Selamat Hari Cikgu from IPBA

Tahun ini sambutannya lebih bermakna. Cohort 2 melakukan persiapan untuk sambutan Hari Guru peringkat IPG (sekarang bukan dipanggil maktab lagi). Kawan-kawan saya, Nisa dan Jarod (boss besa), ialah orang-orang yang bertungkus lumus dan bekerja keras demi menjayakan sambutan Hari Guru di IPBA tahun 2008. Sewajarnya saya mengucapkan tahniah dan terima kasih kepada mereka terlebih dahulu.

Tahun ini, [insya Allah] tahun terakhir pengajian di IPG. Tahun depan bakal menjadi guru. Tadi semasa gosok kain, hati saya berdebar memikirkan praktikum yang bakal dilalui. Hati saya berdebar kalau anak-anak murid saya, akan lebih nakal dari saya dahulu. Tapi bila fikir-fikir balik, kelakar pun ada. It’s like a karma.

I’ve been a rascal when I was in school and annoyed and burdened my teacher so much, and now I’m becoming a teacher. Seems like my teachers have cursed me to be a teacher, just to make me be in their shoes. Haha. (Omigod!! It reminds me of Bella’s last episode–“aku nak kau rasa apa yang aku rasa selama ni. Muahahaha!!”). LOL. But yeah. Come to think of it, I will know their tactic like the back of my hand. What place they will hide their stuffs. Their lies. How dog eats their homework. Et cetera, et cetera. I would tell them “I pwn j00 n00b!”. When I got to know they play truant and went to play MMORPG at cyber cafe, I will defeat them with my character and leave a message “nub. go back to school and learn from me”. lol. pure pwnage.

To my teachers, bads and the goods. The teacher who ripped my additional math exercise book. The teacher who called me “tak guna”. The teacher who holds my hand when saw tears dwelling in my eyes. The teacher who always have good opinion of me. The teacher who bitch about me in bilik guru. The teacher tries hard to snatch my walkman but I’m oh-so-good at hiding it (was living by asrama’s barbaric rule). The teacher who told her hardship and believe the good of me. The teacher who snatched and burned my ‘The Body Farm-Patricia Cornwell‘ novel cause she taught it was an adult novel. (Many of this stories is shared with my good friend Zuera. Hikhik.)

Happy Teachers Day. Thank you for making me, me. God had chosen me to be a teacher, because he knows that I can do it. He knows that I am capable of bringing mischievous students to the light side. He knows that I can change their life. He knows that I can be one. And I should never give up to be one.

Dengan ini saya mengucapkan selamat hari guru kepada semua rakan-rakan seperjuangan di IPBA, pensyarah-pensyarah IPBA, seniors of cohort 1 who had already become teachers, teachers in schools, MOE people, and the rest in teacher training institutes. May Allah bless your intention of becoming teacher. May Allah grant you strength and blessings. May Allah grant you reward of your good deeds and contribution of knowledge to others. Only Allah can reward us in thereafter and holds our hearts in this noble teaching profession.

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