Melestarikan ummah madani

Bunyinya seperti tak tercapai bintang di langit, namun itulah tugas guru yang sejati. Memperkasakan ummah bukan sahaja peranan pemimpin, akan tetapi ia bermula sejak dari seorang manusia itu kecil, dan seorang guru yang menerapkan nilai-nilai jati diri yang tinggi. Melestarikan ummah madani memerlukan prinsip hidup yang kuat, persekitaran yang membina dan hubungan sosial yang membantu melestarikan pemikiran ummah madani. Kelihatan agak sukar untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab ini namun ianya bermula dengan niat baik seorang guru. Hayatilah beberapa kisah yang saya ingin kongsi bersama.

Salah seorang anak didik saya demam sehingga 39 darjah celcius. Saya gagal untuk menghubungi ayahnya pada mulanya namun selepas itu beliau menghubungi saya semula. Insya Allah saya takkan lupa perbualan ini sampai akhir hayat.

Guru: Anak encik demam. Dah 39 darjah celcius ni. Minta datang ambil dan hantar ke klinik ya?

Bapa: Minta maaf cikgu. Saya bertugas dari 7 hingga 7. Saya pun cikgu juga. Tadi saya sedang bermesyuarat. Kalau boleh cikgu bagi dia berjalan kaki balik ke rumah (kurang 1km jarak rumahnya dengan sekolah). Saya mengajar di SIGS. Nak ambil susah la cikgu.

Guru: Tak mengapa encik. Nanti saya minta tolong guru yang lapang untuk hantar anak encik. Kalau tidak pun, saya suruh dia berehat di sickbay sahaja.

Bapa: Terima kasih banyak-banyak cikgu.

Terasa sebak bila seorang bapa berkorban untuk anak orang lain tatkala anaknya sendiri kurang sihat. Inilah pengorbanan guru sejati. Teringat kata-kata ibu saudara saya yang telah mendapat Anugerah Warden peringkat kebangsaan bila orang bertanya “Takpe ke tinggal anak kat rumah?” Jawabnya:

“Tak apalah. Kita jaga anak orang. Allah jaga anak-anak kita”

Terkedu saya dengan jawapannya. Ibu saudara saya cukup bertuah. Dilahirkan dan diberikan pendidikan agama secukupnya dan mengaplikasikan Baitul Muslim pada keluarganya dengan sebaiknya. Kesemua anaknya menghafal al-Quran dan salah seorangnya bergelar Hafizah di Terengganu. Masya Allah. Anak-anak soleh adalah harta yang tak ternilai, yang boleh kita bawa bersama ketika mati kelak. Anak-anak inilah yang akan mewujudkan masyarakat madani apabila mereka berkeluarga kelak.

Oleh itu, pendidikan dan bimbingan kerohanian adalah tunjang utama dalam melaksanakan impian ummah madani. Bermula dari sebuah rumah, kemudian masyarakat, seterusnya sebuah negara dan akhirnya ke kesatuan ummah. Ingat, pembangunan insan bukan sahaja bersifat individu, namun pada skala masyarakat. Dalam teks perutusan tahun baru 2010 oleh YAB Timbalan Perdana Menteri, beliau menyentuh tentang human develoment yang berteraskan pendidikan berkualiti. Inilah tanggungjawab sebenar guru di era NKRA.

Semoga beban kerja sampingan yang menghantui guru akan dapat dikurangkan dan mudahan kita semua dapat melaksanakan tanggungjawab mendidik dengan sebaiknya.

Pautan: Teks penuh perutusan tahun baru 2010 oleh YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin B. Mohd Yassin

Izzah featured twice on magazine cover

Izzah. The first princess of AB and the ones who are hoped to take care of her siblings. She is featured twice this month’s magazine cover. Nona (with her father) and Seri Dewi Keluarga. I am quite happily bought both magazine and read them. It’s worth every penny.

Nona: It’s RM8.90 but much cheaper than Reader’s Digest still (haha). The size, quality glossy paper, colourful photographs, useful recipes, ideas for bride fashion, ideas for interior design. It’s worth for my library. The edition is especially cover issues for men. 5 men were selected to be interview ( I still don’t get why they interviewed Engku Emran). Other 10 were selected as ’10 lelaki ternama yang anda mahu kenal’. They are not eligible bachelor but my favourites are: Dr. Raja Nazrin Shah and Tengku Ibrahim of Johor (wait, aren’t they princes?).

Seri dewi Keluarga: Priced at RM6, I am keen to look at her family’s picture (Izzah has a very cute healthy daughter! *geram!* *cubit-cubit*). It’s almost worth every pages. Plus, Yatt (model and actress) has modelled 2 fashion lines (bridal and muslimah). I really like her features. Tan and cute. She’s a darling. I almost does not recognize her when she wears tudung. There are a few nice clothes, but unfortunately the editor does not put price tag and where to find it. So Nona wins over SDK (although they are from the same company, Karangkraf).

Hmm. Instead of being interested with the cover page, these magazines has made me to do my homework of wedding, although I am not a going-to-be-bride yet but yeah, it’ll be useful once I am. Haha.

More review from other bloggers:
WM Firdaus
Dzull Zammani

Today’s student vision

There are numbers of people who choose to be students, which means more competition. Less chances and opportunities. More stress and work to do. Thank you to Michael Wesch, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology from Kansas State University (KSU) for the brilliant video.

Do join the discussion on

Money and time

This fella complained to me that he wished to have more than 25 hours in his life. Reason? Because if he have more time, it means, more work can be done and more time for himself. My verdict? I bumped into an article from Psychologies magazine. I asked him to read it. And I want you guys to read it as well. Just 2 pages. But will worth your time, God willing.

1. By (the Token of) Time (through the ages),

2. Verily Man is in loss,

3. Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.

(surah Al-Asr 103:1-3)

 Psychologies 1:

Psychologies 2:


Salam, peace. I jumped into the bandwagon. Like Nadiah (Newcastle) said, it’s addictive. At first, I said “hurm, not another friendster thingy. it’s artificial and boring”. However, Facebook is different. It’s much organised, promise me much privacy and keeps me connected with my university college (FYI: finally MARJON is a university college).

Firstly, I read Kriskhaira’s entry on “Another reason why Facebook rocks“. Finally an internet company recognizes Palestine.

Then I signed up with Facebook.

On my first day, I am stumbling here and there and feel like a baby practicing how to walk. But it was great. I am hooked with the Grafitti.

Then few days later, I read Jeff Ooi’s writing on C|Net about Facebook. If you wish to read it, please do so here.

Today, Joseph Scott says that Facebooker can link their WordPress with Facebook.

Is there any reason why I shouldn’t join Facebook? Have you? Allow me to add you 😀

Kenapa menulis blog?

Bismillah. Sila rujuk kepada entry MR cry4freedom. Walaupun literature review untuk dissertation saya masih belum selesai, namun, hati ini degil untuk menulis. Tak boleh tidur kalau tidak meluahkan isi minda saya di atas papan kekunci. Dulu, pernah menulis entry yang lebih kurang sama, namun itu semasa zaman jahiliyyah, zaman tak kenal diri sendiri. Kali ini, ingin menjawab dalam bahasa ibunda pula. Jadi, kenapa menulis blog? Continue reading

Various references is a need

A day before yesterday I received comment from Susan Loone that I should vary my reading. Recently found a skeleton in malaysian Government’s closet,in a blog by arifabdull
and feel so embarrassed of my own government. I never thought that the party who nationally claims want to vanish corruption, had done such thing. Like Susan says “may the truth saves us all”, but I would like to alter Star Wars’ famous quotation “may the force be with truth”. Heheh.

Bloggers, who writes, openly, may get dooced. There’s a probability that you’ll get sued as well. Like Rocky’s Bru and Jeff Oii, although they are the bloggers who writes professionally (and respectfully). I hope that those who are on the right side may win pilihanraya kecil Ijok.