Good news to ELLE readers

My favourite magazine has made a very good promotion. 84% discount for yearly subscription. 24 issues for only $16! Oh, it saves my sanity as well. Instead of getting the copy by going to Singapore, I can save some money and car fuel.



dah beberapa minggu duduk rumah. tak lama je lagi nak berbakti dengan keluarga. pasni dapat tau posting. encik rasso yang baik hati dan cikgu halmi baru je msg bertanyakan untung nasib diri ini tapi setelah daku menyemak di portal semakan utk gsst, ternyata menghampakan. baru ditutup. cist. penat je online. buat orang2 yang concern akan diriku, akan ku kirimkan berita lepas dapat tahu result insya allah. menurut sumber rasmi, insya allah dapat tahu esok (agaknya sebab tu la portal semakan ditutup kot?). oh, aku akan bergelar guru tak lama lagi. oh!

[menggunakan komputer adikku yang ketinggalan zaman ini membuatkan daku susah untuk menaip (kibod ketat! dah la melekit!) dan menggunakan mousenya yang sukar digerakkan bebolanya. *sigh* so pardon my punctuation. ekekek 😀 ]

Gadis Melayu audition

I’ve analysed the audition episode, in order to help people how to be more Gadis Melayu in the next season.

You can get to be chosen as a Gadis Melayu if you have the qualities embedded in yourself. I mean, you have the qualities, naturally. These are the things that one should not do when they are attending Gadis Melayu audition next time. From my daily conversations, many are telling me that they wonder if these Gadis Melayu are faking their gestures and all but wait. The juries are from various background and they’ve lived long enough to evaluate the anak gadis. They know if one fakes it or not. They are actor or actress (like Norman Hakim and Normala Shamsudin). So, the juries had done through selection in order to pick the best candidate for this show. Ahmad Idham explained “Apakah ciri² gadis Melayu? Dia boleh jawab A. B, C, D tapi bila saya tanya ‘Adakah ciri² ini terdapat pada diri awak?’, dia terdiam. Jadi dia bagi tahu kat juri ni samada you ni cakap je, atau you tahu apa maksud yang you cakap”. Read more.

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Clinique Superdefense – Age defense moisturizer

What stresses me?

Workload, boring lectures, unhealthy skin, wrinkles, lack of sleep, internet disconnection, people who have issue with my weight, noisy school children, insufficient happy hormone supplement.

How do I deal with stress?

Shopping, food binging, television shows that are funny, outing with girlfriends, movie marathon, singing out loud, drawing, blogging, talk for hours on the phone.

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Back to civilisation

Background information: I went to XXX in Kelantan and I think it’s not a good XXX course compared to the previous one that I had in Melaka. Lacks in many aspects. Finally, I’ve rejoined the world and human civilisation. After long hours of travelling, I feel so good to be back in KL. Oh, it’s so nice.

  1. It’s nice to eat good decent food. Real food.
  2. It’s nice to be in my comfortable bed. NO mosquitoes and scary insects or centipedes.
  3. It’s nice when I don’t have to follow other’s schedule anymore. Continue reading