nike ad. sorry boss! |
nike ad. sorry boss! |
Urgh! Disgusting! |
Poor Beckham. Dihina oleh seorang budak seyh. Muahaha. Well, will he be in the team for the next world cup 2010? He needs sponsor please… |
Right now, I’m watching stairways to heaven. What I like about this drama is the way they act. The stepmother treat her badly to the extreme. Just like Cinderella. However, Jung-Suh didn’t rebel and try to make his father happy. What I learn from them are: life is tough and good people will gain happiness in the end. Bad people will get eveything at first, and lost everything in the end. (Sounds like karma eh?) I learn a lot by watching these movies. Trying to nurture my heart to be strong and kind like them. Insya-Allah.
O yeah, I also learn that, bad people or not-so-bad-actually but using nasty strategy, won’t get the love in the end 🙂
Does it apply in this real life anyway?
Hope so~~
France made it! I am sooo happy. This is the time to reclaim their dignity.
They gave the best competition to the previous winner of World Cup.
I really enjoyed the game.
(Huhu, sian kak eqin, england kalah ek, xpe, ade aa hikmahnye~)
This ad is so cute! Remember? | |
Nike Werbung Portugal Vs. Brazil (Euro 2004) Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos, Ronaldinho, Figo, Cristiano Ronaldo…. ‘OLE’ |
His name? Muhammad Sulaiman Nasrullah 🙂
Isn’t he cute? Adorable? Smiling at his father (I guess) *sigh*
Suddenly, just so suddenly, I am feeling broody. I got a news, one of my married friends, got a baby boy. I suddenly feel so jealous. Is this one of the sign that I’m going to be a woman? I really don’t know. Just blame the PMS. Have a look on his pictures. He is so cute! I bet he will be a good+handsome+smart lad. My reason? He have two intelligent adults (so he will get a lot of scaffolding), his mom is an architechture student of International Islamic University, his father is an ustadz. Plus, he got a perfect combination of his parents’ profile, and I consider he is lucky because he is definitely healthy. Anyways, congratulation hamizah. May Allah bless you and your family.
Kepada yang pernah membaca entry ‘pasca musim imtihan dan portfolio’, kali ini saya bawakan berita gembira.
(Saya tetap gembira walau dapat weak pass)
Terus terang, saya lebih tumpukan study saya kepada timed-essay kerna portfolio ini garis penentunya cuma ‘pass and fail’ sahaja. Jadi, kenapa mahu bersusah score untuk ‘pass and fail’. Anda cuma ada dua kebarangkalian. Untuk mendapat good saya memerlukan lebih banyak bahan untuk menebalkan portfolio dan perlu mengorbankan masa study yang priceless. Semoga usaha saya diberkati Allah.
i never met Him
but people talks
that He loves me
much than anyone ever
people talks
good things about Him
i never heard
people who met Him
dislike Him
people talks
how tough was He
people talks
how romantic was He
people talks
He’s perfect
i really regret
of doing things that He doesn’t like
i really regret
of not listening to His words
i really regret
of not giving back my love to Him
i really regret
of not practising a lifestyle
that He asked me to
i regret that
i betray Him by loving other guy
dear Allah,
i love Him so much
and i know He loves me more
but i know i dont deserve His love
i know He has the right not to admit me as somebody to Him
i know He have many people who can love Him more than i do
i know He have lots of best choices
i know i will not be the best among the best
i know i will not be even good enough for Him
im afraid He will think that im not fit for Him
what i know
i love Him so much
we never went for a date
He never treat me goods
we never have to declare this relationship
we dont even have to show off our relationship with a ring
He never knew my name
but I know He loves me
and im so sorry
for showing this *PDA
i love you so much
you are the best guy in my life