KL Book Fair 2008

[This is my first attempt to write in bilingual. Ini adalah percubaan pertama menulis dalam dwibahasa]

While waiting for data to be analysed, I try to steal some time to ease my heart. My heart could not find peace, until I write something about KL Book Fair.


Supposed to be “books empower”

Sebaik sahaja sampai di Puduraya, kaki melangkah laju ke stesen Plaza Rakyat, menuju ke PWTC. Kena juga pergi kerana tinggal beberapa jam saja lagi pesta buku akan ditutup. Dengan sisa kudrat yang ada, sebelah tangan menarik beg troli besar dari kampung, mengharung kumpulan manusia di pesta buku.

It was veeeeeery crowded. I thought there was mega sale in PWTC (‘cept that more guys this time). I assume it is because it was the last day of book fair. Most of the visitors who came out from PWTC carried paper bag from MOY (the company who is responsible to develop Malaysian’s young comic artists, to the mainstream). I tell myself that I need to buy books, not magazines and comics. Comics’ price are cheaper even it is not book fair time, but not good thick books.

Gerai buku pertama yang saya kunjungi ialah Alaf 21. Dah lama menunggu saat ini. Pergi ke pesta buku untuk melengkapkan koleksi novel dari Ramlee Awang Murshid. Alhamdulillah. Dapat harga yang berpatutan. 4 novel dengan hanya RM62. Mesra juga layanan dari staf Alaf 21 yang memakai baju Hawai. Dalam hati, ada juga hasrat hendak berjumpa penulis. Namun, tak berkesempatan. Tiada jodoh maknanya. Dah lama mengikuti karya beliau dari awal. Bukan saja yang disiarkan oleh Alaf 21, namun karya beliau bersama rumah penerbit lain. Memang gemar novel thriller dan adventure dari kecil. Ramlee Awang Murshid seoranglah penulis Melayu yang menulis genre kegemaran saya dengan baik. Yang lain? Maaflah. Picisan. Tahyul belaka. Untuk menambah saham si penulis, dalam novel-novel beliau, ada terselit fakta ilmiah dan keratan dari hadis dan Al-Quran. Jadi anda tahu kenapa saya Ramlee Awang Murshid? <–Soalan retorikal.

After that I went to Pustaka Salam. They are known for good books and their books are being used for varsity’s textbook. I am quite disappointed to see less book than I expected. Probably it was last day and probably they are out of stock but still, I managed to grab some to add to my book shelf. It was interesting to see that the Linguaphone booth did not receive many visitors like Pustaka Salam. The staffs went out from the booth and tried to attract customers. There was this guy who was being annoying “kak, meh la dengar sekejap”. I was waving “no²” and he insisted to the extent I have to cover my ear with palm. Gosh.


Linguaphone staffs

Beberapa kali saya berlegar di ruang legar utama, melihat-lihat, menyedapkan hati. Ada terbeli contoh model kertas soalan UPSR, untuk persediaan praktikum dan masa depan. Ada gerai yang tak berusik langsung. Dari Mesir saya rasa. Tak ramai rakyat Malaysia yang boleh baca karya Bahasa Arab.
CD Sami Yusuf pun ada dijual di situ. Ingat nak beli, tapi “mak aih!”, berhabuk dan retak.



Then I want to TR Hall 3. Where publishers for school books gather. Bought more books for assessment sake (knowledge invesment). Hehe. My brother is going to take SPM next year (pray for him k?). I wish to go to TR2 where Paylessbook booth was situated, but I need to drag my trolley bag and heavy books, through a long flyover. I wish I was given more energy at that time.

So, things that should be considered by organizer, for future reference:

Alaf21 hogs most of the space. I think the space should be given to less popular publisher. Alaf21 has good market already. Their magazines and novels are even being sold in kedai mamak.

The space for books are limited, so does the space for pedestrians.

Exhibition of illustrators’ masterpiece should not be done under same roof of book fair. Their piece should be appreciated in better way. The space was limited. However, it is a good way to expose Malaysian crowd of budding talents of illustration and comic industry.

There should be space for trolley bags. Some people, who are avid readers, will of course, drag heavy books using trolley bags. Oh yeah. Trolley bags should be a culture for Malaysians, so that Malaysians’ backbone won’t suffer of backache.

There should be a large map of publishers’ location and fire exit doors. Books are easily caught by fire you see.

Annoying staffs should not be hired.

I think Alaf21 should not use that much space to place their thin magazines. Give the space to publishers who publish thick books like Pustaka Salam and MPH.

Alaf21 staffs’ costume should be changed. From Hawaiian to something else. They are not selling bikinis and thongs aren’t they?

To publishers: Please accept credit cards!! It’s not fair!!


Overall, the amount I spent is less than I expected. I wish to buy more but I cannot carry any more books event though I was using my trolley bag. I wish there will be more book fair. I planned to buy book of Kak Khairyn and Ustaz Hasrizal (aka Abu Saif) but 🙁

*Publishers=booksellers. Yeah, whatever. Same thing they do. They need to sell their books.

2 thoughts on “KL Book Fair 2008

  1. oh aini, you are such a book dweeb (dwib?).

    I didn’t see your book of poetry there, are you gonna publish?

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