Last 2 weeks we went to Sushi King–to get Takoyaki. We were sitting at the sushi-conveyor-belt bar. They are having unagi promotion for the entire month of August. While waiting for the takoyaki, we grabbed some plates. One of it was Unagi Pirosiki. Super yummy. I asked my husband to taste it. He said he doesn’t like it at all. I feel frustrated. It was my first time liking an unagi sushi. Like,something excite my taste bud. A firework in my mouth and tummy.

Today, while doing baju raya hunting, I entered Sushi King again. Want to do take-away lah kononnya. The manager welcomed me and asked me politely “Yes ma’am, may I help you?”
“Er, can I do take-away?”
“Of course. What do you want?”
“I want to order one of your unagi which is on promotion”
“Er, actually it’s not halal”
My eyes enlarged twice than normal.
“We already put a notice when we realized they put in some alcohol during the process. It’s less than 0.05%”
I looked at the notice. It’s not Unagi Pirosiki. Maybe what she meant was the slices. Haish. Should be more alert next time.
Then I tapau okonomiyaki instead. T_T <--coverlah tu