About eyekneekawai

eyekneekawai is an avid blogger. blogs on everything.

What? That’s my national anthem!

Whooops! There was once an issue being discussed in era.fm, about our national anthem. Should we change it to a new one which shows more ‘Malaysianism’? I found this song in the best download port. The song entitled Mamula Moon. Sounds like Hawaiian’s song. Really classic. produced in 1947 in an album called Paradise Isle. Romantic! Sang by Felix Mendelssohn and His Hawaiian Serenaders. But, which one comes first? Negaraku or this hawaiian romantic and soapy? It’s Moon song. *sigh* What I remembered in the history book that Negaraku ‘borrowed’ Perak state’s song, Terang Bulan.
I also found some fact in an encyclopaedia about Negaraku song:

“Negaraku” was selected as a national anthem at the time of the Federation of Malaya‘s independence from Britain in 1957. The title means My Country. The tune was borrowed from a popular song of that time, by EHandler:Terang Bulan, which was serving as the state anthem of Perak.
Source: absoluteastronomy encyclopaedia

And it also claimed that Terang Bulan originated from Indonesia. Who’s copying who? How come a national anthem have similarities with commercial song? Are we being original? After so many years kerajaan bermati-matian membanteras cetak rompak hingga ke peringkat nasional. But this? The song that we sing every week, every formal caremony, every sultans and ministers sing this. Do they know the fact?. Well, anyways, thanks to Mr Chip(or kepek), for finding this very old song. Gosh. We sing this song for ages. Since my grandad’s era. And now, it’s been like almost 60 years we sing the song.WHO ARE WE?

To hear the same version of Negaraku click here

Nota kakiku yg bersaiz 7: baru je romong post pasal jati diri.
aku pon lost gak skrg sape kita sebenarnya.

South Korea vs France

Well, firstly, I can’t choose between Henry and Jung Hwan 😛
Later, I realised that my love for Henry is much stronger.
As I watched, I managed to print hundreds pages for Subject Knowledge documents.
Didn’t glue to the monitor so much.
Busy arranging papers and punching (for the hole, OK?)
Hundres pages I printed
Hundres need to be arranged
Hundreds need to be punched
Henry’s goal was easy at first.
Then I went to the laundry to pick up my clothes
(I’ve left it for like an hour something..)
Then I heard from my neighbour’s radio that there was 18 minutes left
At that time France was still leading 1-0.
Then I rushed.
I ignored my laundry.
Hurriedly watch the game for last minutes.
Then Faa and Alin merrily shout.
I frustated.
Stood behing my loyal fan, trying to cool down.
Korean MU’s player stabilised the score.
10 minutes left.
Verdict: Frustating game.
Like what Alin said; “pemain France ramai yang tua-tua”.
I agreed “Yelah, Viera, Barthez”.
(Ops I forgot Zidane)
He’s hair declining, compared to last four years.
Looks like he don’t have to visit to barber anymore.
I have a big faith that Switz will play well. If they won.
Au revoir Les Blues.
Second time in a big stage, witnessed globally .

Kalam Melayu

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim…Assalamualaikum w.b.t….saya mulakan tulisan pertama ini dengan memuji Allah dan ucapan sejahtera kepada sekalian hambaNya. Suatu amalan biasa untuk memulakan kalam bagi seorang yang Melayu. Dari urusan rasmi di JPM hinggalah ucapan harian di rumah. Inilah tertib Melayu kerana hakikat sirah bangsa ini wujud kerana Islam. Buktinya jelas, catatan Stamford Raffles sendiri di awal abad ke-19 mengakui Melayu terbina kerana amalan Islam dalam hidup mereka. Bahkan catatan oleh Howison dan Wright juga mengakui perkara yang serupa. Bagi mereka asas kewujudan Melayu adalah Islam. Maka kepada kita Melayu ada kerana Islam…….
Bagi sesetengah orang, itu cerita Melayu dulu…bukan sekarang….tapi jelas bagi saya, Melayu dulu dan sekarang adalah sama. Macam yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia (Perkara 160[2])…siapa tak setuju boleh dibicara. Oleh yg demikian wajiblah ke atas Melayu itu amalkan Islam…dari rukun yang 5 hinggalah kepada amalan masyarakat, muamalah mahupun politik dan pemerintahan.
Bagaimana Melayu yang tak amalkan Islam seluruhnya?….mudah jawapannya…saya katakan mereka bukan Melayu walaupun mengangkat keris kononnya membela Melayu. Sedangkan merekalah perosak generasi Melayu. Dua bulan lalu Mufti Perak katakan 250 000 orang Islam dah murtad…bahkan bahasa Melayu hari ini seolah-olah mengembara di bumi sendiri….
Semuanya bukan kerana orang lain. Tetapi pemimpin Melayu sendirilah yg kehilangan jati diri Melayu!!!…bahasa mudahnya Malaysia tanah airku dijajah bukan Melayu yg mengaku Melayu…Betul ker?

Color Quiz


I did this test, but I’m not sure whether it is true(somehow I do agree on certain things).
However, it looks reliable because it (the website) said:
This test is based on the work of Dr. Max Lûscher and is used worldwide, most notably in Europe, by psychologists, doctors, government agencies, and universities to screen their candidates. Since the 1950’s the test has been given to hundreds of thousands of people.

Yang lama tak dilupa

Wahh~~best nye arinih dapat minum air rambutan masa summer midday~~nyaman siot~~ bersama kipas angin yg berukuran 9″ dan bayu laut Plymouth. Oh ye, not ot forget that I want to promote my old blog in friendster. It has been faithful to me (How it can’t be??). Thus, I would like to annouce, that from now on, this blog will be the official blog and I, declare that

is not my primary blog anymo.

other’s secret from postsecret

This person had looked from this point of view. But for me, for many times I rode bus, and was sitting alone, there is no local people who wants to sit next to me. Maybe because I wore black, my handbag is big so it looks like I’m carrying a bomb inside… Whatever, postsecret book
(Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives )
is on my wishlist. yeah. Reading other’s dark secret of real life. To see the book review and etc; have a look at: amazon.co.uk

erk, aku silap pilih kos ke?

sdg membace blog nisah hj haron (english nyer version) tetibe tbace topik nieh. kak nisah shud learn french. while i, japanese. huh?? but it’s true somehow…the language itself is unique.. hurm~~~ kalo ckp kat dr z nie, agak2 de bg tuka kos ke x aa? haha…

You Should Learn Japanese

You’re cutting edge, and you are ready to delve into wacky Japanese culture.
From Engrish to eating contests, you’re born to be a crazy gaijin. Saiko!

What Language Should You Learn?