Review: Robin Hood

Between Iron Man 2 and Robin Hood, I choose Robin Hood because it is historical (some say it’s mythical) but I believe it is partly true because Robin had lived in disguise.Robin Hood provokes issues and some thinking.

During my childhood, I watched Robin Hood and his merry men on TV. The story of a witty bandit robbing the rich to give the poor is heroic. This time around Ridley Scott brings a different version of Robin Hood. I thank Ridley Scott for making my grey matter gets going as I watch his movie.

*Warning: Spoiler*

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Dihalau dari Al-Aqsa

Seusai solat fardhu dan menunggu jemaah bersurai, aku berada di kawasan karpet merah dan di depanku, ada jemaah beragama lain turut selesai menunaikan ibadah mereka.Keadaan di masjid ketika itu agak sibuk namun tidak huru-hara seperti hari dilanda tentera rejim Zionis.

Aku melihat dengan penuh takjub.

“Alangkah baiknya jika sekiranya mereka sedar bahawa Islam adalah agama yang mulia”

Aku menunggu jemaah lain menyusut keluar dari lingkungan karpet merah kerana kami dibelenggu dengan pagar kayu yang berukir (seperti di dalam mahkamah).

Tiba-tiba ulama’ muktabar Yahudi menghalau kami dengan menjerit-jerit; “Pergi kamu ke kawasan sana! Ini bukan kawasan kamu!”

Aku terkasima dan hampir menangis kerana mereka bersenjatakan teknoloji ketenteraan terkini.Kami dibawa ke satu kawasan seperti kandang pesalah di mahkamah. Kurang luas dari kawasan sebelumnya. Apabila kumasuki ruang tersebut, kudapati karpet disimbahi kotoran yang berasal entah dari mana, juga beberapa kesan tompokan darah. Aku hendak duduk, tapi takut dan geli. Aku sedih mengenangkan kami dihalau dari kawasan kami.

Air mataku bergelinangan apabila suamiku mengejutkan aku bangun. Dadaku sebak. Kuceritakan kepadanya. Pada dia mimpiku tidak bermakna. Tetapi aku masih teringat sehingga sekarang. Terasa berada di bumi Palestin ketika itu.

Apakah makna di sebalik mimpi ini?

Ya Allah, selamatkanlah ummah.

Israel ‘ready to act’ over Iran



Suara kecil: Aku tak percaya israel akan berbincang semeja dan berbaik dengan ahmadinejad. dulu masa zaman berkamceng kata “nuke? oke je!”*, now tak boleh plak sebab yahudi israel zionis zalimis rasa threatened  apekes? org mcm ni tak boleh dipercayai. bayangkan jika perang berlaku, timur tengah akan berlautkan darah. ya allah!!

*sila rujuk temuramah ahmadinejad semasa di amerika, walaupun english translator tak berjaya menafsir bahasa arab beliau dengan baik dek kerana kekurangan vocabulary dalam kamus inggeris.

Hati ini merajuk siod

Amaran: Ini entry peribadi, luahan perasaan yang menikam kalbu. Tak suka dan menyampah takyah baca. Pergi jauh dari blog ini.

Bila hati ini sedih

Mata akan menangis

Hati akan hiba

Perasaan tak gembira


Huks. Ye. Banyak kerja. Tapi time I tensi i takde la nk libatkan stress keje dan peribadi. Dah la stress ngan keje. Takkan mau mengeruhkan hubungan peribadi lagi? Itulah prinsip kite, ada orang yg kite syg, slalunye dia la bg kite hapi bile kte stress keje. Tapi adilkah, tatkala bosan di rumah sensorang, hati kita di kecikkan oleh insan tersayang. Oh! *sedu*

Dah la. Gi wat kerje. Awak stress tanggung sendiri. Jangan carik kita lagi.

*Update: Dah oke dah. You see. You have to communicate and tell the truth to your partner. Communication is the keyword in here. Miscommunication is a disaster.

A call for peace and truth

Assalamualaikum, peace to be upon you. May Allah protects us from wrongdoing and the evil whispers of Satan. If Channel 4 can do this documentary, and tell no lies or propaganda, why not me? What about you? Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a documentary, exclusively done by channel 4, namely “Battle for the Holy Land: Jerusalem”. This is a real cry for freedom!

Don’t forget to rate the video and give you honest comment to BBC:

  1. Andy Duncan [email protected]
  2. Julian Bellamy [email protected]
  3. Viewer enquires – 0845 076 0191 (UK only)

Torquay Islamic Experience Exhibition

Alhamdulillah. Came back from beautiful Torquay, knew Harfiyah (the exhibition co-ordinator) and had some training and tour of Torquay museum. The exhibition will start fro, 22 Jan- 19 Feb 2007.

Being a stewardess for school children, of islamic experience exhibition (IEE) is quite a challaneging task. We need to explain our religion yet to know how to handle school children. I want to help the organiser to help to help people of understanding the real teaching of islam. Many people misunderstand Islam nowadays and relate Islam with terrorism. With media manipulation, as those who don’t understand Islam dominate. What we want to tell is “Islam” itself means peace,a nd those who commit terrorism attack are not practising the real Islam. When Rasulullah (peace be upon him) spread da’wah (spreading Allah’s words), he did not use sword, unless if Allah asks them to. Even, to declare war is quite difficult, as there are months where Allah prohibits Muslims from fighting in war (one of it is Ramadhan), Muslims can only fight when the country that does not receive Allah’s word and refuse to hear, yet refuse to pay jizyah (A head-tax imposed by Islam on the non-Muslims when they are under Muslim control), then war can be declared. Quite few steps must be done and to declare war, it is not that easy. Definitely, Islam is not spread by sword, but its beauty.

Will go to Parkside Community College tomorrow insya Allah, to be a volunteer for Big Art Festival, to help Plymouth children on their art project. Have quite a packed holiday actually. Hope I will have more time to blog soon, insya Allah. For those in Torquay, don’t forget to come to IEE in Torquay museum (not far from the beach). Take care all!