Eid 2006 update

In UK, we already celebrated Eid Mubarak, one day earlier than Malaysia (Monday, 23rd). So far, I haven’t shed a tear yet although there are many challenges and problems I encounter. I’m trying not to have any emotion attachment, as a Jedi is prohibited from doing so. Feeling will prone you to dark force.

Here’s the report of Eid in Plymouth, 2006.

Eid eve: cooking, playing sparkle.

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Can you see us?

On Eid: visits, chatting, eating and more eating.

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Visit to House 12
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With tuan rumah
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Their turn to visit our house
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The food

Q&A: Raya @ Eid 2006

Pertama kali beraya jauh dari family. Siapa agaknya tolong mak di dapur (?), siapa tolong mak basuh pinggan (?), siapa temankan emak kalau mak tak pergi solat raya (?), etc.

Soalan streotype: Apa perasaan?
Jawapan saya: Sungguh mencabar soalan ini ya. Pelbagai perasaan dialami seperti seronok; kerana kita mmg kena seronok masa hari raya, sedih; pertama kali sambut raya jauh dari keluarga, biasa; kerana sudah 22 kali sambut hari raya. Juga, sedikit rasa

Lagi soalan streotype: Sana (UK) puasa bila?
Jawapan saya: Mungkin hari Ahad (22/10/06) atau Isnin (23/10/2006)

S(ainee semakin malas menaip nampak gayanya): Seronok tak beraya di UK?
J: er, aren’t we supposed to be happy during hari raya?

S (and I’m not sure whether this is a question): elleh, sane raya tak best. takde lemang ketupat dan rendang.
J: hello? snap, snap. which world are you living? why are you saying like we’re living in antartica?have you heard anything called globalization? and even if you’re in Michigan, Tokyo, or Jordan, you can still eat those kind of stuffs OK?
PS: Go fish yourself.

ainee is a rock chick

I had fun playing drums today (and I still feel like playing it again). Well, if i have a band, I would play the drum. Spreading my anger via the drum sticks (not the chicken body part ok?). BTW, thanks for visiting my blog, Dienka.

Blogthings says that if I were a rocker, I would be a glam rocker. Something like Scissors Sisters+Suede+Duran Duran. LOL.

Ainee is a Glam Rocker!

You put the “show” in rock show with your larger than life self.
No doubt, you are all about making good music…
But what really gets you going is having an over the top show.
Glitter, costumes, and wild hair are your thing – with some rock thrown in!

O yeah, I had finished the recording and copied it in the CD. There are 3 parts:

I: last week’s work. using garbageband software of macbook and some people said it sounds good (I send it to 3 people only, heheh).

II: experiment:not much. very short. don’t know what to say.

III: using keyboard to record “doe a dear” song. sounds like kids playing for school caremony.

The testimonials from the 3 people:

ina (my housemate who gave me the music notes for ‘doe a dear’s song): eh, okei la tuh .

blusmurX: bagaimana intro boleh begitu hebat sekali?
blusmurX: why why?
blusmurX: oh
blusmurX: talented.
blusmurX: tp seriously , u’re talented.
blusmurX: boleh la collab dgn i pasni.

alilXaki (19/10/2006 20:06:28): awal2 sounds mantap
alilXaki (19/10/2006 20:07:38): huhu
alilXaki (19/10/2006 20:07:43): yg awal2 serius mantap
and this person has promised me something–>
alilXaki (19/10/2006 20:09:28): ok kak aini
alilXaki (19/10/2006 20:09:39): saya nak g latih nasyid
alilXaki (19/10/2006 20:11:16): klu recording kite org sedap
alilXaki (19/10/2006 20:11:26): sy bg akak

Wanna hear them? Get it here. Do comment.

unveil the veil


I have posted 3 entries for different blog today (check out my profile if you want to read them. IF.). This is the third one. Bear with me. O yeah, I mess with 3 people also, eh wait, aren’t they mess with me? Three. A magic number for this week.

Why do I choose “unveil the veil” title for this entry? This is an entry, or reflection I would say, for Marrick’s poem. Well, I feel what Marrick wrote was quite true though it’s politically opinionated which has made my ears went red. For me, the veil can be the object which covers you, and also your attitude for being a hypocrite. Yes, the hijab and the hypocrite person. Since 9/11 (remember the show ‘rescue number 911’? is it just a coincidence?) the world (majority) relates islam with terrorism. Marrick isn’t wrong. He even says he has Muslim friends who don’t have any characteristic of terrorist. The way he thinks like that is because media is showing that kind of image of Islam. I don’t blame them all. I feel sorry for them as they do not know much about Islam.

More news about veil wearing in UK.


I really feel like beating a drum tomorrow (literally and figuratively). I want to express my anger. Dienka also said “Owh, you look like this but actually you like rock eh?”. Yeah. I love rock music, big time. It expresses my anger and love most of the time. Not long-winded like a rhapsody or symphony. I’m not saying that they are not good but they are so not-focus music piece. You know what I’m saying. It’s like a person who wants to say that he wants to go out with you but goes on like “Do you have anything to do this weekend? Are you going out to anywhere? Do you have any plan? Will you go out with si polan and si polan? Bla3”. Quite annoying innit? Just talk straight to the point laa macha!


Yesterday’s creative writing session was quite ‘pain in the brain’ (Daisy, 2006) at first, but when it comes to practical session, I feel like I did a good job. She said “good” and “superb”. Huu~ Dienka also says that the poem which I send for the Respect Festival is good. She said it’s strong. I don’t know how’s that. I really don’t know. What I wish is for the best as it (the poem) speaks out for me.

Another interesting that happened to me yesterday was Marrick did an Egyptian hieroglyph of my name. Mine looks nice. I’ll asked from Marrick the paper next time and scan it and paste it in here. Insya Allah. I never knew my name looks nice in Egyptian hieroglyph.


Another event which is happening right now is the preparation for Eid or Hari Raya. It’s quite cold right now and I can’t wear baju kurung justlike that, needs long john inside to make me warm. This gives me an idea to design a baju kurung which can be worn in cold-climate country. Don’t know when the prototype will be published, perhaps in a very long time.

i had but i cancel it

I was about to write about something, but shit happens (it always happen innit?) and what I want to tell you people is, I felt positive and cheerful all day. Suddenly, this fated evening, shit happens and I had burden and torture Azwan as I yelled and screamed and crying (erk, sum mo his nick is cry4freedom what~) to him. Haha. Sorry dude. You’re the victim since you know about it. OMG. I can’t believe it. I thought I just gained profit from Amazon, and I thought I’m going to have a series of fortunate events, but suddenly, shit happens and kaboom~ I feel sorry for the people who come to my blog and read this crap. So bloody sorry. And you too Azwan. Hwargh!!

Koleksi lagu raya perantau

Malam ini malam ke 21 Ramadhan. Tak lama lagi Ramadhan akan berlalu pergi. Terasa sungguh cepat ia berlalu. Mugkin juga kerana jadual yang padat. Dapatkah aku berjumpa lagi dengan Ramadhan tahun hadapan? Kalau kat rumah, mak yang prepare stuffs. Sekali datang sini, tiada makcik yang jual kuih bahulu atau kerepek atau biskut raya, hatta makcik tailor yg jahit baju kurung. Bagaimana entah suasana di hari raya nanti.

Disini ada koleksi lagu raya yang saya compile dari blog kerepek:

51 koleksi lagu raya baru dan lama
29 lagu raya VOl. 2
Radja – Malam 1000 Bulan
Sweet Charity – Seri Hari Raya
Unic – Muhasabah Ramadhan
Sudirman – Balik Kampung

life’s a shuffle

Found this cool stuff at Kak Sal’s blog. Her’s is quite funny 😛

So here’s the rules:

  1. Put your music player on shuffle
  2. Press forward for each question.
  3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

The questions and my answers:

1.) How am I feeling today?
*celebrate the day -herbert gronemayer (uhuk, yeah, i should celebrate wednesday coz i don’t have class–by sleeping! LOL)

2.) Where will I get married?
* addicted-kelly clakson (uhuk, is there any place named addicted?)

3.) What is my best friend’s theme song?
* aku makin cinta- vina panduwinata (omg, u love me?)

4.) What is/was highschool like?
* riddim i like- asian dub foundation (i even don’t know what ‘riddim’ means)

5.) What is the best thing about me?
* you still believe in me- the beach boys (o yeah, i didn’t cheat for this crap)

6.) How is today going to be?
* this is good- ricky martin (uhuks, yeah. i love days without class)

7.) What is in store for this weekend?
* sedalam mana cintamu- safura (hmm, apekah?)

8.) What song describes my parents?.
* four leaves clover- kiroro (o yeah, my parents are lucky)

9.) How is my life going?
* bad day- daniel powter (apekah ini satu kebetulan atau satu kenyataan?)

10.) What song will they play at my funeral?
* too late – jLo (ahaks, kpd sesiapa yg x mntk maap kt aku tuh, too late!)

11.) How does the world see me?
* dansa- ratu (erk, kita berdansa hingga ke pagi~)

12.) What do my friends really think of me?
*sway- pussycat dolls (sway or suey?? you choose)

13) Do people secretly lust after me?
*pastikan- siti nurhaliza (pastikan kau dan aku~jgn ada cinta lain~ ahaks!)

14.) How can I make myself happy?
* like a virgin- madonna (what?? touched for the very first time, uhuh ahah)

15.) What should I do with my life?
* you’ve got a friend- gloria estafa, celine dion, shania twain, carol king. (o yeah, to my beloved friends [you know who u are] thank you so much!)

16.) Will I ever have children?
* vio pipe – butterfingers (tube babies kaa?)

17.) What is some good advice?
hello brother- salman khan (advice apekah ini?)

18.) What do I think my current theme song is?
*since you been gone- kely clarkson (Here’s the thing We started out friends It was cool, but it was all pretend yeah yeah since you been gone)

19.) What does everyone else think my current life?
I’m every women -Whitney Houston (cool~ :P)

20.) What type of men/women do you like?
* screwed- Paris Hilton (aiyak!! tanaklah~!)

21.) Will you get married?
* Lord of the Sand- Kitaro (what the …?)

22.) What should I do with my love life?
* sexyback- justin (ihik~i am sexy~)

23.) Where will you live?
* Perasaanku tentang perasaanku padamu- Dewa (boleh ke tinggal kt tempat camineh?)

24.) What will your dying words be?
* Here, there and everywhere- the beatles (can u make any sense of it?)

25.) When im having sex i say..
*ladki badhi anjana hai -KKHH (haih~andai kate pakweku itu aamir khan, paham le die)

26.) When I meet a guy/lady for the first time i say..
*She said, she said – the beatles (ahaks, seems like ngumpat jerk)

27.) When my parents are angry i say..
* casablanca – bertie higgins
(owh, mungkin ia akan mengimbau kembali kenangan cinta membara lalu mereka x mara lg)

Selling some books [ad=review]

Too many good books to be kept and so little space that I have. I have listed few books at Amazon and wishing that these books will benefit others since I have limited space in my bedroom. Search for it at amazon.co.uk. These are the books that I have listed:

Other women: Sounds like Sri Diah’s novel, but happens in UK. It’s true, sometimes you fell out of wedlock and sanity because of external temptation. A good book for women. I like the front cover catchy yet cynical phrase; friendship can be a treacherous game.

Life Swap: I noticed this book’s ad while I was in the tube. Londoner always have book or paper with them whenever they are in the tube. Sadly, Malaysians don’t have both while riding LRT. Enough about the culture, this book is quite interesting as it’s about 2 women who think “grass is always greener on the other side”. They swap their life, families, job, lifestyle, etc. This books doesn’t frustrate me. I like the ending although it’s stereotype happy ending, but the definition of happiness is different from the early chapters of the book. Worth reading.

Scissor Sisters: I had a good bargain when I bought this book. It’s still new. Very fresh. Suitable for those who love Scissor Sisters band and want to know who they are. Americans who came to UK and make big time in foreign country. Their music is accepted worldwide, and they are the best pop band currently. However, this is not an official autobiography by the members. It is written by Alex Hannaford with wide background reading from various media.

Rescuing Rose: Sometimes ‘Agony Aunts’ have their own problem themselves. Men in her life says that Rose (main character in this novel) wants to be an agony aunt just because to satisfy her imperfect background history since many Agony Aunts (or Uncles) come from a tattered childhood. She was divorced, she just bought a new house, her fiscal is unstable and her column is being ‘hijacked’ by her editor.

Well folks, my price is the lowest and I hope it will soon be bought. Good news, I make them available for international shipping except for Rescuing Rose. However, if you want to buy it, I can change it’s delivery destination. My seller id in Amazon is as same as my YM id. Have fun with reading.



Bila kesibukan menjengah hidup

Next week I’m going to be totally busy. Perhaps Wednesday is the only day that I don’t have class. I’m going to Woodfield Primary School in Whitleigh. The route is quite unfriendly. About half hour by bus, and after that I need to walk about 560 metres, uphill *sigh* This holy month of Ramadhan, where the cold weather bites, and the whole day school session, I bet it’ll make me exhausted. I hope the kids will not be as energetic as the Key Stage 1 kids (I hope).

Tomorrow I’m going to the school with Hanis. I hope my bad expectation will be gone. Listen ti Hanis’ story, it sounds cool. Well, hope is a thing with feather (read and understand Emily Dickinson’s poem).