About eyekneekawai

eyekneekawai is an avid blogger. blogs on everything.


Smile when you want to greet a person

Smile when you like that person

Smile when you want to make that person happy

Smile when you have a crush with that person

Smile if you want to make that person get out from the despair

Smile if you want to have a smile back from that person

And smile if you are sincere

Don’t fake a smile

Because smile is not be faked

Because when you fake a smile

You get a fake happiness

Skype me!

~I don’t know why I’m so sarcastic nowadays. Today, somebody skype-ed me. (See the pic). After my last answer, he (I bet it’s a HE!) didn’t dare to ask me again. LOL~ Have I scared him or what? I believe I’ve geiven a good and honest answer. I never met him. Hahahaha~

If you can’t see the dialogue box (I bet you can’t coz Skype’s font is too small), here’s the transcription:

marksoh: hi
aineekhairi: yo
marksoh: nice to meet u
aineekhairi: i never met u

ROFL!! hahaha~~ sian laa dis guy~

Buat kaum Adam (this is not a hate message)

This is the email that I got from Abg Best. E-mail ni menyentuh isu lelaki. Walaupun Abg Best tu lelaki (duh~nama pun abang..), tapi dia tak segan nak forward e-mail ni kat kengkawan. Lawak, tapi kenyataan. Kepada yang akan berkahwin, selamat menempuhi alam rumah tangga yang lagi adventurous dari main The Sims 2 atau Winning Eleven.

Tajuk: Bakal suami?? (dedikasi untuk kaum lelaki)
Tahukah kau wahai suami dan bakal suami?? Laki bini ini asalnya 2 individu asing yang saling tidak mengenali. Atas takdir tuhan dipertemukan dan aqad nikah telah menyatukan kita.
TAPI..tahukah kau apa yang isterimu selalu lakukan untukmu,dan fikirlah sejenak apa pula yang kau berikan untuknya…

KALA kau tiada duit, bukankah magic david copperfield bila tiba2 kau buka wallet ada duit pulak di dalamnya, tahukah kau yang isterimu sentiasa curi2 membuka wallet untuk mengecek “Ada duitkah suamiku?”
TAPI Bila kau ada duit, wah! wah! kau siap boleh tanya lagi bini kau “Ada duit ke?” sedangkan itukan kewajipan kau untuk memberinya nafkah?

Tahukah kau wahai suami, tiap2 malam isterimu akan terbangun dari tidurnya dan perkara pertama yang diingat ialah suaminya, lantas terus si isteri menjenguk suaminya di sebelah, di kucup dahi suaminya, diusap rambutnya, penuh kasih sayang dan belas kasihan.
TAPI yang kau berinya hanyalah dengkuran kadang2 siap kentut lagi..Cissss!!

Tahukah kau wahai suami, kalau kau balik lewat malam sampai jam 4-5 pagi atas alasan kerja atau kau suka2 nak lepak ngan kawan2, bini kau yang dirumah tu tak lena tidur, selagi kau tak balik selagi tulah mata tak leh pejam.
TAPI yang kau tahu bersembang aje sampai pagi, langsung tak ingat bini, dahlah balik lambat esoknya selagi tak masuk Zohor tak reti2 nak bangun, dah bangun tahu nak makan aje…

Tahu tak kau wahai suami, setiap kali isteri mu menggosok bajumu apa yang sentiasa terlintas di fikirannya ialah “Handsome tak laki aku bila pakai baju ni?”
TAPI kau bila dah hansome sikit mula hidung tinggi nak mengorat lagi…

Tahu tak kau wahai suami, isteri tu tak mintak banyak, cuma pujilah dia sekali-sekala, peluklah dia setiap pagi dan malam sebelum tidur peluk yang setakat pelukan sayang sahaja..bukan dengan harapan dapat “apa-apa”), hadiahkanlah dia sekali-sekala walaupun setakat coklat sekeping, picitlah bahunya sekali-sekala dan kalau nak tidur tu, selimutkanlah dia, sebab sebenarnya, bini tu selagi laki dia tak lelap mata dia hanya tidur2 ayam sahaja.

[This is the best part]

Satu lagi, suami, kalau korang nak tahu, sebaik sahaja saksi kata SAH!! Allah telah kurniakan 6, 7, 8 senses kat isteri sebab itulah dia orang tahu korang buat apa kat belakang dia, tak yah guna spy…dia orang mesti tahu…

Hargailah bini dan bakal bini korang, sebagaimana korang hargai kereta korang, PS2 korang dan lain-lain. Orang bijak adalah dia yang hari ini mengerjakan apa yang orang lain akan mengerjakannya tiga hari kemudian…

Pengajaran ayat:
Perkahwinan itu satu perkara yang mulia, Mengapa mesti kita mengelakkannya. Ia adalah satu fitrah bagi manusia, kalau tak sanggup, manusiakah KITA. Jangan risau jika kita tak dapat isteri yang solehah, kerana Allah telah berjanji, perempuan yg soleh hanya utk lelaki yg soleh…Kalau kita sbg lelaki tak soleh…jgn harap dapat bini yg soleh….Syukur apa yg telah dikurniakan.

Tak semua perempuan itu BAIK, tapi BAIKKAH KITA nak dapat perempuan yg baik?

Kalau kita mengorat perempuan memang tak baik, tapi kalau kita tak berusaha nak cari isteri; Ada can ker bini itu TURUN dari langit…

Kita tak suka perigi mencari timba. Perempuan jenis apakah itu? Siti Khadijah pun perempuan mcm itu; hinakah dia?

Allah telah mengutuskan perempuan utk lelaki…bukannya kita perlu hidup dgn sendiri…

Mungkin rezeki tidak ada untuk kita memulakan alam perkahwinan…Tanpa usaha, rezeki itu memang tidak ada…

Syabas kpd sesiapa yg melangkah ke gerbang perkahwinan, yg tidak, ANDA sesungguhnya berada dalam kerugian…


Ainee’s Day Out

In previous entry, I thought I will have a good Thursday. But actually, not so.

I planned to go to Collective Voices meeting in order to claim my money. However, shits happen (and it always happen to me) and I end up rugi instead. Firstly, I go to Royal Parade by Citybus. I thought I got a good price (2 pounds 45 pence for return) because the usual price with Citybus is 2 pounds and 80 p. wondering how untung i am, because i will receive 9 pounds from Dienka (reimbursement from last thursday taxi fare)*sigh*

[here’s a nice story]

as the bus arrived, I was in between these 2 pakciks, masing2 nk tunjuk gentlemen ~adeh~ lelaki dan ego mereka. tapi aku suka lelaki gentlemen. kakoii!!

Pakcik A: you first.
Pakcik B: no, you first.
Pakcik A: it’s OK, you first.

(Lalu aku memandang mereka sambil tersenyum)

Pakcik A dan Pakcik B: Right you first.

(Aku pun masuk bas sambil menahan gelak dan berkata dalam hati “aku gak yg untung”)

After the hillarious incident, I gave the bus ticket and the driver said “Sorry love, I can’t take you there. This is Citybus ticket. You have to get the next bus”.

Feeling frustated and a bit ashamed, I stepped down and looking at the timetable the Citybus bus is at 2300 and my watch showed 1910. nandeyo~ if i want to take first bus (to cut the cost), the next bus is another one hour. feeling hungry, desperate for nature call, then I took cab. The cost? 8 pounds and 40 pence.

$money$: easy come, easy go.
So here’s the calculation:
Citybus Ticket to Royal Parade> -2.45
Dienka’s reimbursemen> +9.00
Taxi to MARJON> -8.40
Total Loss> -1.85

Moral of the story:
If Ainee want to go to Barbican Theatre for her Thursday meeting another time, she should take First Bus instead. Although it’s 2.80, the time gap is priceless. She (Ainee) can have flexible timing for Thursday meeting.

P.S: O yeah, but the Amazon’s CD has been bought and I got some profit actually
(at last!).

I bought the CD> -1.00
Total I got including postage> +2.90
Postage cost (stamp and envelope)> -0.81
Profit> +1.09

at least got profit lah although it’s sikit.

A good start for Thursday

Although I just received a cynical mail from Tracey (sigh~my own fault actually~), but I received jolly good e-mails from Amazon.co.uk and Dienka. Firstly, my item which promoted at amazon.co.uk has been bought by a stranger (of course! duh~). Next, I can’t wait for ‘Thursday meeting’ at Barbican theatre. I will get some money~ Yeay!! Yeah~~ Erm, bout Dienka’s email I think I’m interested to perform in Port Elliot Fest (in Cornwall) and if I have chance, I will call the person who offers work to do voiceover for a DVD (hope it’s not for a porn one~LOL~feel a bit happy when I hear my own voice recorded :P) SO people, here I promote Port Elliot Fest and bonus job offer.

To Zidane: No worry mate!

I definitely agree with one of hantubola contributors; Vincent. Zidane should kicked Materazzi’s balls (in front of billions people!!) so that he will suffer for his entire life for insulting Zidane and ruining Zidane’s image. Erk, Zidane has no harm actually. Why?

Here is petikan from hantubola. (Note that the pronouns ‘you’ and ‘your’ refer to Zidane)

It is your last game, EVER. Future suspensions are not a concern.

You are a multi millionaire. Fines are not a concern.

You are a living legend. Reputation is not a concern. Maradona is proof of that.

Some half baked player (allegedly) insulted your mum. (ainee’s Q:or is it his sister?)

You decide to go out with a bang.

You head butt him in the chest.

  1. WHY THE eff you didn’t uppercut his jaw and kick him in the balls?
  2. What difference would it have made?!?

Whatever!! If I were Zidane, I worry nothing. Plus, he got golden boot lagi. (See? masin woo mulut aku). Irony ain’t it? To FIFA, just do whatever (stupid) decission you want to do. His career is already ended right after that (stupid) referee sent him out.

What exactly was said between the two remains a mystery (do lip-reading idiots! he definitely insulted Zidane badly) although Materazzi has denied allegations he called Zidane a ‘dirty terrorist’.’I used an insult that I’ve heard used a dozen times and which is heard all the time on the pitch,’ Materazzi told the Gazzetta dello Sport newspaper when asked whether he had insulted Zidane’s sister.’I certainly did not call him a terrorist: I’m ignorant (what kind of stupid ignorant who insults?), I don’t even know exactly what an Islamic terrorist is … I also certainly didn’t say anything about Zidane’s mother: for me, a mother is sacrosanct.'(I firmly believe that Materazzi should be careful of raging fans like me, waiting to make him suffer for his entire life!)Hei Materazzi, now you happy laa your tactic works? huh? huh? P.S: Zidane, you should learn from the biatch. They know what to say to make Materazzi cry. Boo hoo! And, yeah, to make Mazzi’s balls suffer ~:D~




End of World Cup 2006

Sigh. It’s over. I won’t comment same thing over and over again. If you want a good comment from one of my friend, who supports France all the way, a girl, but have a wide knowledge about football, read it here. Another comment, from guy’s point of view, another France supporter, read here. To read a totally different comment, check out FaisalTehrani’s blog.

Here, there are shots which have been missed by World Cup paparazzi’s during the match.

Pictures are taken from Peduli Palestina Blog (also by Faisal Tehrani)
Read that blog to know more

what will I do if I were single?

  1. Primarily, I will break from the cocoon. That’s a good start anyway.
  2. Learn French. Anyway, French language is much sexier than Japanese.
  3. Go for facial treatment. After damaging my skin because of stress, insufficient amount of sleep and plenty of tears,
  4. Go for manicure.My fingers need attention actually.
  5. Go for pedicure. My feet need attention as much as my fingers either.
  6. I will have a shopping blast. Buy good fashionable clothes and jewelleries to the new single me. Treat myself. Pamper myself. Heaven~~
  7. Do voluntary work. I want to develop a new friendly helpful network. Anyway, it will build many positive aura after all, ain’t it? Who knows I will meet good rich guy over there.
  8. Read Lily’s blog entries. Try to learn to be smart like her. (Not bitchy OK? but maybe I need it for emotion-protection-layer for my heart. I am not dumb to be dump).
  9. Trip to French or meet Henry at Emirates Stad. Give him a memorable hug. *grin*
  10. Smile to myself, be positive, list the next 10 things I want to do before I reach age 30.

さよなら 大好きな人
涙よ 止まれ
さよなら 大好きな人