Tiada leteran Mak mengejut saya bersahur. Tiada pasar Ramadhan. Tiada terawih secara ‘grand’. Tiada menonton Jejak Rasul, apatah lagi Al-Kuliyyah. Tiada juga nampak orang dibawa menaiki van jenazah bersama pinggan. Tiada lagi istilah manja-manja. Tiada pergantungan. Semua sendirian. Dewasa ini, dapat saya menyedari hakikat sebenar bahawa segala perbuatan, amalan, niat, fikiran, suara hati dan segalanya yang datang dari ini tiada kaitan dengan sesiapa pun, hanya diri sendiri. Setiap perbuatan yang saya lakukan diumpakan seperti lebuhraya utara selatan (PLUS?), jalan dua hala. Antara saya dan Maha Pencipta. Hanya aku dan Dia.


Pelbagai peristiwa berkalu sepanjang minggu dan saya ingin menyisip beberapa pautan bahan bacaan buat minggu ini yang bakal menjana kecerdasan otak kita di bulan Ramadhan.

Tulisan Tony Parsons (ya, penulis novel kegemaran ramai itu) tentang keceluparan Pope Benedict XVI. Ada elemen canda, fakta dan pendapat dan saya bersetuju dengannya.

Protes terhadap Tony Blair (TB) di Manchester. Seramai 10K penduduk Manchester berkumpul mendesak TB turun dari takhtanya termasuk adik ipar TB, Lauren Booth.

Thai dengan coup d’etat terhadap Thaksin, bukti apabila rakyat bersatu, dapat menjatuhkan pemimpin yang ___________(sila isi tempat kosong.


Selamat menyambut bulan yang penuh barakah. Bulan untuk menyemai benih iman dan pahala. Bulan yang Allah janjikan fadhilat dan pelbagai syafaat. Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadhan, nabarakallah.

MAMPU: Esok mentari ada lagi….

Sehari selepas pilihan raya kampus (PRK) sesi 06/07 saya cuba coretkan pengalaman yang ada bermula penamaan calon sehinggalah ke hari pengundiannya. Saya bukanlah seorang pejuang tetapi sekadar mampu saya cuba menghayati bagaimana ertinya perjuangan untuk membela mahasiswa kali ini.
Bermula daripada hari penamaan calon lagi beberapa perkara mengejutkan telah terjadi. Wakil calon Fakulti Pengajian Islam yang selalunya dimenangi tanpa bertanding oleh Mampu pada sesi sebelumnya kali ini terpaksa bertanding dengan calon Aspirasi. Saya diberitahu sebelum itu calon Aspirasi tersebut cuba untuk menarik diri tetapi dihalang oleh pentadbir universiti. Bahkan lebih mengejutkan calon tersebut merupakan pasukan PALAPES yang sebelum ini ditegah mengikuti PRK. Malah tidak dibenarkan langsung hadir ke tempat penamaan calon. Tetapi disebabkan nafsu egois pentadbir, beliau dipaksa bertanding. Maka pilihan raya kali ini mempertandingkan semua 34 kerusi tanpa ada yang menang tanpa bertanding.
Kempen pun bermula. Pelbagai risalah dihantar bilik ke bilik sama ada dari pihak Aspirasi mahu pun Mampu. Poster dan banner dinaikkan di setiap fakulti dan kolej. Calon aspirasi dengan dibantu oleh pentadbir melaksanakan propaganda busuk dan jijik untuk memburukkan Mampu. Lebih dari itu mahasiswa diugut terus mengundi aspirasi jika tidak mahu dibuang kolej terutamanya pelajar tahun satu. Tahun ini tidak pula kelihatan calon Mampu yang datang berkempen di kolej. Mungkin disebabkan pengalaman sesi lepas yang saya lihat dengan mata saya sendiri. Calon Mampu dihalau ketika cuba berkempen di kolej sebaliknya calon Aspirasi diiringi oleh YDP kolej ketika datang meraih undi. Inilah demokrasi gila tajaan pentadbir untuk memastikan mahasiswa bisu dari terus mendedahkan penyelewengan mereka. Penipuan terus berlarutan sehinggalah pukul 12 malam sebelum hari mengundi.
21hb September sebenarnya merupakan hari bertuah saya mula melihat dunia 20 tahun yang lalu. Jadi bersempena hari pengundian yang kebetulan sama dengan hari jadi saya, saya amat berharap ketika itu Gabungan Mahasiswa yang diterajui Mampu kembali menguasai UKM. Bangun pagi itu, saya tidak terus ke foyer kolej untuk menunaikan tanggungjawab. Saya membuka komputer membaca berita sambil mencari maklumat terkini mengenai perjuangan mahasiswa di universiti lain. Ada juga ucapan ulang tahun yang dihantar rakan melalui email. Terima kasih…
Saya masuk ke pusat pengundian kira-kira pukul 11.30 pagi. Macam biasa PRK yang tidak telus tetap berlaku. Wakil Aspirasi yang mengedar nombor calon mereka dibiarkan sehingga ke pintu masuk mengundi tanpa halangan. Kakitangan kolej pula mencatatkan no siri di kertas undi dan undi saya tidak lagi rahsia ketika itu. Saya diberitahu oleh rakan saya yang menjadi jentera aspirasi bahawa di sebuah kolej lain borang kolej semester depan diedarkan bersama ketika masuk mengundi. Ugutan seperti ini menjadikan pengundi takut di buang kolej. Ketika mengundi saya bisikkan dihati bahawa hidup saya hanya milik Allah yang satu. Hanya yang berjuang layak diundi saya. Tanpa rasa gentar saya mengundi calon pilihan saya…..1,2,4,5,7,12, dan 3,4 untuk calon fakulti saya. Saya keluar dengan hati yang lapang sambil melemparkan senyuman kepada rakan seperjuangan yang menjadi pemerhati pada hari itu.
Pengundian ditutup tepat jam 5 petang. Proses pengiraan dilakukan. Saya lupakan sebentar mengenai PRK kerana sibuk dengan persiapan Hari Persuratan Melayu esoknya. Selesai raptai saya meminta pengerusi membenarkan saya keluar tanpa memberitahu hal sebenar. Saya bergegas ke tempat berkumpulnya rakan-rakan Mampu. Saya dengar ucapan presiden walaupun agak terlewat. Keputusan tak rasmi ketika itu Mampu kalah 29-5. Mahasiswa terus dijajah untuk sesi seterusnya. Jangan ada yang marah jika tahun depan harga makanan di kafe dan yuran kolej naik lagi. Jangan ada yang berdemo marahkan pentadbiran jika lembab. Kerana pilihan untuk mengubahnya telah berlalu. Anda sendiri yng menyutujuinya melalui PRK ini.
Ketika dalam perjalanan pulang saya terima sms dari seorang kawan jentera aspirasi bertanyakan keputusan PRK. Saya katakan kamu dah menang. Sebaliknya dia memarahi saya dengan mengatakan tahun ini pilihannya Mampu. Alhamdulillah…dalam menelan pahit kekalahan, ada juga kemanisannya apabila rakan sendiri kembali ke jalan perjuangan.
“Islam itu jemaah dan tiada jemaah selain Islam. Hidup ibarat roda, ada ketikanya majoriti, ada masanya minoriti. Maka kekallah bersama jemaah walaupun sedikit.”
Pesanan itu saya genggam sampai mati….
“Kalau bukan hari ini,esok…kalau bukan bulan ini, bulan depan…kalau bukan tahun ini, tahun depan…Lawan tatap lawan”
Kalimah itu saya semat dihati…
Kepada rakan seperjuangan, bergeraklah dari sekarang untuk menghadapi PRK sesi akan datang. Tiada erti putus asa dalam perjuangan. Memang menjadi harapan saya untuk melihat kebangkitan mahasiswa sebelum menamatkan pengajian di taman ilmu ini… Percayalah pada diri…Esok mentari ada lagi…Allahuakbar!