About eyekneekawai

eyekneekawai is an avid blogger. blogs on everything.

Oh Ainee’s Happy Day (sequel to Jang Na Ra’s drama)

Hee hee. Me got up so late today. Me went to cool ASDA wif kak eQin. Me got parcels. Me got the drawing kits. Me got SIMS2 DVD. Yeay! I know what to do after WC ends.

People. Don’t panic if:

  1. I don’t pick up your calls
  2. I don’t come out from my room for days
  3. I don’t turun to eat dinner for days
  4. You hear click2 sound from my room
  5. Suddenly you smell burning stuff (probably that comes from my PC)
  6. Suddenly, one day, you see Ainee is not herself anymore; smelly & messy

People. Blame EA games. Blame them for creating such addictive fun game.
SIMS2! Can’t wait to play you!
Err, drawing kits, forgive me if I abandon you for a long time. I will actually. Insya Allah.

OOPS! It says here:
EPILEPSY WARNING – Some people are usceptible to epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness when exposed to certain lights or light patterns in everyday life.
Such people may have seizure while watching television images or playing certain video games. This may happen even if the person has no medical history of epilepsy or has never had any epileptic seizures. If you or anyone in your family has ever had symptoms related to epilepsy (seizures or loss of consciousness) when exposed to flashing lights, consult your doctor prior to playing. We advise that parents should monitor the use of video games by their children. If you or your children experience any of the following symptoms: dizziness, blurred vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of consciousness, disorientation, any involuntary movement or convulsion, while palying a video game, discontinue use IMMEDIATELY and consult your doctor.

F*ck! Aww man..you don’t have to put this in the first page of the manual. I think I experienced those symptoms (dizziness, unconsciousness) when I played it in Malaysia last time (yaloh, beli cetak rompak’s DVD mane dapat manual like this). Haih. it also advise me to stay away (in the manual it says rest, but I think it means ‘stay away’) from the computer about 10 minutes to 15 minutes per hour. Sigh. This manual kills the fun. Really.

Stairway to Heaven

This drama made me cry like hell.I don’t know it will be this sad. I tried to finish to watch it in 4 days but I end up to watch the ending at the 6th day since the day I started to watch it. So sad. It really depicts cinderella. I hate the stepmother so much. She’s the actress and managed to act goodie2 in front of Jung-suh’s father. Feel so geram. Right. This drama has taken all my tears and my sleep time. Hence, I leave you with some of my favourite script from the drama and the synopsis. Hope you like it as I do.

*When Jung-suh asked Song-Joo during the last time of her life. I can’t stop crying towards the end of the series. Urgh! What is their formulae huh??

Jung Suh: Oppa, i think people who love each other are destined to be together from birth.

Song Joo: yes, like you and me, they’re destined to meet.

Jung Suh: then parting ways is predestined too, right? So we should gladly accept it, right?

Song Joo: Yes, because we’re going to meet again.


*When Jung-suh met Yuri before she leave for good. Jung-suh meet the person who made her life bitter, stole her life and made she lost her eyesight for the last time, at the cell. I was touched by her kindness.

Yuri: I was so cruel to you, so why are you crying for me?

Jung-suh:I hate you. I’m human too. We all feel envy and jealousy inside. You’re not the only one. So don’t be too hard on yourself about the past.

Yuri:You dummy.

Jung-suh:You’re so bad.

Yuri: han jung-suh, I’m sorry.

(summarized by Krystalheart)
A story about Jung Suh (Choi Ji Woo) and her best friend Song Joo (Kwon Sang Woo). As childhood friends, Jung Suh and Song Joo held a special bond within their friendship that blossomed into love. Song Joo leaves to America to study abroad, leaving a sad Jung Suh behind. Jung Suh is left alone to suffer in the silent cruelty of her step sister, Yuri, and new step mother. All the while, Jung Suh tries to be nice to her new step brother, Tae Hwa, who in returns mistakes this friendship for affection. Tae Hwa falls in love with young Jung Suh. The love that heaven forbids and a tragic love story that starts to unfold from here. Full review.

What I learn from this drama is a love-relationship need:

~faith, hope and love~

Of respect fest and racism

Yesterday was fun yet tired for me. After watching the advanture-comedy Pirates of Carribean, then faa, snah and me walk about 20 minutes to the train station. We waited for Dienka and others; Marrick the latecomer, came late as usual. So we depart with the 6pm’s train. I try not to sleep although I feel quite exhausted, because I want to enjoy the view of the sea, from the glass panel of the coach’s window. The journey was OK since I didn’t much impressed by the sea view. Plus, I got headache as I inhaled cigar’s smoke while walking in city center. Sigh. I know this journey is not going to be a so-much-fun-it-had-to-be journey.

Arrived in Exeter St Davis station around 6 pm, walking to the Exeter city center for about 20 minutes, feel relieved when we found the place. They were about to have dinner in the bar, then faa, senah and me made some excuse, went out to the city center, finding a bench, we ate in fron of an underground gig place. We had free music and food too! The city was nice. The buildings look like ala Elizabethan and Victorian style. Very nice. They have Starbucks either (which what Plymouth doesn’t have BUT Plymouth is going to have it around this December when the shopping mall in Drake Circus is opened). It’s quite nice, seeing the stone and brick road, and it feels like entering Sherlock Holmes’ time. Thee hee hee.

Then at 8 pm, the emcee started the caremony by introducing the creative writers from Exeter University. They declaimed their poems in monotonous way, however, the poems were great; but I think it is more suitable to be read in anthology or other written form.

Then there’s dreadlock. He is beyond my expectation. That’s what I want. He hip-hop, rap and rhyme and pun. He’s super cool. I think he’s the coolest poet I’ve ever met. Very outspoken. Very sarcastic, yet, very honest. It’s my first time seeing a perfomance of ‘slam poetry’. I still remember one of his poem about prejudice; “why do we have different colours? Even aliens have 12 shades of grey”. Funny but true. He said he comes from a race called ‘humanrace’ but later people begin to classify and categorise themselves according to their skin colour.

Dreadlockalien comes from intermarriage. He is an Anglo Indo Carribean. Since chilhood, he knows how does it feel to be in between world. He neither Jamaican nor English. His grandfather like crickets and another one likes rugby. He likes both games and so his grandads both like him. However, living in between means there’s no black and white. It’s grey and it’s tough to be in between white and black.

Now, I feel inspired and got so much to say and I have so little time. I don’t know where to start but I think it will be the best if I can start writing up some simple poems, just to prepare for the next creative writers writing. I really want to improve my poem-writing skills. Hope that one day, our country will not run out of good poets and quality literature.

World Cup 2006’s ending

Aww~~looks like the fun WC is going to end soon. And I’m going to go through it again in next 4 years. However, I feel so happy when France managed to go to final. Yeah! I know they can make it. They’re going to tug with Italy (in here they pronounce: ‘ie-a-li’ *silent T). This night’s game was fantastic. Although Zidane’s kick was not as superb as Henry, but still, I love that frail old man. He’s talented. Received award for best player is what he deserve. I don’t know whether he will receive the best player recognition again, but it will be the best memory for him before he retire from football arena. I’m going to miss him I think. Not like the sissy drama papas. Huh! I hate him for acting so much on field. SHE should be an actor I think. I agree with Kak eQin’s idea that THEY (you know who) have drama class during Wednesday.
Forget about their immature bahaviour on global stage of the world’s most prestigious game. Let us wait for the best from the final game. As craved on my chest, I will give my entire heart to support France this time. Henry! Bonne chance!! Let us wait for Pasta Bake vs French Toast game. Mamma mia! Va Va Voom!! Which one will shine?? Definitely not sunshine this time..

*sorry la azim, you can’t see your favourite team playing for final this time. Now it MY team’s turn to shine in the limelight of World Cup.


Wilkommen: World Cup 2006 song

This year, and for the first time, three songs identify the more important soccer match of the world. ‘Celebrate the Day’ (original title: Zeit dass Zich was Dreht), by Herbert Grönemeyer , is the World Cup 2006’s anthem. The author is a recognized German rock musician who made the official anthem of the World Cup by request of the FIFA. Grönemeyer founded his first group in his 12 years and in 1974 it composed his first song. “Times of Our Lives” is the inaugural song written specially for The World Cup by renowned BMG Music Swedish songwriter Jörgen Elofsson, that will interpret the group Il Divo (Carlos Marín, David Miller, Sebastien Izambarg and Urs Buhler ) with Toni Braxton.
Colombian pop star Shakira will close the 2006 World Cup of football at Olympic stadium in Berlin, with a show before the final match in July. The lithe performer will play ‘Hips Don’t Lie’ from her ‘Oral Fixation Volume Two’ album alongside Haitian hip-hop artist Wyclef Jean. The song, like many written by the eclectic composer, is a mix of hip-hop, reggae and other tropical music. The performance date will be July 9, 10 minutes before kick-off time.

*Found this on you tube. To Kak Linda; dieses ist für Sie. genießen Sie.

Infernal London To Berlin (world cup version) ENGLAND


Here’s the lyric:

from london to berlin and every game that england win
were gonna win the world cup win the world cup
cos wen were thinkin of roo and all the things he can do
were gonna win the world cup you left us cheering for you

football is a game and england is its name
were hopein that we’ll win it cause were going insane
its quite along time ago hursty scored them three goals
hungry for the trophey and we know that we love you

from london to berlin and every game that england win
were gonna win the world cup win the world cup
cos wen were thinkin of roo and all the things he can do
were gonna win the world cup you got us cheering for you
you got us cheering for you

winning is the thing and now were scoring every goal
supporting you is something that we all gotta do
were always thinking of you oh gerrard and roo
rio becks and lampard oh and well john tierry too

from london to berlin and every game that england win
were gonna win the world cup win the world cup
cos wen were thinkin of roo and all the things he can do
were gonna win the world cup you got us cheering for you
you got us cheering for you

ahh ah ah ahh owww!! oh woa oh oh woa oh oh woa oh

from london to berlin and every game that england win
were gonna win the world cup win the world cup
cos wen were thinkin of roo and all the things he can do
were gonna win the world cup you got us cheering for you

from london to berlin and every game that england win
were gonna win the world cup win the world cup
cos wen were thinkin of roo and all the things he can do
were gonna win the world cup you got us cheering for you
you got us cheering for you

you got us cheering for you woa oh
you got us cheering for you woa oh
you got us cheering for you woa oh

*erk, I don’t know if the English people think this song and the video clip is cool. But, Roo? Ahahaha. I keep laughing at it. Somebody stop me!! Help!! (Ampun ek, kak eQin~~aaaahahahaha)


Malaysian advertisement endorsing the iGallop;
a simulated horse riding exercise pommel.
World Cup Commercial.

LOL~ini rupenye yg dsebut dlm entry ‘yeeeeeehaaaa’ cik Lily the Liverbird.
wah, very nice2. time to strengthen my butt.
when can we have iWhallop pulak?
or iLock-up??
ahahaha…. since when malaysian tv become so ‘mmmmrrreeooww!!’??
O yeah, another ad of iGallop. By Singaporean TV.
It doesn’t look like an exercise machine to me.
It really does look like a masturbating machine.
Really! I swear!
(christina:huu~~~I want my mommy~~~)

To read Lily’s entry, click here.
To know how a guy gushing it, read here.

wanna see dis makcik?
looks buruk when you ride this thing
gosh~~ i told you it’s the worst exercise machine.
(is it true? dat thing for exercise anyway?)

Wanna see how guys have fun with iGallop?
Looks like he’s having fun (or making fun?) of it.

My own Monalisa

Aini’s Monalisa. Anime version. Using paintbrush and I took 2 days to finish it.
The hand is the hardest part. I’m not satisfied with the final product, but, it’s my first time.
Maybe it’s a good start.
(huwaaa! this UK pc don’t have adobe photoshop!!
huhu, tak mengapa, cari kat download.com nanti)
Feel free to give comment yaar?
Oh, by the way, this is my first artwork that uses computer programme.
Kalau hantar macam ni kat boss, lulus tak? 😛

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