I used to write a poetry on PMS and performed it in front of a hall of audience in Barbican Theatre. They laughed at it. I was very hormonal and emotional that time. Yet the moment inspired me to write.
When I delivered Fahmi, it took me 9 months to have my period and I only have it for 3 months only because I was pregnant with Irfan. After Irfan, yada yada I met it after a year. Imagine the stability that ibhave without a PMS.
But then I learned a lot without it. I used to blame her a lot for my forgetfulness, anger, instability, physical changes and stomach cramps. Basically I put all the blame to her. Then she didn’t visit me for almost 4 years. I put the blame to no one but myself. Settle down with self-image, conflicts within, and then the rest is well kept. I took Prof Muhaya’s word seriously and she was right. In order to make things better, we have to change to be better. Especially in our relationship with god and parents.
Thank you for not coming for almost 4 years and taught me an important lesson. Being a mother definitely changed me to be a better person. God loves me and he gives me another chance to repent and make things right within 4 years. That’s a long time he gave me. Mujur la Allah tak tarik nyawa dalam keadaan riyak dan tidak bertaubat. Huuu~~~ Till then.
Picture credit: http://msmorphosis.com
PS: Maybe I need to buy a stock of Libresse lepas ni.