About eyekneekawai

eyekneekawai is an avid blogger. blogs on everything.

Sweet and sour seafood

I was quite happy to see Mesra.net approved my recipe. It’s a simple one anyway. Are they testing it or what? I really don’t know what took them so long. According to their last e-mail it will only take 1 to 2 weeks to approve one’s recipe but I have been waiting for a month! Finally….my recipe has been approved and it’s on the internet. Sharing is caring rite?

Full recipe here.

ad nauseam

People have stop talking about siti already i think (and i hope). it’s ad nauseam. lama2 jadi boooring!

I’m quite impressed with orang kita. Orang kita have made Siti become the only individual who managed to enter top 15 chart of google zeitgeist (got award x for this? since she’s the only living thing who can receive it). Tahniah Datin~

There’s a guy who posted about ‘Siti dan Datuk K song’. His blog became so popular and his hit counter has came to the paras berbahaya. Imagine if this happened to your blog:

Dari hanya sekitar 200 pengunjung yang melayari laman ini setiap hari, ia melangit kepada 2,000 pengunjung pada hari pengumuman Siti Nurhaliza. Pada keesokkan harinya, ia meninggi sehingga 5,000 pengunjung. Ia meningkat keparas lebih bahaya pada 19/7/2006 dengan 13,000 pengunjung. Selepas itu ia perlahan-lahan menurun kepada 11,000 pengunjung terus kepada 9,000 pengunjung dan pada 22/7/2006 ia surut kepada 3,000 pengunjung.

wow~my blog can be this popular if i put stuffs about her. no wonder laa people don’t read much of my blog because i put non-artist-royal-marital issues. owh~~ now i know the recipe of his success (not ayam masak merah yar?)

Read it? Here!

a proposal

What is your feeling when you suddenly receive a marriage proposal in your e-mail?

a) happy because of proposal thingy.
b) shocked — who on earth asks for marriage proposal in an email?
c) darn! it must be a spam~

I felt all those emotions in sequence. Then I decided to read it. Owh. It’s just an ad. Whew~

Rockers Wedding – Happy ending

I have a crush on Sum 41 music, my brother have a crush on Avril Lavigne’s. We together bought Avril’s and Sum 41 original CDs. When Deryck dated Paris Hilton, I cursed his relationship won’t last forever. My curse worked. Then Deryck started to date Avril, and I feel so glad about it. Avril is prettier than bony skimpy Paris, plus, Avril rocks! Paris is absolutely not a wife material but Avril is the best girl for Deryck. (Just agree with me!). Now they’re an item. Awww~

I wish them an eternity of happiness. I wish them all the best. You guys are cute, you guys rock!

Choose your newspaper headline

Which one is your favourite newspaper headline?

a) Our pop darling Siti Nurhaliza is to wed a businessman named Dato’ K.

b) Zionist entered Lebanon and did massacre.

SMS your answer A or B to 32728. The highest vote will determine which headline deserves major newspapers front-page. My vote? ‘Biarlah rahsia’.

persatuan belia dan mahasiswa

Semasa hendak memulakan artikel ini saya terfikir apakah topik yang sesuai untuk dituliskan pada sesi ini. Untuk berapa ketika saya teringatkan keluhan setiausaha agung Majlis Belia Malaysia mengatakan bahawa belia Melayu kurang aktif berpersatuan seterusnya menyebabkan gejala yang tidak sihat untuk bangsa kita. Sesuatu yang menarik pada saya untuk dirungkaikan. Sebenarnya belia Melayu suatu ketika dahulu merupakan golongan yang hebat dengan kegiatan ini. Bahkan tidak kurang juga yang ditangkap kerana berpersatuan.

Saya punya firasat bahawa belia Melayu yang hebat berpersatuan suatu masa dahulu adalah kerana mereka bebas untuk melakukannya. Belia kita yang aktif berpersatuan sebenarnya adalah daripada kalangan mahasiswa universiti. Namun disebabkan bodohnya kerajaan yang mewujudkan Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (AUKU) yang menghalang mahasiswa menyertai sebarang pertubuhan di luar universiti maka tidak hiranlah kalau belia kurang berpersatuan. Ingin saya tegaskan bahawa sebagai seorang belia saya cukup minat untuk berpersatuan tetapi terhalang. Saya memang bercita-cita untuk menyertai ABIM, GPMS dan sebagainya tetapi tangan dan kaki kami diikat ketat. Apa lagi yang ada pada mahasiswa. Adakah kami datang ke universiti hanya untuk segulung ijazah kemudian menganggur. Akibatnya belia Melayu sudah tidak ada yang berpersatuan. Kalau ada pun penyertaan mereka dirahsiakan. Berani saya katakan kami di universiti di Malaysia diajar menjadi dayus dan pengecut!

Sebagai seorang mahasiswa, saya mendesak kerajaan dapat menilai hakikat ini. Bukan berniat menentang kerajaan tetapi harapan saya agar mahasiswa kembali vokal membela masyarakat dan penasihat kepada yang memerintah….

*ainee menyibuk: ade vclip tentang ketidakadilan semasa pilihanraya kampus di UM dan universiti kerajaan yang lain. semoga perjuangan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi malaysia tetap utuh dan bersemangat. Anda sendiri lihat; dimanakah keadilan sistem pilihanraya universiti dan politik kampus? Kenapa AUKU umpama memberi kelebihan kepada pro-aspirasi? Kenapa pro mahasiswa umpama tidak mendapat tempat di hati para mahasiswa sedangkan ia adalah pertubuhan yang akan menjamin suara mahasiswa didengari. This election smells fishy. Agree or not, watch this video before you make any assumption. ps: abg ‘Ainur (Ramadan Ellias)ade laa~

Hemy Hamisa nude-squatted and be a millionaire

There are a lot of story about CT’s wed with Dato’ K. Congrats anyway. That kind of story does not interest me so much.

The women who did nude-squatted in 2005 at PJ lock-up; and her nude-squatting action has been recorded; claims 10 million from the government and suing Police Force.

She has filed a letter of demand, through her lawyers Shukor, Baljit and Partners, to the Government and police department asking for RM10mil in compensation.

(hebat~selalu polis saman orang, now public saman polis pula, tabik spring laa kat you)

The value that she asks was not even half fortune of Malaysian government. The humiliation that she received does not worth 10 mil. The pressure, poeple’s stare, extremely is a burden to move on with her life.

If I were her, what will I do with 10 mil?

  1. Sell all my propeties in Malaysia +$$$$
  2. Invest in Swiss Bank +$$$
  3. Apply for Europe country citizenship -$$$
  4. Do an extreme makeover -$$$$
  5. Travel to the Europe country I have apllied the citizenship -$$$$
  6. Buy a house in the particular country -$$$$$
  7. Live happily in a new world and forget about the past *priceless*

I pray that she will win this case. 10 million will not harm our RMK9. It’s only 0.2% from the allocation for keselamatan dalam negeri. Good luck Hemy Hamisa. May you lead a good life.

Support IPCMC!

For full story (with video!) go to The Star Online

Hereby, I attached a video clip of the misconduct and violence did by Malaysian Police force. The video which published nationally, which caused Hemy Hamisa total humiliation.
Note that Noh Omar said: kalau polis Malaysia salah, samanlah polis Malaysia. Also, “If foreigners think that Malaysia police are brutal, please go back to their own countries and not to stay here.”

Starbucks Sucks?

I’ve received a lot of messages in YM about this company. However, today, when I read Faisal Tehrani’s entry, then I am reaaly convinced that Starbucks sucks. Before this I only know that their ingredients are not halal (and that is violating and lying to Malaysian Moslem consumers!). However, since the brutal, merciless, continuous, and the never-ending war Isaraelis done against Palestinians, I am totally against them (and their products), and many of other people do. Here are some of the people who thinks Israelis should stop the attack:

(obviously, you need to click the link if you want to find out the real story)

UN secretary and UK PM

Vatican Pope Benedict
Malaysian Politicians

Articles about Starbucks sucks:

Starbucks support war of terror
Boycott Israel campaign site

So friends, if you think Israelis deserves our pocket money, if you think Israelis should continue their continous attack against Palestinians, if you do not think Starbucks sucks, keep on drinking Starbucks and just watch and enjoy the violence show.

Just remember,
every drop of Starbucks drink you sip,
equals to one drop of Palestinian blood.